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Gourav Sharma

Solution Architect at Red Hat

Confidence Comes from Knowing More

Talk will revolve around Open Source in IT.
How Linux plays a important role for a beginner and also for a professional as well.
How Cloud, DevOps , Automation and management are supported by Linux and Open Source.
I'm also going to talk about how a non-coder can also contribute to community work and that is also equally appreciated.
Some ethics and community hygiene that everyone should follow to make a powerful impact in the community.
We are creating a diverse network of technology and community plays a important role for the same.
Most… read more

Mevish Aslam

Founder sprinters, Marketing Mentor at #500 startups at sprinters

Low Budget - HIgh Impact Marketing

Put simply, you will get inspiration to blow up your marketing! Get actionable tips, insights on real-life examples of tried and tested marketing approaches on a limited budget. At the end of the session you will walk away with clarity and a handful of marketing resources to get you up and running.

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Qurat Ul Ain

Consultant Software Engineer at Systems Limited

Building a Coaching Culture for Women Empowerment

The talk will discuss the best practices for managing the grass-root women empowerment campaigns. The importance of building an open coaching culture on personal branding, career advancements, and women empowerment will be discussed from the perspective of a woman working in the IT industry in Pakistan for almost a decade.

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Lavinia Osbourne

Women in Blockchain Talks Host & Founder at Women in Blockchain Talks

The Power of Stories in Blockchain's Quest for Diversity

Inclusion and diversity key topics in any industry but even more so in Blockchain. Why? Because blockchain is about inclusivity, change and equality.
As the host and founder of Women in Blockchain Talks, I recognise the importance of creating a safe place for women to come and learn from other dynamic women in the industry.

If we truly want to increase the numbers of women coming into tech/blockchain then we need to speak their language to attract them in the first place. WiBT does this via the power of personal stories.

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Rinku Gupta

Business Analyst at Ryanair Labs

Journey from Quality Assurance to Business Analyst

Started my career as Quality Assurance Engineer and being working in this area for about 7 years but meanwhile developed interest in Business Analysis. Explored it and studied more about it and now finally I am working as a Business Analyst and already handled 4 products. I would like to share my journey from being a QA to BA and also would like to speak about why it is essential to use and select the best Business Analysis Technique which will cover some of below:
SWOT Analysis
MOST Analysis
Business Process Modelling (BPM)
These techniques are really useful in… read more

Delphine Fleury

Editorial identity mentor, content strategist and podcast host

From fog to clarity: how unveiling your 10 year vision can light up your mornings

As a content strategist, I was always the one helping customers reveal their company or personal brand editorial identity - their unique voice - to deliver their message. A beautiful skill… but as far as I was concerned, I was obsessed with finding my purpose, and had no clue about how to gain clarity.
Not until I came across one magic tool - or experience - that made a huge difference in my life. There was a before and an after… I saw what I dream to become 10 year from now. Who I REALLY wanted to be. What I deep down inside wanted to achieve. Independently from all social conventions… read more

Snigdha Gupta

Head of Analytics & Data Science Practice at Wavemaker (a WPP Co.)

Prediction is not easy- how do we make it possible? Future with AI

Leverage different data streams and information to analyze the drivers that drive consumer purchase behavior, demand and organization share of market.
Some are direct, but many indirect, how to not lost in Big-Data, and yet build AI models to predict future in real time at 95%+ accuracy for almost all the domains. Sports or CPG clients, Retailers, Telecom giants.
Lets get peek into the future with tech and math!

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Laveena Ramchandani

Senior Consultant at Deloitte

My journey of testing a data science model

I would like to share my knowledge about testing a model in a data science team. I appreciate this is a new area for testers to be in, but it has been a great experience to learn from.

- Be ready to make notes
-Be ready to learn something very new
-Be ready to ask questions
-What is a tester? Maybe reading up on what a software tester does might be useful, so you have a good idea of what I do in my day to day work life.

I’d like to share how I explored the world of data science as a tester when… read more

Nima Abu Wardeh

Founder S.H.E.Strategy at Finding Nima Limited

Staying Seen.Heard.Empowered. Why should you care & what does it mean anyway?

It doesn't matter how clever you are, or how brilliant your work is, if no one knows.
It doesn't matter what degree or expertise you have if you can't sustain your success.
You have something to say. Join me to find out why it's important you say it. In a way that gets buy-in from whoever you're speaking with.
So you can sustain your brand of success.
So you can have financial dignity & choice in life.
Let's start by getting you Seen.Heard.Empowered.
You can find out more here:… read more

Raneem Rashid

Blockchain Consultant at Aqar Chain

Kickstart your career in blockchain

There’s no business that blockchain won’t influence. A firm can’t afford to ignore it any more than they can afford not to have a website. Demand for skilled experts is continually skyrocketing in this realm.
So if you’ve been wanting to start a career in blockchain space but looking up for a solid road map, worry not!
You could be an expert programmer or developer looking to diversify your skill set. You could be just starting out in the job market, or looking for a change.
I will share my personal story and recommended strategies to help you get there!
**You… read more

Margaryta Ievtukh

Data Analyst at BRAINLY

Seasonality in the education projects

Everyone has heard about the seasonality in e-commerce: when your traffic goes up and sales start growing rapidly. A deeper understanding of seasonality could give you additional insights that you have at least two different trends: the first one for traffic growth and the second one for sales. How is it possible? I will show it in my presentation.

