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Qurat Ul Ain

Assistant Vice President PMO, Enterprise Services at Systems Limited

Feel Like You're Falling Behind Your Peers?

If you feel like you’re lagging, you’re not alone. Lets forge our own path and celebrate our victories!

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Poornima Seetharaman

Director of Design at Zynga & Women in Games Ambassador at Zynga

Introduction to Video Game Development & Design

The session will talk about video games with an emphasis on game design and the different kind of games out there.

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Manasa Denning

Senior Director, Partner solutions NAM & APAC at Integral Ad Science at Integral Ad Science (IAS)

To be effective, marketers must align their campaigns with contextually relevant ads

Now, with the impending shift away from cookies, we have an opportunity to focus again on the art and science of digita. Contextual targeting solution has emerged as a strong alternative solution to cookie tracking, allowing advertisers to display relevant ads based on the website’s content rather than using the data about the visitor. The idea is not completely new; before the advent of the Internet, contextual targeting was widely used in magazine and newspaper ads. Remember the full-page or half-page ad of an SUV placed next to an article of cars?

Contextual alignment… read more

Dipti Kalaria

Salesforce Application Architect at NAVINT- A GLOBANT DIVISION

Re-start your tech journey to becoming a Salesforce Certified Admin

For many reasons, women take a career break in their professional careers. Many common reasons like to get married, have kids, raise a family, go on a vacation, recuperating from a long-term illness, etc. will be the main factors for a career break. But they will require great strength or effort to return to the workplace, irrespective of their experience prior to the break-in in their career. Also, even if they were to get a placement, they often have to make compromises regarding job profiles, roles, and remuneration.

This session will guide you on how to easily start your… read more

Bishakha Jain

Director at Cyber Security Global Alliance

Scaffolding the industry-academia gap in Cybersecurity

Emotional intelligence (EQ) is the process of being aware of one's own emotions to understand and influence the emotions of other individuals that one may encounter. And the fact that this virtue is under-rated is the reason why Cybersecurity is perceived wrongly amidst many individuals and one must be tactically astute with a figurative man-management skill to bring in more people into the Cybersecurity workforce because the world has no choice but to adapt to the fast paced digital stature in no time with the advent of the pandemic. As an industry professional working dynamically with… read more

Namrata Sherkhane

Cloud Solution Architect - Data and AI at Microsoft

Microsoft Azure Data services

Brief overview of Azure data and AI services .
Reference architecture of modern analytics solutions for enterprises
Reference architecture of Cognitive AI services

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Priyanka Sharma

Enterprise Architect at Firmenich

MLOps and ModelOps - Why does it matter?

It took a while for the IT industry to realize that Development and deployment goes hand in hand and There could be no successful project without Devops. We should take this learning and adopt MLOPs as a basic element for any AI/ML project.
My talk will consist of with
1: The explaination of development process and introducing devops , and importance of devops
2: Understanding what are the curent trends and best practises in devops.
3: explaining how the development of AI /ML models differs from traditional application develoment
4: How to adopt devops in… read more

Vidhi Chugh

Staff Data Scientist

Wearing the hat of ethical AI solution architect

AI has the potential to contribute $15.7 trillion to the global economy by 2030, as per a PwC report. It is evident in the widespread adoption of AI-enabled solutions in recent times, especially the digital acceleration seen during Covid. The trustworthy AI is the key theme of 2022. The session will explain the developments in the field of responsible tech and how adhering to ethical AI and regulations is not good to have process anymore. The talk will elaborate on practical ways how to operationalize the responsible and ethical use of AI and leave the audience with some closing remarks and… read more

Tanaya Babtiwale

Machine Learning Engineer at Haptik

Data that puts the Chatbot in a Pickle

NLP in the real world is about Building Systems, not Models. In the wild, data is imperfect, resources are limited, and scalability is key. Learn more about how industry use-cases differ from academia, as we discuss common problems encountered in the data sourced from day-to-day conversations of a chatbot.
This session can be considered a primer for anyone getting into the NLP space, and a refresher for people already in it!

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Sylvia Lobo

Project Manager at Digital14

Safe to fail agile culture

Building a new software product and testing it in Cloud is a highly innovative and creative process. Things simply don't go to plan all the time, setbacks and failures are inevitable along the way. What makes a difference is how a team deals with them.

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Laisha Wadhwa

Software Engineer(Data Team) at Goldman Sachs

Hybrid Decision making: Black box ML ft. explainable AI

With wide no. of libraries & frameworks available for building ML models ML has become a black-box these days Thus model interpretability is vital. But its hard to define a model’s decision boundary in simple terms. With LIME(an open source library) its easy to produce faithful explanations and decrypt any ML model.

