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Sasha Schriber

CEO at Nanos AI

Machine Learning Company 101 - How To Create a Tech Startup from Scratch

This is a hands-on non-tech talk about how to build a machine learning company from scratch. It touches upon several key aspects of building and running a tech startup - product, data, hiring, stocks, fundraising, and marketing.

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Sara Mancini

Manager at PwC Italy

Not all that glitters is gold: what does it mean to use AI responsibly?

AI and other disruptive technologies are nowadays broadly used, and they will be embedded everywhere even more in the future. Organisations are increasingly adopting AI solutions benefitting from cost optimisation and new opportunities for business growth.
But … not all that glitters is gold! In fact, recent news unveiled the risks to which organisations expose themselves when they are not carefully overseeing and monitoring the development and use of AI solutions.
What are the ethical risks of AI? How can AI risks be measured and mitigated? What are the key elements of a… read more

Pinar Oncu

CEO at AtlasOffice

Digital Workspaces and Immersive Business Platforms

The working culture is transforming rapidly. Remote working method has suddenly be the major part of our lives with the global pandemic. Although it seemed to be a pandemic-spesific situation in earlier stages, many business giants has started announcing that they will never or partially return to their physical offices no matter the pandemic ends or not. The research foundations have got strong indicators and projections about the future of work.

Decision of accepting remote working permanently has got strong backstage profits to the companies economically and ecologically.… read more

Marta Klimowicz

Head of Growth at Monterail

How to achieve growth by aligning marketing, sales, and customer success

Digital marketing is no longer enough to achieve the efficient growth of the product. In order to make sure you meet your goals, you need to align the marketing efforts with the sales process, and with the customer experience. It all became a part of a modern growth marketing offering new opportunities to the team members and their organizations.

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Katarzyna Tatomir-Rebeś

COO at Monterail

I’ve been a developer, a manager, and now a COO. This is what I’ve learned.

Not many people had the opportunity to go through so many roles in one organisation. I want to share the lessons I’ve gathered after my transition from a tech role - Ruby on Rails developer, to a manager and then to COO. I’d like to highlight what each role has taught me and what the important differences between being a developer and a manager are. I’d like to touch base in specific topics such as:
- Overcoming the obstacles of being the only female developer in the room
- Key differences between these roles
- The mindset needed in development and in management… read more

Ana Jiménez

Senior Data Analyst & Transformation Lead at GFT

Back to the Future: a path with no roads!

2020 was a kind of impasse and now it’s time to go back…to the future.
There are no roads for that, how do the technology companies need to adapt? How do the office spaces need to be redefined? What will be their purpose…if any? And how we can attract and retain talent in such a virtual world?
I’m sure you’ve read many articles with theories, predictions and hypothesis but if you want to hear from a real experience then this session is for you. What did it work for our speaker’s company? what are the lessons learnt from the failures? how can you put a plan and a roadmap into… read more

Martine Antonio

IP Sales Director Europe and Israel at Synopsys

Why Building Diversity and Parity Teams in High Tech Matters

Sharing experience on building an international team including diversity and gender parity and the value it adds to a company

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Orlaith O'Sullivan

Mindfulness & happiness cultivator / Founder at Dr Orlaith O'Sullivan: Mindfulness Training & Consultancy

Don't wait to be happy

Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh says, 'There is no way to happiness. Happiness is the way.' Often we wait for something to change before we can let ourselves feel easeful and happy. But we can train ourselves to wake up and notice the goodness in this perfectly imperfect moment.

This is a practical session for us to explore mindfulness & happiness practices that can establish us in this moment with clarity and openness. That's where the best decisions and planning come from! From this foundation, we are able to say 'no' with an open heart and know that… read more

Ozioma Egwuonwu

Chief Strategic Transformation Officer at BurnBright International

Reinventing Company Culture

A revolution is taking place in the workplace. Every organization is being invited, in fact, compelled to transform. The increasingly pervasive call for more diverse, inclusive, adaptive, and collaborative company cultures is finally being heard. In order to answer this call, companies and leaders will need to embrace new mindsets, motivations, models, and methods to move their organizations forward. In this transformational talk, cultural strategy expert, Ozioma Egwuonwu will present a powerful framework and offer transformative insights that will help ignite a fresh perspective and approach… read more

Tara Osullivan

Chief marketing officer at Immedis

Getting more women in leadership positions

COVID has had a negative impact on women in the workforce, with our involvement dropping to 46%. This session covers very practical ways to recover from this disaster.

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Joanna Płaskonka

Scrum Master at Nomagic

Scrum meets Robotics - welcome to #Nomagic world!

Some people claim that Agile might be beneficial for software teams only. Nothing could be more wrong! For sure some of the challenges differ, especially when you have a tangible, physical product like a robot. But still Professional Scrum, its pillars and values can be your compass on a way of creating valuable, usable products by great teams. Looking for inspiration on how to work in an iterative and incremental way with a focus on a culture of openness, experimentation and data-driven approach? You should not miss that talk!

