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Pooja Malpani

Head of Engineering at Bloomberg Media

Trends in Web Development

Why is web development interesting? What are the challenges in the web world and how is it evolving? How do you become a great web developer? Join to hear multiple perspectives and answers to these questions and more from experienced web developers and senior managers.

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Melissa Carson

CEO/Founder at Crim Dell Consulting, LLC

Leading is an art, not a science

There are no perfect people.

There are no perfect leaders.

Leading is a "messy" job to do it effectively because we all come with different motivations, different ways of thinking, and different experiences.

It's time to rethink how we enable the leaders of the future. We need to rethink how we lead ourselves effectively and then find ways to harness the messy of our teams.

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Theresa Joseph

COO at Statusphere

What creating a start-up really looks like

Theresa Joseph is COO of Statusphere, a consumer-to-consumer marketing tech platform. She'll share her experience of starting a business that serves in today's digital world. She'll discuss how the business got started, what it's been like to scale the business and its team and things she's learned along the way.

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Alysia Eve

Director at Citrix & Co-founder of Women on Work

Technology and career progression. Designing an inclusive experience for women in tech

As technology innovation and broader acceptance and support of remote and hybrid work continue to transform the job market, women are much more likely to take advantage of increased flexibility in how, where and when they work. But these new opportunities threaten career growth for women without deliberate design and strategic execution by leaders. This session dives into:
• The latest technology trends and future innovation creating a dynamic and inclusive experience for all workers
• How managers and leaders can design an employee experience that overcomes proximity and… read more

Afreen Aliya

Software Developer

How to Build Security Within Your Application

Secure Design Principles are the industry best practices for building security into any platform regardless of the language or the operating system. In this session, participants learn about some of the secure design principles including defense-in-depth, how to keep security simple, minimizing attack surface, failing securely, and separation of duties. Additionally, they will also learn now to apply these principles to their own applications.

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Amy Yip

Life Transformation & Mental Fitness Coach at Amy Yip Coaching

How to Grow Your Mental Fitness: Shifting from Surviving to Thriving

If you’re physically fit, you’d be able to climb a steep hill without much physical stress. Same goes with mental fitness. The more mentally fit you are, the more you’ll be able to handle the stress, anxiety and frustrations that might come from work and personal life challenges.

Recent events such as the pandemic, disruption in financial markets, social unrest, and political changes have overstretched many of us.

Strengthening your Mental Fitness is the X Factor.
Your level of Mental Fitness is the best predictor of how happy you are and how well you… read more

Roja Boina

Software Engineering Senior Advisor at Evernorth

Data-Driven Decision Making

Data-driven decision making (DDDM) is making decisions supported by complex data rather than being intuitive or based solely on observation. As industry technology has improved exponentially in recent years, Data-driven decision-making has become a more fundamental part of many sectors, including essential fields like medicine, transportation, and equipment manufacture.

Data-driven decision making, also known as data-driven decision management or data-directed decision making, is a method of making decisions based on data.

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Jyo Shukla

Global Head of Customer success

From Customer-focused to customer-centric

Unlock unlimited growth potential for your business using your biggest advocates: your customers. Being a truly customer-centric organization goes beyond just having a customer success function. In this session, we will talk about some strategies that will help you adopt a company-wide customer-first mindset to fuel your growth.

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Natalie Monbiot

Head of Strategy at Hour One

Replacing cameras with code for the next generation of video communications

In the next 5 to 7 years the majority of content online will be generated by computers versus cameras. While this does present some challenges, it will also greatly improve a business's ability to communicate effectively with their customer, through presenter-led video. AI production will remove the friction in presenter-led video production, enabling a video-first internet and a new era of personalized communication.

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Keavy Murphy

Director of Security: Governance, Risk and Compliance at Starburst Data

The Cybersecurity Skills Gap: Leveraging Transferable Skills to Move Into the Field

Now more than ever, there is a shortage of security, compliance and risk management professionals, leading to challenges and roadblocks for companies of all sizes. Fortunately, this means that a career in the security space is within reach for those who do not have previous experience!

This presentation will focus on resume structuring and job applications, with a goal of providing attendees with actionable ways to showcase their previous experience in a way that allows them to successfully break into the security field.

Attendees will leave with knowledge of… read more

Jarell Oshodi

Deputy Chief Privacy Officer at Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC)

Data Privacy as a Competitive Differentiator

I discuss 6 strategic pillars of data privacy that reduce the risk of noncompliance, build client trust, and fuel growth.

