Which web technologies framework to choose Angular/Vue/React and why and what they are? by Priyal Jain
Web Development and Selecting the Right Technology Framework: Angular, Vue and React
Hello everyone. I am Neil Jan, a seasoned front-end web developer at Hot Systems, with three years in the tech industry. I am passionate about tech communities such as GDD, Women Tech Makers and more. Today, I am honored to share insights about web technology frameworks, particularly, Angular, Vue, and React.
Understanding Angular, Vue and React
When it comes to choosing the right technology for web development, Angular, Vue, and React often top the select. These technologies were released in 2010, 2013, and 2014 respectively, and they have grown tremendously over the years through updates and upgrades. If you are keen on learning more about them, their official websites are great resources.
What is Angular?
For those new to this, Angular is a JavaScript-based open-source framework. Introduced as a superset of Angular Js, Angular is primarily designed for creating dynamic single page applications. With Angular, you can create interactive and highly responsive web applications using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It's important to familiarize yourself with these three before delving deep into Angular.
The Vue Framework
Acclaimed for its simplicity and adaptability, Vue is a progressive framework for building user interfaces. It just like Angular, is capable of powering single-page applications, and incorporates HTML, CSS, and JavaScript in its architecture. Vue was developed by Evan You during his time at Google, working with Angular.
React: The Hybrid Library
React takes a slightly different approach. Introduced by Facebook in 2011, React is not a framework, but a library for building interactive web applications. React employs a component-based architecture that makes use of 'props', which are short for properties.
Comparison: Angular, Vue, and React
How do you choose between Angular, Vue, and React for web development? That inherently depends on the size of your project, how many libraries you are using, and your application's specific requirements. Let's take a closer look at each:
- Size: Each framework has its own size. While Angular and View can reduce the size of your project, React loads bundles into the library and tends to be larger in size. The actual size will be determined by the specific libraries used in your project.
- Components and Structure: Angular, Vue, and React have different component structures. Angular separates CSS, HTML, and TSS while Vue combines them in one file. On the other hand, React adopts JSX, an extended version of JavaScript.
- Scalability: Angular and Vue are module-based and are ideal for larger projects. React, however, given its lightweight nature and simplicity, is often the go-to for smaller projects.
- Language Preferences: If you prioritize language preferences, Angular uses TypeScript, while Vue employs JavaScript, and React uses JSX.
- Frameworks and Libraries: Both Angular and Vue are considered frameworks, and feature libraries within them. React, on the other hand, is a library on its own, and isn't categorized as a framework.
In conclusion, there is no absolute choice between these three. Your project requirements, client preferences, and personal expertise will guide your decision. But regardless of your choice, make sure your basic skills in HTML, CSS and JavaScript are strong for the best results.
If you have any further questions or need further clarification, please feel free to reach out to me on LinkedIn, Twitter, Github. You can also send an email to my email address, PrialJan919@gmail.com. Thank you for your time.
Video Transcription
Hey everyone. I'm Neil Jan. I'm a front end web developer at Hot Systems, having the three years of experience in it industry.Also, I love tech communities such as GDD, women tech makers and many more also, I am a woman tech maker and the ambassador and Coor at G DC C and all. Firstly, I would like to thank you to Anna who will give me this, who gave me this opportunity to talk in Women Tech Global Conference 2022. Today I am speaking about which web technology framework to choose angular view react and why and what they are. I hope this session is going to be interesting of all the tech enthusiasts who wanted to know about the angular you react and what is and what they are and what is the difference between these, these three frameworks and Lily. So let's get to know about the technology is angular initial release by 2010 react this 2013, 2014. If you want to go to the official website like angular dot io, you readjust.org dot org to learn about the sprays, their current versions. The versions are especially to those who adding to the new futures and make it to the new version like angular 30 like angular zero, angular two angular and so many versions are there to the each version, the angular current version is updated by 13.