In today’s business centric world, there’s a renewed focus on model interpretability. With ML finding multiple use cases for elevating businesses, it has become vital to Interpret the model, build trust in the model (because there’s money at stake!) and… read more

Lisa Dowie

Chief Customer Officer at Property Exchange Australia Ltd (PEXA)

Why it’s time to action Diversity in LegalTech

Women remain underrepresented in key leadership roles such as CEOs, female entrepreneurs or in positions on boards, particularly in the tech industry.

As someone who has spent the majority of my career in technology and now with PEXA, working in the LegalTech profession, this is an important issue to me.

Female entrepreneurship is an area that is largely overlooked. The Global Legal Tech Report (GLTR) identified a global issue of gender diversity in the LegalTech space with only 29% of respondents reporting at least one female founder or co-founder.
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Nancy Chauhan

Software Engineer

Observability In Data Ingestion

Data has become an essential part of the tech stack of modern organizations. Everyone deals with ingestion, transformation and storage of huge volumes of data which are critical to business analytics operations.

This talk is about how we can observe the ingestion of large datasets and streaming sources, various transformation operations and their storage and why is it important. Observabilty helps to determine completeness, accuracy, efficiency and consistency for any data uploaded through either batch or streaming sources. As well as helps to identify failures. It provides… read more

Charulatha Jain

Product Owner at Bosch Global Software Technologies

Emerging Communication Technologies in Automotive Domain

The role of middleware components in Automotive Software and Architectural decisions to design the SW components for middleware

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Kamal shree S

Developer Advocate

FlutterFlow the new era of designing Apps

In this talk, you will find how low-code development platforms can help you accelerate your Design process at digital speed and build your idea insanely fast with FlutterFlow.

Most of App developers are stuck designing the apps instead of focusing on the functionality or the performance aspects. I would like to introduce FlutterFlow the new era of design apps in less time with no code and connect your app to backend services like Firebase and/or APIs.

FlutterFlow helps you build beautiful interfaces, Dynamic apps, User-generated Content Apps is 10x faster than… read more

Hima Bindu

Global Enablement & Communications Leader at Kyndryl

Reinvent - Change the Game with creative strategy and resilience

Technology has been moving more and more to the core of all industries over the last few years. As consumers, we have started to expect a faster, more personalized service that is available all the time 24/7.All this transformation is primarily being enabled by technologies like cloud , hybrid cloud, AI, blockchain , automation etc. And in this demanding space, how can one stand unique, be relevant , adapt to the fast pace changes in IT and yet grow in our career? All it needs is a creative & a strategic game plan that will capture the odds to work for you .
Join me as I share a… read more

Anu Kukar

Associate Partner Cybersecurity - IBM Australia & NZ

Cybersecurity blindspots when adopting emerging technologies

Use and adoption of emerging technologies such as AI, ML, cloud IoT, Blockchain is a key part of organisational enterprise digital transformation and accelerated growth journey.

Organisations are adopting and/or using emerging technologies for customer, employee, financial, risk, security, operations benefit. BUT, there are have been security instances with the use of emerging technology that has shown world-wide how horribly wrong things can go.

Hear and learn about the cybersecurity blindspots for when organisations are:
1. starting to adopt emerging… read more

Richa Daga

Software Engineer at Cisco

Network Modernisation for 5G and Beyond

Today, we are moving towards a digital remote world where bandwidth demand is going to be humongous, and we need to remain prepared for it by upgrading our networks. New developments are happening in the field of information and communication technologies, but careful consideration needs to be done to decide which technology should be adapted at different layers - access, aggregation, and core area of the network.

The goal of this session is to establish the future possibilities that 5G can bring for us, but it also highlights that essential steps should be taken in the right… read more

Aparna Pathak

Global Privacy Specialist at TCS

Why Data Security is not Data Privacy

Most people assume that having a robust data security will also provide data privacy. Data Security is about protecting the data from all bad actors. Data security is essential and important aspect in today's world. But it is not the only requirement for Data Privacy. Privacy is about transparency, it is about protecting the identity of the user. This talk will provide differences between data security and data privacy.

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Priyal Jain

Senior Software Engineer at HotWax Systems

Which web technologies framework to choose Angular/Vue/React and why and what they are?

Into this session, you will get to know about which framework to choose where and which project and about it's mechanism and what they are.

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