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Tanzila Saba

Research Professor/Associate Chair at Prince Sultan University

Artificial Intelligence & Data Science for Social Good: Current & Future Applications

The field of “AI for Social Good” is growing fast. AI has the potential to provide a meaningful solution to social problems. This session will focus on the current AI applications in enhancing education, community development, disability assistance, entertainment, healthcare, cultural, social and gender disparity, ethics, and security, etc. Recent achievements of Data Science and AI will be presented in-depth and the next-generation AI solutions for social good solutions will be highlighted.

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Perrine Farque

Diversity Consultant at

9 Secrets To Become a Female Leader in Tech

Discover the 9 secrets that I learnt during my career in Technology to become a Leader and sit at the Senior Leadership Team table. Find out what you can do to grow your career as a women in technology. Lean the lessons that I learnt to achieve your goals and be a successful woman in Technology.

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Neha Misra

Co-Founder & CEO at The Fin Lit Project

Enabling Financial Literacy

Financial literacy essentially is the possession of skills that allows people to make smart decisions with their money. As shown in the BBC Program, Money Clinic, financial planning should be a priority in families and a formal conversation between couples should not just be an argument on exceeding the budget and spending too much. In a family, the financial plan should cater to the needs to the earning member and the dependents especially the children. While savings, investment, wealth creation and debt reduction is central to a good financial plan, there is a persistent need to keep… read more

Tazyeen Ansarullah

BI Consultant / Mobility Lead / Scrum Master at Master Works

Business Intelligence and Data Analytics

A roadmap to Data Analytics and Business Intelligence. Data represented accurately as information in the form of Data Visualization aids the various businesses / enterprises to intelligently perform the decision making process. With her session, she would try to make clear what leads to Data Analytics, what is the importance of Business Intelligence, and an overview of how Data could be visualized through BI tools.

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Hanane Meftahi

Computer Engineer

Convolutional Neural Network (Deep Learning)

One of the basic human abilities is to analyze their environment. This involves in most cases recognizing the elements of our field of vision: finding others, identifying cars, animals, etc. This task was difficult for a computer until the emergence of convolutional neural networks in 2012. Luckily, the approach of these networks inspired by our visual cortex has opened many applications, whether in medical imaging, or autonomous cars…ect.

First of all I will give a brief introduction on Deep Learning and Artificial Neural networks then i will explain how a convolutional neural… read more

Melissa Houghton

Lead Software Engineer at Azenix

Battles of an Impostor

Have you ever felt like a fraud? Like you did not deserve the opportunities in front of you? Have you ever thought “why me, I should not be here”? Have you feared others might discover you are a fake?

Alternatively, have you seen a talented colleague not recognising their achievements? A colleague who is hesitant to take on a new role?

These thoughts and feelings are impostor syndrome; I encounter it regularly and fight against it in myself and others. Unite with me in this battle; for yourself, your colleagues and friends.

Join me as I share my… read more

Phumza Dyani

Chief Marketing and Sales Officer at Broadband Infraco

The Accelerating Pace of Technology in Africa

To talk about the strides Africa is making in Innovation which includes AI, Blockchain and EdTech.

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Gemma Rubio Rodrigo

Founder at Define The Fine

Communicating in the Digital World

We live in a fast and technological world, our companies must communicate in a more humane and genuine way to reach their target customers. To be relevant and true to themselves. There are millions of companies and apps. We need to be clear about our purpose and consistent with our developments in our business, otherwise, it will be very difficult to position ourselves. It is extremely important to stop and to think, before launching and following trends without clearly defining who we are, what we want to achieve, and how we want to be able to reach the right people in the right direction.… read more

Iliada Evangelia Kothra

Digital Marketeer/ Author/ Founder of #dontacceptit Campaign at

One Life. Live it Well

The pandemic’s impact on working women is huge. The circumstances under which women are working and living have changed drastically since the onset of the pandemic, including where and how they work.
The combination of work stress, personal and collective health anxiety, financial stress, and political unrest are contributing to a specific kind of burnout brought on by the COVID-19.
Between job-loss worries, work from home challenges, and feeling overworked, it’s easy to understand why the fallout from the pandemic is taking such a toll.
At a time when it feels like so… read more