Women in Tech Resources by WomenTech Team

Women CEOs: AI Could Make It Harder for Women To Get to C-Suite Positions

Posted on WomenTech Team

AI bias puts females in a disadvantageous position for c-suite jobs.

21 Accelerators, Incubators, Programs and More for Female Founders

Posted on WomenTech Team

In the US, only about 9 percent of venture-backed entrepreneurs are women. Less than 3 percent of the $130B+ given every year out of VC funding goes to female founders…

WomenTech Global Awards 2020 Winners: Upskill & Reskill Program

Posted on WomenTech Team

🏆 These top programs help people upskill and reskill to start and grow their careers in tech! Here are the winners for the Upskill and Reskill Program of the Year 2020.

WomenTech Global Awards 2020 Winners: Diversity & Inclusion Initiative - People

Posted on WomenTech Team

🏆 After the WomenTech Network Diversity & Inclusion Initiative of the Year 2020 teams/programs, we're announcing the winner who is leading initiatives within companies.

WomenTech Global Awards 2020 Winners: Ambassador Award Contributions 1

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🏆 We’re excited to announce the first group of winners of the WomenTech Network Global Ambassador Award 2020:

WomenTech Global Awards 2020 Winners: Disability Inclusion Award

Posted on WomenTech Team

🏆 We’re celebrating inclusivity with the next winners for the WomenTech Global Awards 2020.

The Disability Inclusion Award 2020 goes to:

WomenTech Global Awards 2020 Winners: IT Graduate of the Year

Posted on WomenTech Team

🎓 It’s time to present you the future tech leaders and changemakers, our WomenTech Network IT Graduate of the Year Award 2020 winners:

WomenTech Global Awards 2020 Winners: Global AI Inclusion

Posted on WomenTech Team

👩‍💻 These women are at the forefront of the efforts to make the world and AI more inclusive and winners of the Global AI Inclusion Award 2020!