Let's increase your emotional intelligence

Automatic Summary

Understanding Emotional Intelligence: The Key to Success

Emotional intelligence is a powerful predictor of professional success and personal satisfaction. But what exactly is it and how can we improve it? In this blog post, Yasna Beech, a certified emotional intelligence coach, breaks down the importance of this compelling topic, and even delivers two exercises that may boost your self-confidence.

Defining Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is one's ability to be conscious of their own feelings, understand other people's feelings and use these perceptions to communicate efficiently. Yasna identifies four main areas:

  1. Self-Awareness: Recognizing your feelings and understanding your strengths and weaknesses.
  2. Self-Management: Controlling your behavior, regardless of your feelings. This includes aspects such as stress management, resilience, and the ability to adapt to changes.
  3. Social Awareness: Understanding other people's emotions and sensing the social dynamics within an organization.
  4. Relationship Management: Effective communication, conflict resolution, teamwork, collaboration and networking fall under this category.

The Importance of Emotional Intelligence

Why is emotional intelligence crucial? Yasna gives us three main reasons:

  • People with high emotional intelligence generally feel happier and more content with their lives.
  • Individuals with a high level of emotional intelligence also possess better marketability in the labor market.
  • Last but not least, people with higher emotional intelligence are observed to have long-lasting and healthier relationships.

What's more, emotional intelligence can be improved by up to 25%, making it a field worthy of continuous personal development.

Practical Exercises for Boosting Your Self-Esteem

Yasna offers two simple exercises to help boost your self-esteem - a crucial facet of emotional intelligence.

1. Gratitude Journaling

Every night before going to bed, dedicate 10 minutes to note down at least three positive things that happened during the day which you influenced.

2. Power Poses

Adopt certain "power poses" for a minute whenever you need an immediate self-confidence boost. This could be before an essential meeting or when facing a stressful situation.


Emotional intelligence is essential for both professional and personal growth. By increasing our awareness of our own and others' emotions, improving our emotional management, and enhancing our self-esteem, we can lead more fulfilled, successful lives.

Implement these insights and tips from certified coach Yasna to embark on your emotional intelligence development journey today. She encourages the practice of gratitude journaling and power poses to boost your self-esteem instantly.

Remember, emotional intelligence is an ongoing journey - there's always room for growth, development, and enhancement. Begin your journey today and discover the transformative power of emotional intelligence.

Video Transcription

So today, uh we will learn about emotional intelligence, what it is uh how you can develop it and uh why it's so important. And I will show you two practical exercises for boosting self-confidence.I prepared the wonderful presentation, but I decided that I will not, I will not show you this presentation, but I will go like this because simply because I can see the chat and uh I can see your messages while I'm talking and it will be more interactive if we can discuss it this way.

OK. So my name is Yasna Beech and uh I'm coming from Montenegro. It's a small country on the Adriatic Sea. I spent more than 20 years in IC T and uh more than 13 years in executive roles, more than three years in marketing and sales. And uh what I learned from this uh corporate life is that it is not enough that you are a good uh with some technical skills that you are expert in something, but that you need to have developed emotional intelligence. And therefore I uh uh educated myself more about this. And uh in 2019, I became a certified coach for emotional intelligence. But what is emotional intelligence? Do you know what is emotional intelligence? I would like to hear if somebody feels that he knows what is emotional intelligence, I will tell you. Of course. What do you say? Do you know what is emotional intelligence? Yes. No. Ok. Emotional intelligence is about being aware of yourself, of your emotions. That's true as well.

Trying to use emotions to communicate effectively. That's true as well. Uh But uh first of all, it's about self awareness. So, are you aware of your own feelings? How you feel? What makes you feel like that? Uh Are you aware of your strengths and weaknesses? And what is your self-confidence? That is uh self-awareness? Then we have a self management and that means that actually, despite how we feel we are able to manage our behavior and uh in self management uh belongs uh several competencies of emotional intelligence. It's like stress management, resilience.

Um it's um ability to accept change and uh uh creativity and innovation and so on. Then we have social awareness, which actually means uh that uh people with uh high social awareness, intelligence can uh understand how other people feel and as well they can sense very well uh uh climate in an organization, they can understand who holds power in an organization because sometimes it's not the people who have formal power like managers, diet sources on.

Sometimes there are some people that are not so obvious uh are ruling the, the the company or something. And then we have um relationship management. There belongs uh communication, very important skill but not only communication, there is uh conflict management of uh teamwork, collaboration and something very important for us as well. Uh Women, it's networking. Uh because some scientific research shows that 30 that 60% of our success in companies actually depends on our networking skills. There is leadership uh between relationship management and so on. But why is emotional intelligence so important for you? Now, it will be best time that I share my presence if I want so. So I will try to do so because I want to show you something, OK, this light uh there are three main reasons why you should pay attention to emotional intelligence. The first one is that people with higher emotional intelligence feels happier and more satisfied in life and that's so important. Another is connected with c finds why? Because there is direct connection between a level of your emotional intelligence and your attractiveness on labor market.

