Skills for the Future of Work by Gladis Araujo

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Embrace Future of Work: Cultivate Lifelong Learning

With an extensive background in global leadership positions and currently driving a monumental project around digital transformation in global Quality for one of the leading multinational companies, Mattel, I, Gladys Araujo, am excited about sharing insights on reskilling and upskilling for the future of work.

Rising Unemployment Rates: Prepping for New Job Roles

Unfortunately, a crisis is looming with new jobs being created and old ones becoming extinct. According to MNC, about 46% of jobs globally will be displaced. In Latin America, this figure ranges between 54% and 74%. What's more, it is postulated that about 65% of the jobs we have today may not exist tomorrow. Even though new job creation may outweigh job displacement figures significantly, failing to act now may not only lead to heightened unemployment rates but also leave organizations struggling to find the talent required.

Importance of Upskilling and Reskilling

Proactive action in upskilling and reskilling is imperative if we are to prevent the impending skills gap crisis. According to Gartner, a shocking 81% of companies are unprepared or are doing nothing to address this crisis, proving that it is an opportune time to act upon this.

Triggers and Path Forward

It is crucial to understand first-hand where these skill gaps lie, what's causing them, and how to go about filling them. Three key aspects I will be discussing on the need for reskilling and upskilling are: Why it's happening, which critical skills are required, and what the roadmap forward is.

Skills for the Future of Work

The Emergence of Necessary Skills

The modern world exists in uncertainty, volatility, and high complexity. As such, the skills required to navigate it have changed. Top skill areas necessary for the future include self-leadership, interpersonal, cognitive, and digital literacy, with lifelong learning forming the core.

  • Self-Leadership: Traits such as anti-fragility, self-motivation, wellness, self-awareness, and self-management are required.
  • Interpersonal: Emphasizes the need to effective communication, collaboration, leadership, and empathy.
  • Cognitive: Centers around problem-solving, critical thinking, and creative thinking.
  • Digital Literacy: The influence of technology and importance of having a digital mindset cannot be understated.

Path Forward

  • For both individuals and organizations, it is essential to analyze industry trends and identify the subsequent gap in required skills.
  • Engage in short, on-the-job training to develop these missing skills.
  • Partner with universities, other companies, and government bodies to enhance the learning and development process.
  • Above all else, cultivate a mindset of lifelong learning.

To illustrate the successful implementation, the case of Singapore stands out. They have a systematic approach to upskilling and reskilling which involves creating awareness, analyzing personal skills set and the available jobs, and defining a path forward. They even go the extra mile to provide coaching support.

Preparing for Tomorrow, Today

In conclusion, the importance of continual learning and skills development cannot be overstated. Without taking necessary action, we risk facing a talent crisis. Ensure to stay relevant by identifying and developing the skills matched to the trends of your industry.

Contact Information

For more insightful discussions on this topic, or if you have any questions or need further clarification, feel free to email me at (insert email) or connect with me on my LinkedIn (provide the LinkedIn link).

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