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Jamie Martin

Executive Coach to Women on the Rise at Jamie Martin Coaching

Invisible to Influential: Mastering the Art of Visibility

Do you crave the recognition you deserve for your hard work? Ever wonder why others get acknowledged while your efforts go unnoticed? It’s not about being more talented, working harder or being smarter.

They get recognized because they’ve mastered the art of visibility! It’s a skill you can learn. Join me as we explore the power of visibility to finally get the recognition you’ve earned.

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Elena Leonova

SVP product at Spryker

Leading Against the Grain: My Journey to Product Leadership Amidst Challenges and Stereotypes

In this candid and empowering talk, I'll share my personal journey to product leadership—a path laden with unexpected obstacles, cultural biases, and professional roadblocks. From starting as a business analyst in Kiev to becoming an executive product leader, I've faced challenges related to gender, culture, and language. Yet, I've navigated these obstacles with resilience and strategic action. Attendees will gain insights into how to tackle similar challenges head-on, without losing their integrity or vision for success.

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Nancy Parsons

President at CDR Companies, LLC

Women Are Creating the Glass Ceiling & Have the Power to End It

Despite healthy investments and the best intentions to end the glass ceiling for women, it is not working, and we are going in the wrong direction! If we stay on the current trajectory, it will take about 400 years for women to attain just 50% of the CEO positions at Fortune 500 companies. In this presentation, Nancy shares stunning personality research that sheds new light on why the glass ceiling really exists and new solutions to end this blockage in a decade. Nancy will also dispel harmful myths and explain how the blame game, finger pointing, and women holding onto the victim mentality,… read more

Suba Vasudevan

Senior Vice President, Strategy & Operations at Mozilla Corporation

Investing in GenAI - going from the abstract to concrete (vision to strategy to roadmaps)

A lot has been said about GenAI. Every day we hear about companies pledging billions of dollars to invest in GenAI at their companies. But the reality is many in the C-suite don't know what it means. Many boards continue to ask their companies to not miss this technology revolution.
But how exactly will GenAI revolutionize different industries? And how do you take something like a GenAI idea, vision or framework you may have for your company and turn it into a tangible strategy followed by product roadmaps?
When will this reality actually pay off?
I will bring my… read more

Vicky DiGiovanni

Coach, Consultant and Business Owner at Fresko Coaching & Consulting

It is Not Just Technology: Adding Value to People, Teams & Projects

One can not truly understand and work with others until you understand how others see where and how you add value to others and projects. Strengths can come so naturally that you many overlook your greatest asset. Once you understand yourself, you can appreciate other strengths allowing you to communicate, collaborate and influence more effectively.

In this session, you will learn how to quickly determine your greatest asset, how to apply it with others and communicate more effectively. You will also understand people's triggers and how to work through roadblocks to… read more

Liji Thomas

Manager, Generative AI at HRBlock

Inclusive Intelligence: Elevating Women's Voices in AI Development

In the rapidly evolving landscape of artificial intelligence (AI), diversity, particularly the inclusion of women, plays a critical role in shaping ethical and effective AI systems. This session explores the imperative need for greater female representation in AI and how it impacts the development of this transformative technology. We will delve into the current state of gender diversity in AI, examining the challenges and opportunities it presents.

The session will highlight how women bring unique perspectives to AI development, leading to more inclusive and unbiased… read more

Cheryl Cooper

President at Women in Cybersecurity (WiCyS) Missouri and Kansas

Ransomware: Network Cyber Resilience Strategy

Title: Cybersecurity Network Resilience Against Ransomware Attacks: A Comprehensive Approach

Abstract: This speaker presentation delves into the critical area of network cyber resilience with a specific focus on combating the escalating threat of ransomware. The session will explore proactive strategies and advanced technologies essential for creating organizational networks against ransomware attacks. Key topics include, secure network architecture, steps of the cyber kill chain, incident response planning, and the role of employee awareness in creating a robust cyber defense… read more

Sumita Palanisamy

Director of Engineering

Capturing the value of Generative AI

This session will help attendees in getting started on their Generative AI journey and how to use Generative AI in their personal lives and workplace effectively.
This talk will also cover how to efficiently use prompts and cover business cases that can benefit from Generative AI along with suggesting guard rails that need to be put in place.

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Lina Trivedi

Co-Founder at Joii.AI

10 Lessons I Learned About Business and Life Working for the Most Profitable Toy Company in the World: From Beanie Babies to Tech

As a pioneer of Internet Technology that introduced the world to the first Internet sensation, Lina Trivedi was the first to produce a commercial Web site in the mid-90's and the first to produce e-commerce. Her memories of managing monumental amounts of traffic of crazed collectors translates to valuable lessons that can be applied to life and business.

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Barbara Vibbert

Manager, Solutions Engineering at SonicWall

Using Threat Reports to Educate and Inform Business Stakeholders

Security technology vendors release regular threat reports to provide information about metrics, trends, and events in cybersecurity. This presentation describes how to use that information to educate stakeholders and inform business decision makers.

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Monique Montanino

Tech Executive Career Coach at Resume Tech Guru

LinkedIn Secrets: How to Stand Out to 1 Million Tech Recruiters

Why are all your colleagues being contacted by tech recruiters while your inbox is empty? This hands-on workshop provides insight into optimizing your LinkedIn profile to change that trajectory.