Similarly as the 17 and three, it is used by Google, Facebook, Uber, Alibaba Hitler. So the first is, is what is angular hope many of you heard about what is angular for those who don't know what is angular. So let me tell you angular is a javascript based open whose paper I hope you know and heard about the term what is javascript? Javascript is basically the scripting language which allows all the B manipulations validations to RSTML elements. Angular is also a superset of angular Js like before angular angular Js is invented like angular is purely based on the javascript. After that, so many libraries comes up then it made to the angular and it releases under the name of angular two like angular two is a version of angular two, approximately angular 30 we don't say about angular 30. But after angular two, we have the versions like angular 14, angular 30. And it is especially designed for the single page applications like uh you know the term about what the single page application in angular. Suppose we have a website which consists of header putter names and the body. It's all consist of one group and it consists of all the routing like header routing. It, it all includes into the one single page to build into a single based publication.
And it is the best practices for all the web developers. Before angular, you should know what is HTML CS as in javascript because angular consists of so many components and decorator, which which was made of HTML S and dive is a subset of javascript which was written in angular before javascript. There is a uh library called typescript typescript compile. A version of the Java script. Angular is a structure frame for dynamic. We dynamic web applications are those which will make it dynamic like. So the conditional if you make it, if I switch this all consists into the angular and if you if you want to learn more about angular, then go to the angular dot IO and learn about angular. Similarly UJS is also building the user interfaces. It is a progressive framework and it is designed like to the already adoptable like similarly angular user component component is based on like uh three parts like one is html. We will when we have to write the code for the U I or we write the CS S and the java select PS.
Similarly, we will use the templates and Tate drive frameworks which uses, which use all the three into the single template like html template scripting and the style see internal styling you've heard about like with the, with the starting of the style and end time view was developed by Ivan Liu who was working for Google using angular days.
So view is also capable of single page application because it chooses the template. So the main difference is only the features like angular has its own core features, view has its own core features. It is highly customizable because it consists into the one single template and do this application and the React is slightly different between these two. Although it it is also used to develop the web interactive applications. But React is a component based library used for the props props is basically the word heart for the attribute which will pass to the one file to the another like uh suppose for the non technical terms if we talk about. So props is uh props is basically for like if we want to pass some values to the another component. So we will use props into the reactive and we can change any components and react is a hybrid like if we have some big application, big web application, so people use React but it depends on project to project. So Facebook has implemented reactive in 2011. And if you want to learn more about drug test, then go to the React test website. So the main topic is the difference between angular view.
Andre we get to know about what are the angle of view and react in a short like we talk about the difference like size and the look Angula has its own size. It reduce the size time as comparatively to the view and react has its own components and crops, it it loads all the bundles in the library. But it is very difficult to compare like which uh size is reduced by those member. Like we can't see like I gonna reduce the size as compared to view. And it depends on our application if, if our application is big or small, if we use so many libraries, it depends uh how many libraries you have used into one single age application. It impacts the size components. Angular view and react has its own components and structure like view has its own template component based. It uses a styling scripting into one single file. Angular uses components to three different parts like TSS CS S and HT MS view has a component based with the help of Js X with the extended version of javascript. In in Excel version of javascript, V uses all the Y features of uh javascript into its own components and prompts. If we talk about the who is much more scalable like angular view, totally module based but yet is a template driven based and language preferences.
As I said angular is a type script, angular uses type script. The most yet uses JXX and PJ uses the code javascript architecture. It has its own like angular view react has a Dom dom and angular and view we have called angular we are the frameworks but react is a library like do you know the difference between framework and the library angular consists so many library and yet itself a library we we cannot call the yet as a framework we we have used react as a library and developed the applications.
So the answer of this as I have said that there is no absolute choice to choose between these three because it depends on the project which you are using on the requirement. If I can say about there is some web application which is the component based model based routing, single based application. So we will use angular into it. And we have, we have to make it highly customizable into the template one using the red up store in routing, redux in the store. Routing is used in angular view three as well. It depends how big your application is how requirement if your client is, if your client wants, your application is made by only view. So you have to use only view. If your application is developed by only angular, you have to use angular. There is no exact choice between these two. Till now. Everyone has its own pros and cons angular has its own drawbacks. View has its own react as in which one board is scalable to you use it and make the expertise of it before angular view and react. There is the best practice you get to learn more about html CS S and javascript. These three frameworks, you will get to know basic, very, very strong.
After that, you will use the angle of view and because it's a framework library and into this, we will use HTML CS S and J and thank you for this small talk. If you have questions, anything you can do, reach out to me at my linkedin Twitter, github and into my email Prial Jan 919 at the rate gmail.com. So do ask if any questions you have. Thank you everyone.