And moreover, it's scientifically proven that people with higher emotional intelligence earns 33% more than others. And now when you are happy and when you are fine with your finance, then of course, you have more time and will to think about relationships. And people with high emotional intelligence have um a long lasting and healthier relationship in comparison with others. And there is one great thing about emotional intelligence. It's so great and it's uh the fact that it can be improved by 25%. Each of us here could work on improving our emotional intelligence. Unlike cognitive one, because cognitive cannot be improved in our age. But emotional intelligence can and how you can develop it. You can work with psychologists or certified coaches or you can do it by yourself by reading some books and trying to apply what you learn from them in everyday life. Or you can attend some trainings. Like for example, there are a lot of trainings, you can find them online or in uh um on some sites uh alive, you can find trainings about uh stress management, uh time management, which actually uh affects stress management. You can find a lot of trainings about communication, networking, uh conflict management, leadership and so on. But one research shows that 71% of people consider existing solutions for development of emotional intelligence as expensive, complex and time consuming.

And we know that we need to increase it if we wanna be employable and attractive on, on labor market. Uh Moreover, there is research uh done by World Economic Forum which says that in 2030 uh in order that a person is employable to have a job and this is basic media, we need to have a job, we need to earn money, we, we need to live there um that in order to have a job in 2030 people, person need to increase emotional intelligence by 26%.

UNICEF put emotional intelligence among top skills for digital age as well. And still people are considering existing solutions for development of emotional intelligence expecting complex and time consuming. So we have a problem. Uh Therefore, um last year I started the start up, uh I will just show you briefly, it's not ready yet, it will be ready very soon. It's a mobile app, it's digital emotional intelligence coach, which will be no time consuming, amusing and affordable. We got support from U NDP in developing it and I will be happy to present it to you once when it's ready. But now we will deal with boosting of your self esteem. So we will perform two practical exercises in order to boost your self esteem. So I will just stop sharing. Ok, I'm back. Ok. Thank you for being here. So two practical exercises. But first of all, why is self esteem so important? It is important because it um it has impact on how we perceive ourselves. And if we perceive ourselves badly, uh if we have low self esteem, then we will not. Uh we do not believe that we are worth of promotions uh of some good things that can happen in our lives that we are not worth of love. And this is the issue and as, as well, if other perceives us uh uh as a person that's not worth of something it will affect us. So it has implications on our career and on our private life. Therefore, you should work on this.

Uh So first practical exercise is very simple. It's uh about a diary, it's about gratitude diary. So you just need a notebook, you need a pen and you need some time before you go to sleep. So before your bedtime, take like 10 minutes and think about all the good things, but at least three good things that happened this day and that you somehow impacted that. Like, for example, today I gave presentation in front of you on a big conference and uh I'm so proud of myself because I managed to get out of my comfort zone and to uh speak in front of all of you. Or uh my, my son told me that that he's so happy that I'm his mother because I'm so good in explaining him some history lessons. So these things do not write inside like today, sunny day. So this is a good thing. This is a good thing. Indeed, indeed, but you didn't affect it. So try to put in this diary each day, three good things that happen, but you influence them to happen. And over time very soon in a few days, you will start to appreciate yourself more and you will start to be aware how great you are. So this is first exercise, the second one for the second one. Uh I will need to stand up.

So I pushed my chair. Uh It's about power poses. Maybe you heard about this because there is a great speech on Ted X uh given by Amy Cadi and it says like uh fake it until you make it till you become it. So you will simply pretend like you have self-confidence. I know that it doesn't sound, sound easy, but it's quite easy. So you can just, I can just show you two power poses. The first one is like you are just sitting like this, your back is straight and hold your hands like this. OK? For one minute. And you can as well repeat yourself like I am so self-confident or something like this that can boost your self esteem. One minute is enough and you can do it prior some important meeting or uh whenever you, you need immediate boost of self-confidence. And another exercise is that actually you stand up like this, you cannot see me fully but OK, and you strike this wonder woman power calls for one minute and look, I know the time up might look funny, but I'm not afraid to look funny if it can help somebody to boost his self esteem.

It's a great thing. OK. So try these exercises and it will really help you to instantly boost self esteem. And there is a third exercise as well. But I do not have time now to show you. But you can investigate on the net. It's about assertive communication. Assertive communication is so important because it will help you in setting boundaries. It will help you to learn how to say no, but gracefully respecting yourself and respecting others. And over time, you will really build very healthy relationship with others and you will boost your self esteem.

If somebody is interested, I can send you PDF with this assertive communication exercise and like 10 examples so that you can figure out how to apply it in everyday situation. But now I will leave you time for questions and answers. I will share with you uh informations in chat. So you can connect with me and if somebody had some version, you can type it here. Mhm OK. So as of the communication, as the communication is a communication that helps you to openly communicate. What do you want or what do you, what you don't want uh but respecting other people's views, attitudes and feelings. And uh uh there is a great thing about a communication. It is that um it is very similar uh for uh as algorithm. So we who are good in tech and in programming, we can learn this pattern so we can learn this pattern and then we can apply it in everyday life. Mhm uh Arzu, I will be happy to connect with you. You can of course, send me I, I left my linkedin uh link so you can send me a linkedin invitation and I will be happy to connect with you and uh to chat about emotional intelligence or whatever. I really believe in sharing. Uh because you need to give something in order that uh you can receive something and we can go together. Yeah. Um In the past, it was believed that women have more uh issues with self-confidence.

But latest research has shown that uh self confidence is actually uh uh the level of self-confidence is quite similar uh for males and females or women and men better say saying and uh uh but uh women, we are more prone to self criticism and we are more prone uh to uh seeing negative things about uh a a around us and we had issues with setting boundaries which overall uh affects, affects self esteem.

So, thank you for today's sessions. Thank you for being here and uh see you on linkedin or via email or some other communication channel.