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Aisha Lawrey

Global Head of Education Programs at AWS

How becoming a statue enhanced my advocacy and outreach STEM efforts

For many of us, advocacy and outreach of women in STEM was already a passion and routine in our daily lives. But it took AAAS (American Association for the Advancement of Science) and Lyda Hill Foundation to bring 120 IF/THEN Ambassadors all together to take our efforts to the next level. I am one of the faces of the IF/THEN Ambassadorship, and I want to share my story with you. I am a professional who uses my various talents to advocate for women in STEM.

If statues could speak, what would they say? Find out in this session, I'll discuss what it was like being featured… read more

Natoshia Anderson

Director of Facilities and Operations at Atlanta Technical College

Take Your Place: Using Your P.O.W.E.R to Lead

Women have always been in power to some degree. How did they do it? What we know is that communities, businesses, companies don't thrive without women and women in leadership. Through the principles of the P.O.W.E.R the audience will learn how women can effectively lead now and into the future.

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Daniela Herrera

Director, Recruitment Operations and EDI at R/GA

Is your Interview Process (Really) Inclusive?

Hiring a diverse team is imperative and needed –– but how do you, as a Leader, make sure that your hiring processes are intentionally inclusive? In this talk, we'll uncover how to identify inherent biases in your interview process, break down your talent attraction and hiring process to identify inclusivity opportunities, and discuss methods for expanding your talent pool.

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Sarah Baldeo

CEO at ID Quotient

Digital Identity - Enabling the Metaverse

This talk will focus on how digital identity will enable and inform a metaverse-focused Future of Work for AR/VR. As industries continue to evolve and undergo digital transformation change management strategies include establishing guardrails around remote work, fraud detection and cybersecurity. The intersectionality of digital identity and the metaverse bridge the gaps in building a foundation for decentralized approaches to a virtual social infrastructure.

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Karime Salomon

Quality Assurance Manager & Automation advisor

When leadership is the recipe and mentorship is the icing on the cake

Leadership is a never ending learning process, no matter how many years of experience you have, if you are just starting or if you already have a relevant amount of years as a leader in different fields, this is a place where we are always learning, the world is evolving and many things have changed so our path as leaders should evolve too, one of my main points to talk about is about the importance of mentorship and how easy could be for us as leaders to use the GROW model for mentorship. From my experience this is the best way to keep learning, whenever you offer your guidance to somebody… read more

Brittany Sherell

Executive Coach + TEDx Speaker at Elam & Co.

How to Overcome the Fear of Promoting Yourself

This session is for women executives and entrepreneurs who know they need to "put themselves out there" more to grow their leadership and/or business but anxiety, fear and insecurity seem to make your stomach do flips to even think about it.

You see others in your industry showing up big and crushing it, and you're tired of secretly wishing you knew their secrets to confidence.

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Nickoria Johnson

Chief Diversity Officer and Partner at Credera

The Intersectionality of Being a Black Woman in Tech: Take a walk with me

Growing up as a young Black girl pursing an education and career in technology, I have faced many barriers and challenges along the way, unique to my intersectional identity. I wrote an open letter to my Black Girls in Tech which I would start with. I hope that sharing my personal journey, lessons learned, and data points around walking this walk hopefully will foster a new thread of empathy, inspire others to persevere, lean in, and uplift others, regardless of their race or gender.

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Becky Gandillon

Practice Lead, Data & Analytics at Centric Consulting

Hacking Your Vacation: Using Data Science For Fun

Data can be powerful, meaningful, AND fun. Making data-driven decisions can level up your family vacation from awful to awesome. In this session, attendees will walk through a specific example showing how to analyze various data sources to avoid crowds, save money, and piece together a Disney World vacation that's more enjoyable for everyone. By walking through this process, attendees will learn the three keys to approaching data science problems: set goals, identify data sources, and then use results to get curious and ask more questions!

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Basia Coulter

Lead, Business Hacking for Life Sciences at Globant

Hacking the Gap Between Business and Technology

We're living through a time of extraordinary changes: technological, climate, and societal. Last year’s "IDC FutureScape: Worldwide IT Industry" predicted that 65% of global GDP will have been digitized by 2022. To adapt to the ongoing external change, and to become future-ready, organizations reinvent their business and operating models by leveraging modern technologies. And yet, 70% of change efforts fail to achieve their goals, largely due to lack of adoption. To reinvent themselves and to drive adoption of change from within, companies must rethink how they work. That… read more