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Meiraj Ahmed

Global Brand Development Specialist

Growing up around 40+ Women and How that pushed to changed the world and make it a better place

My mum was an Entrepreneur, she used to run a hostel for over 50 working women and students every year, I grew up learning, listening and solving different problems. Today as a global brand specialist, I have supported brands, leaders ajd startups to unleash their fullest potential with brand development, marketing communication and creative campaigns. My childhood steered me towards working on women empowerment, diversity and inclusion campaigns and events as an external consultant for global brands like Accenture, Qualcomm, General Electric, Diageo etc.

I also developed an… read more

Lena Reinhard

Vice President, Product Engineering at CircleCI

Showing up as a Leader in Times of Change

It is said that fast-growing startups are basically new companies at every new stage of growth. As someone who has experienced frequent change - in both my personal career and my leadership role at CircleCI - I have come accustomed to it and have learned not only how to adapt, but to thrive in the face of change and rapid growth.

In this talk, I will share the many personas of rapid growth (what it can look and feel like), along with tips and strategies to help keep a high-performing team unwavered in any instance of growth and change, while helping them come out stronger on… read more

Antea Ivanovic

Management Consulting Manager at Accenture

Rapid Reskilling - When Creativity Meets Complexity

Emerging digital technologies and the new business landscape are radically disrupting traditional ways of organizing work and workforce expectations, driving the need for digitally enabled capability development models. How to build right customized learning experiences that enable rapid reskilling and upskilling of the workforce and empower them to rotate to the new? How to build a high performing workforce and improve performance through effective, new age, digital learning solutions? Digital disruption and current circumstances are changing the nature of work, requiring the workforce to… read more

Susanna Kosic

Tech Lead at Playtech

Craft a bullet proof components library

Do you ever feel like your team is fixing same bugs over and over across multiple views of your application? Is your frontend development time taking longer than expected? Are you tired of reimplementing the wheel? Would you like to be able to quickly build new views reusing components and scale UI in a robust way?

In this session we are going to discuss the importance of applying SOLID principles to frontend development / UI using React and Storybook to build reusable components.

- Challenges of frontend/UI development
- Applying SOLID principles to UI… read more

Stephanie Jakoubi

co-founder sec4dev Conference and Bootcamp at SBA Research

200 Stories - of women in IT. We Are No Aliens!

The talk will tell 200 stories of women in IT.
Stories about:
- when and through whom they got in touch with IT the first time
- what they love about their job in IT
- advice for young girls
- mentors, role models, and the power of networks
- recommended networks
I want to empower women to get into IT and to embrace their possibilities of thousands of specializations and fields of expertise in IT.

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Beatrix Willburger

Medical Developer

Against all odds - Why endurance is a worthy challenge

Much is said today about diversity & inclusion, a topic women face on a daily basis. With a severe physical handicap one is facing unique and additional challenges in daily life, in society, as well as in the world of work.
At some point, when my handicap got worse over a period of 15 years, I was forced to give up my job. I was able to overcome this situation: I was fighting for a live changing surgery that reduced my spasticity and I spent countless hours on my workouts. Endurance was one of the main factors that helped me reach my goals. Finally I improved my health… read more

Joanna Otmianowska

Frontend Engineer at OLX Group

Surprising skills that will make you a better software developer

Is a non-technical background always bad for a software developer?
How you can embrace your previous work experience and make use of it in a coding job? Even if this previous experience we are talking about is being a mystery shopper.
Is it possible to master programming skills better thanks to learning a foreign language?
What sales job has in common with your demo meeting?
During my talk I would like to take you on a journey of surprising skills that will make you a better developer. By answering questions above, I will show you what you can do to be a programmer… read more

Orit Wasserman

Openshift Container Storage Architect at Red Hat

Storing your data in the cloud: doing it right

We all use cloud object storage extensively, like Amazon S3, Azure Blob Storage, Google Cloud Storage, and others. However, not many utilize its unique capabilities and advanced features, such as versioning, security, life cycle...

Throughout my work developing Ceph object storage and supporting large customers, I’ve seen a lot of incorrect and suboptimal usage. This session will briefly discuss object storage design, highlight valuable features and review practical dos and don’ts.

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Dominika Dudek

Diversity & Inclusion Specialist at Monterail

How to build inclusive communication in an organization

Communication is a powerful tool: it shapes attitudes, perceptions and behaviors; reflects the world, in which we would like to live and work.

Words and pictures are important: if we are not aware of the thought patterns that make us choose a given language form or a given illustration, we can discriminate with communication. Language changes - words evolve, and the way we use them should evolve with them. Gender-sensitive or gender-neutral language, free from prejudices, allows us to move away from the old days’ ideas about men, women, people with disabilities, or other social… read more