Which web technologies framework to choose Angular/Vue/React and why and what they are? by Priyal Jain

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Web Development and Selecting the Right Technology Framework: Angular, Vue and React

Hello everyone. I am Neil Jan, a seasoned front-end web developer at Hot Systems, with three years in the tech industry. I am passionate about tech communities such as GDD, Women Tech Makers and more. Today, I am honored to share insights about web technology frameworks, particularly, Angular, Vue, and React.

Understanding Angular, Vue and React

When it comes to choosing the right technology for web development, Angular, Vue, and React often top the select. These technologies were released in 2010, 2013, and 2014 respectively, and they have grown tremendously over the years through updates and upgrades. If you are keen on learning more about them, their official websites are great resources.

What is Angular?

For those new to this, Angular is a JavaScript-based open-source framework. Introduced as a superset of Angular Js, Angular is primarily designed for creating dynamic single page applications. With Angular, you can create interactive and highly responsive web applications using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It's important to familiarize yourself with these three before delving deep into Angular.

The Vue Framework

Acclaimed for its simplicity and adaptability, Vue is a progressive framework for building user interfaces. It just like Angular, is capable of powering single-page applications, and incorporates HTML, CSS, and JavaScript in its architecture. Vue was developed by Evan You during his time at Google, working with Angular.

React: The Hybrid Library

React takes a slightly different approach. Introduced by Facebook in 2011, React is not a framework, but a library for building interactive web applications. React employs a component-based architecture that makes use of 'props', which are short for properties.

Comparison: Angular, Vue, and React

How do you choose between Angular, Vue, and React for web development? That inherently depends on the size of your project, how many libraries you are using, and your application's specific requirements. Let's take a closer look at each:

  • Size: Each framework has its own size. While Angular and View can reduce the size of your project, React loads bundles into the library and tends to be larger in size. The actual size will be determined by the specific libraries used in your project.
  • Components and Structure: Angular, Vue, and React have different component structures. Angular separates CSS, HTML, and TSS while Vue combines them in one file. On the other hand, React adopts JSX, an extended version of JavaScript.
  • Scalability: Angular and Vue are module-based and are ideal for larger projects. React, however, given its lightweight nature and simplicity, is often the go-to for smaller projects.
  • Language Preferences: If you prioritize language preferences, Angular uses TypeScript, while Vue employs JavaScript, and React uses JSX.
  • Frameworks and Libraries: Both Angular and Vue are considered frameworks, and feature libraries within them. React, on the other hand, is a library on its own, and isn't categorized as a framework.

In conclusion, there is no absolute choice between these three. Your project requirements, client preferences, and personal expertise will guide your decision. But regardless of your choice, make sure your basic skills in HTML, CSS and JavaScript are strong for the best results.

If you have any further questions or need further clarification, please feel free to reach out to me on LinkedIn, Twitter, Github. You can also send an email to my email address, PrialJan919@gmail.com. Thank you for your time.

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