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Jeannette Grace

CEO at Expressive! Communication Consulting & Training

What Psychological Safety Has to Do with IT

The workplace has changed and so have employee needs. Remote work has removed geographic barriers and increased access to your talent. What is preventing your best people from leaving? What are you doing to create environments where employees do their best work and produce best results? Research shows us that the answer is to create psychological safety. Learn what you need to do.

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Jeannette Grace

CEO at Expressive! Communication Consulting & Training

Secrets of People We Like to Work for and With

The company you want to work for. The leader whose team you want to be on. The coworker you want to collaborate with. These are all people with G Factor – gravitational pull. It is what makes people trust you and want to work with you or for you. Over 800 working people across the United States were surveyed, uncovering the secrets of people with G Factor. Learn if you have it and how to get more of it.

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Sheena Franklin

Founder, CEO at K'ept Health

Designing w/ a User Centric Approach for Better Adoption

Presentation based on recent research and company internal research of 2K women to discuss and debunk long-held beliefs about design and adoption. The discussion will include examples and practical steps on how to use a user-centric model to create products with better engagement and brand affinity. 

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AL-Nisa McNealy

Sr. Agile Product Owner at Blue Cross Blue Shield & Woman Business & CONVO Podcast Host

3, 2, 1 THRIVE!

Determining your individual Value Proposition, Conquering fear associated with career transitions, Improving Self Confidence ( SWOT Analysis), Change Management.

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Morgan Newman

Director - Investments at Oppenheimer & Co. Inc.

Women & Money - Take Control of Your Financial Future

Money - the thing we don't want to talk about but has a major impact on our lives. Knowing where to turn to get the right information for you, especially in male-dominated fields like tech, can be overwhelming and intimidating. Through this workshop, we'll do a deep dive on the relationship between women & money, providing you with a roadmap to take charge of your financial future. While women today have never been in a better position to achieve financial security for themselves or their families, women face unique financial challenges - even more so during the COVID-19 "… read more

Adriana Romero Soriano

Research Scientist / Adjunct Professor at Facebook AI Research / McGill University

Seeing the unseen: inferring unobserved information from multi-modal data

As humans we can never fully observe the world around us and yet we are able to build remarkably useful models of it from our limited sensory data. Machine learning systems are often required to operate in a similar setup, that is the one of inferring unobserved information from the observed one. Partial observations entail data uncertainty, which may hinder the quality of the model predictions. In this talk, we will discuss two strategies to mitigate this problem: (1) leveraging the complementarity of different data modalities, and (2) actively acquiring additional information from the same… read more

Simone Ross

Founder, CEO, Community Leader, Entrepreneur at Simone D. Ross LLC.

Talking About Race at Work

Diversity in the workforce is no longer just about including different types of people, it’s about creating space to share different ideas and valuing different perspectives within a diverse workforce.

Diversity creates dimension in an organization and translates into greater innovation, enhanced decision-making, and more thorough problem solving for those that embrace it well.

During this session, Simone will address how to create intersectional workforces and share her passion around building empowered, educated, and safe communities that inspire all for… read more

Shawn Wildermuth

Educator/Filmmaker at Wilder Minds LLC

Diversity for Better Software: Pragmatic Reasons to Have Diverse Teams

In my past five years, I’ve been investigating and interviewing a series of developers about the problems of diversity in software. Both women and people of color still represent a smaller share of developers than they should. In this keynote, Shawn will talk about pragmatic reasons to diversity and add inclusion to make software better, not just for the social justice reasons. This is an extension of my documentary film called "Hello World".

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Erika Shepard

CEO | Founder | Coach | Healer at Erika Shepard LLC

Peace Over Perfect

We live in a time of high achievement. We’re working long hours, have increased pressure to provide and perform and try to do everything “right.” With this comes a lot of pressure put on ourselves, increased stress, debilitating anxiety, and lack of joy. On the outside things can seem perfect, but on the inside, we can feel like we’re falling short. So how do we restore that feeling of good enough?
In this talk, Erika shares simple practices to leave the perfectionism behind, maintain a healthy work performance, and invite you to reconnect to more peace, calm and joy in your everyday… read more

Kandis O’Brien

Co-Founder at The SIX

Redesigning Your Organization for Innovation

Delivery is hard and staying aligned is even harder especially as companies scale. In Redesigning Your Organization for Innovation, let’s explore how companies and teams can use the methods of design and vision sprints to co-create more adaptive and resilient organizations, improve ways of working and amplify your teams’ ability to define and achieve shared goals.

