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Yahani Dissanayake

Co-Founder at Cresuma | Project Manager at Insfra Technologies (pvt) Ltd

Growth Hacking Concepts and Tips to Tech Startups

When coming into the term “Growth Hacking”, the majority of the users of this is “StartUps”. Simply saying, this is the bread and butter for startups.

Each year, thousands of startups immerse from every industry all over the world. But only a few remain stable and make a difference. Others collapsed and or maybe thinking to quit due to the frustration of unsuccessful results.

If you are into StartUp or thinking of joining one, you definitely do not need to fall into the latter category I mentioned earlier.

The talk we are having today is based on… read more

Charulatha Jain

Product Owner at RBEI Bosch

Automotive Displays and Software Design

Automotive Displays have transformed over the last decades and will continue to transform. The session is to bring about insights on the thought process that goes into the Software Development process of Engineering Instrument clusters.

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Reenu Saluja

Senior Software Engineer at Microsoft CSE

Process large-scale data and computational function in serverless manner

There are challenges for large scale data processing which include analyzing rapidly growing data, getting data insights, calculating complex computational functions etc. During this session, we will discuss how these challenges can be addressed using serverless distributed data processing system with a demonstration.

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Aparna Pathak

Global Privacy Specialist at TCS

Shaping a Privacy-Friendly World

Data protection regulations around the world have changed the way privacy is perceived by consumers. Privacy by default is a core product requirement for enhanced digital trust. Transparency and control needs to be inbuilt in the product for users. This session will provide insights into why privacy is important, privacy by design concepts and ways to design privacy friendly future.

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Priyanka Banerjee

Data Scientist at Speridian Technologies

Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Healthcare

This talk is about potential of Artificial Intelligence in the healthcare sector. AI will increase the ability from mobile coaching solutions to drug discovery, all falling under one umbrella - Machine Learning. AI is already being used to detect early stages of cancer or monitor early stage life threatening episodes of heart rhythms to robotic surgeries and many more. At times VR with AI can create simulated realities to distract patients from pain. It even helps doctors to take appropriate and timely decisions, prioritize tasks, recommend medicines, dosage error reduction and support… read more

Rajashree Maheshwary

Executive Partner

Emerging Tech for Driving Business Transformation

Impact of emerging tech on the ways we work, live and create value
Bridging the gap between theory and practice in tech innovation, scaling for value multiplication
Is past the right barometer for future?

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Priyanka sheoraj

Risk Analyst at

Unmaze Fin-Tech

My Talk will mostly surround the below topics:
- What is FinTech?
- The Buzz around FinTech
- How is FinTech shaping our day to day
- Working in one of the most valuable FinTech Companies - (why and how)
- FinTech as a a level playing field for Women
- The youngest in a 1000 people company

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sheetal hanjura

Engineering Manager at vmware


Microservices Architecture

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Sreeja Sankar

Technical Product Manager at GE Gas Power

Lateral Career Move - Smart or Stupid?

Everyone want to be on the right road to success and they think that the ‘road’ always go in one direction – “up”. You can deviate from the quintessential path and still taste success. Who knows? It might taste sweeter.

Progressing in your career doesn’t always mean that you should go up the corporate ladder. Let’s throw some light on the less traversed path to success and decide whether it’s a smart move or stupid move

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Harshita Chandra

CEO & Founder at Upcycleluxe

How technology can help make fashion sustainable

Fast-fashion retailers work hard to make the consumer believe that clothing is so dirt cheap, it can be thrown away guilt-free. By continuously lowering the prices of its products while keeping the costs constant, the labour market is forced to accept the hard bargain of this equation. Pollution is also another issue that plagues this industry. Fashion brands are incorporating technology to make clothing production and consumption more sustainable, including reassessing the use of plant-based textiles and bacterial dyes, as well as establishing blockchain-based supply chains to increase… read more

Snigdha Gupta

Head of Analytics & Data Science Practice at Wavemaker (a WPP Co.)