According to Earthweb, “58 million companies are listed on the LinkedIn platform, and 87% of recruiters use it to scout new employees.” Based upon a database of 30 million profiles, career expert Zippia estimates there are over 210,000 technical recruiters in the U.S.

In this 45-minute workshop, Monique Montanino will provide 10 actionable LinkedIn tips to become a tech… read more

Nickoria Johnson

Global Chief Diversity Officer and Partner at Credera

Break the Bias

Bias is real and many companies struggle to find, support, and empower women in technology. Women and organizations play a part in how to continue to close the gender equity gap and to forward women in their careers in technology. This session is full of data, storytelling, and advice for everyone to help break the bias in the workplace.

Explore what Bias is and how it shows up in the workplace
Understand specifics about struggles of women in the workplace
Deep dive into what can organizations and what can individuals do to support an equitable… read more

Anmol Agarwal

Senior Security Researcher

Demystifying Adversarial Machine Learning Attacks

AI and Machine learning are being used to analyze large amounts of data. While machine learning has many benefits, machine learning is also prone to being attacked. In this session, attendees will be introduced to the idea of adversarial machine learning and attacks to machine learning models. Attendees will learn about some real-world case studies regarding attacks that have impacted top global companies in the industry as well as current open-source industry solutions that aim to increase the security of machine learning algorithms. After the session, attendees will have a better… read more

Anmol Agarwal

Senior Security Researcher

Demystifying Adversarial Machine Learning Attacks

AI and Machine learning are being used to analyze large amounts of data. While machine learning has many benefits, machine learning is also prone to being attacked. In this session, attendees will be introduced to the idea of adversarial machine learning and attacks to machine learning models. Attendees will learn about some real-world case studies regarding attacks that have impacted top global companies in the industry as well as current open-source industry solutions that aim to increase the security of machine learning algorithms. After the session, attendees will have a better… read more

Melissa Sanford

Founder & Host at The Tech Exec Wellness Podcast

Balancing Tech and Wellness, Reigniting Your Soul

The purpose of the presentation is to share my battle with COVID-19 in early 2023 and my need for a wellness plan in place. As technology professionals, we don't usually have a disaster recovery plan for health; it has become a wash, rinse, and repeat. The illness gave me time to pause and re-evaluate my life. My network with other leaders in cyber, technology, and business has a common theme: burnout and illness and not prioritizing our health. I decided to share my journey and start a podcast to feature other professionals, including a former NFL player, to share their stories and give… read more

Kelly Hopping

CMO at Demandbase

The Importance of Cross-functional Alignment for Revenue Impact

As organizations seek out ways to drive innovation, boost their efficiency, and increase revenue, there's one critical strategy they must embrace: cross-functional alignment.

From sales, marketing, and finance, to operations, IT, and customer success, seamless collaboration and teamwork can go a long way toward impacting revenue – but for many organizations, it's easier said than done.

In this session, Demandbase CMO Kelly Hopping will highlight the benefits that come from working together seamlessly, common challenges that stand in the way, and… read more

Shalini Dinesh

Senior Product Manager at Walmart Inc

Code to Market: Unveiling Winning Product Launch Strategies

Delve into the intersection of technology and successful product launches. This session is a roadmap for tech-savvy individuals, entrepreneurs, and innovators eager to navigate the complexities of bringing their products to market. Discover actionable insights, pre-launch checklist templates, and strategies tailored to empower women in the tech industry, from discovery to launch in B2B breakthrough innovations to orchestrating impactful products that will process.
Product launches can fail for many reasons, often rooted in the complexities of the market and the intricacies of product… read more

Amber Shook

Executive Director, Product Security, JP Morgan Chase and US Air Force Reserve Officer

Lead Your Life: 3 Steps to Implement Today to Start Leading Your Most Satisfying Life

Women often bear the weight of trying to juggle “all the things” to meet a plethora of competing needs (family, work, friends, community, etc) and are routinely invited to be influenced by external factors that, over time, quietly shape our lives, for better or for worse. If you feel that your life is somewhat misaligned with your true personal values, let me help you discover how to get on track with feeling truly fulfilled and ultimately help you thrive and perform at your very best.
This session will discuss principles for workshop participants to begin incorporating into their… read more

Richa Gandhi

Engineering Manger at Godaddy

Early to mid career guidance/ transitioning from IC to leadership

Steps to take to grow from IC role to Manager(Leadership) role.
How to self evaluate if you are ready for this role?
How to advocate for your self?
How to follow up?
Why having and mentor and Mentee is so important.

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Heather McGinley

Director of UX, Content and Design Strategy at GoDaddy

Strategic Storytelling: How to Tell Stories that Matter

Your product has the potential to make a positive impact on your customers' lives, but only if you know how to tell the story well. What can your product do for your customer? Why is it special? Why does it matter? Anytime you take a product to market, you have to connect the dots between impact and meaning, and, that requires telling a story, a human story. This talk will cover the development of a flagship messaging framework, a story that motivates employees and customers alike, and 360-degree content design that sings.

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