Organizations are constantly evolving human networks. To shape their direction and momentum, leaders must address:
-The five essential dimensions of organizational design
-Balancing Alignment and… read more

Lucinda Cross

CEO and Founder at Activate World Wide LLC.

Activate Your Life

Discussion around productivity, priority, and overcoming obstacles and challenges for personal and professional development.

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Katie Schuele

Co-Founder & Chief Customer Officer at Boostr

Did I Say That Out Loud?: How My Foot in Mouth Stepped Into Common Ground

Any woman who has made it in tech has run the requisite gauntlet of male dominated boardrooms, striving to hide emotions in the face of underestimation, disregard, or intimidation. There are few female executives who have not wanted to shout out “I don't want to join this f*@king call" at one time or another. When a young female cutting her teeth at IBM inadvertently said exactly such a thing to a room of male executives, she had no idea that the faux-pas would teach her a lesson that would inform her fundamental leadership philosophy until this very day. How should young, capable… read more

Mikaela Pisani

Sr Data Scientist @ Rootstrap & Managing Director at Girls In Tech Uruguay

How Women Need To Be Involved In Data Science To Prevent Bias In Algorithms

Bias In Data Science:
In Data Science, algorithmic bias refers to errors in the results of machine learning algorithms due to erroneous assumptions in the implementation of the solution. Several factors can influence algorithmic bias, some of them refer to the data presented, where others are a result of bias that humans already have. As data science is being applied in more and more industries, it’s important that we start this conversation around bias in data science to allow us to get ahead of the game and prevent as much of it as possible.
People often ask me why… read more

Sharmeen Khan

Founder/ CMO at OpsSmart Global

Interoperability Leads to Traceability

A fishery knows what it caught. A processor knows what it receives and dispatches. A farmer provider knows what he is harvesting from his shrimp pond. And a retail store knows what inventory it’s holding. But the information is largely siloed within each supply chain player’s organization, making it hard to follow the custody of every item across its lifecycle. The lifecycle journey - from fin to plate is, for the vast majority of goods, a black hole of insight. In order, to create true farm to fork traceability each stakeholder must share their data with other stakeholders in the supply… read more

Evan Zhang

Sr. Technical Product Manager at Ocrolus

Demonstrating the Machine Learning Cycle

The Machine Learning Fly Wheel: Optimizing the process of creating a set of training for continuous machine learning

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Ciera Lowe

Data Engineering Tech Lead at Ocrolus

Diversity Leadership in Technology

Hiring, developing and challenging a diverse workforce.

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Shereen Anis

Chief Technology Officer at Representation Counts

The old system isn't working. So I invented a new one

How the old system has failed so many people, and how inclusion of women, BIPOC/POC requires a completely new system and fresh perspective to begin including more people.

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Annie Scranton

Founder & President at Pace Public Relations

What's BYOP? 5 Steps to Being Your Brand's Own Publicist

Whether your startup has been around for six months, a year, even five years, there's one thing that every entrepreneur will enviably have trouble with — securing press for your company. A PR pro with nearly a decade of experience, Annie knows the ins and outs on how to obtain top press mentions for startups. From securing niche media mentions and leveraging them to bigger journalists to humanizing your pitch and creating unique narratives, Annie will provide 5 tactical tips on how to get your startup in the media.

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Sierra Sparks

Incoming Doctoral Candidate, Department of Engineering Science at University of Oxford

A Designer's Responsibility for Inclusive Design in Tech

The designs and products produced by engineers, designers, and developers inherently affect the societies in which they are implemented, whether for better or for worse. Often times, new designs and technologies are developed without fully addressing this impact, and without full consideration of the needs for inclusive designs - designs that consider a wide variety of end-users and that actively work to eliminate bias or discriminative designs in their technologies. A lack of consideration for discriminative design can result in a discriminatory society, and a lack of diversity in design… read more

Nadine Alameh

CEO at Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC)

The Power of Location

It’s 2021 and the world is finally recognizing that Location indeed matters! There’s this energizing and undeniable recognition of the value of Location – now way beyond our traditional community of geospatial experts and users. With our collective appetite for – even reliance upon – data, the future is clearly in data integration, in creating knowledge and insights out of the overwhelming amount of data out there. As a community of geospatial experts, we have an opportunity, an incentive – an impetus, even – to make data integration as seamless as possible. Let’s together unleash the power… read more