Measuring high value sports partnership

Measure the Valuation of Sporting events, Sponsorships and Licensing Rights for Brands by analysing the underlying drivers of valuation- all tangible assets (like viewership, in stadium presence etc..) and intangible assets (like stock price, sales, etc..)

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Shriyanshi Dixit

Student at Banasthali Vidyapith

Introduction to Blockchain Technology with a mini-project

Introduction to Blockchain with all important concepts followed by a hands-on session where peers can create their own blockchain.

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Yousra Mashkoor

Trainee Software Engineer at 10 Pearls

Why Freelancing is the Future and How to Start your Career as a Freelancer

Starting off with 4th industrial revolution and how freelancing with play a role in it, this talk will cover how freelance business have impacted the world during pandemic will millions and why it would stay that way forever. Some of the important points covered during the talk would be.
COVID revolutionizing work
Digital freelancing
What is freelancer
Freelance business
Great time to be a well-paid freelancer
How it works
Success stories
Freelancer contribution

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Ashleigh Wilson

Educator at Coder Academy

We need to think differently about accessibility

Are Australian and international companies doing enough to increase awareness around neurodiversity? Can they do more?
How can we encourage neurodiverse thinkers to use their unique approaches and ways of seeing the world to benefit their workplaces?
I am a young woman in tech. When I was 3, I was diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome. And I care about answering these questions.
I will speak on the future of accessibility in the workplace, and how it must include neurodiverse perspectives. I’ll talk about how neurodiverse people are already creating benefits for the… read more

Nelli Safina

Service engineer at Research and engineering company

Internet of things for airplane

The Internet of Things for private use at home has become commonplace. The technology has gained popularity due to its relative simplicity and ease of use. But what does the Internet of Things mean in aviation?

Consider the integration of information technology in modern aviation, from vest chipping to speed up inventory counting to the automatic transmission of aircraft health data and machine learning to the maintenance schedule.

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Rashi Jain

Software Engineer at Nagarro

Mobile Application development - React Native

Talk will be how how we can create a mobile app using React native for both the platforms Android & iOS. I will be showing a demo app running in 2 simulators of mentioned platforms.

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Niharika Maheshwary (mech) Student at IIT Bombay

Emerging Tech, Business Transformation, and all that jazz.. My tryst with technology!

Born with the internet, learnt talking to machines before humans, and fascinated by the old world charm of analog world of paper books. I invite you to see how the world looks like from my eyes. I m the future you fret about. I m the present, just on the cusp. Welcome to my world of first digital natives... where humans and machines co-exist with purpose and passion.

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Ayushi Gupta

Student | Data product management intern at Bhilai Institute of Technology | KYCHub

The world of Python

Python is used for computational problem, for backend, for building ml models, and for most research problems. There are many resources on Internet which says that chossing python as the primary language will restrict the job roles available, and choosing C/C++/Java might be the good option. These information is misleading and many people might not know the magic of Python as a High level language.

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Mansi Mittal

Senior Software Developer at Visa Inc.

Tricks & Tips to Navigate the Tech World

In my sociology class in college I learnt about the theory of intersectionality, simply put it means that a person being of a certain gender, coming from a certain socioeconomic background, being in say a certain industry so on and so forth determines the experience he/she has and also the lens through which he or she perceives this world. So, as I was pondering on what message do I want to convey, I just thought what could be better than the lessons I have learnt because of my positionality of being a woman in the tech industry for 7 years. So hop on as we unravel the tricks and tips of… read more

Ananya Ayasi

Student at College of Engineering Trivandrum

Quantum Technology and its Impact on Society

Quantum computing is an emerging technology that makes use of quantum mechanics for computing purposes due to the continual decrease in chip size of processors and advancement in technology. Because of its high computing power, it's bound to revolutionise fields like healthcare and cyber security. Hence, it is important to evaluate quantum computing's effect on our society.

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