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Aji Oliyide

Senior Program Manager at Google

The 10 Best Pieces of Advice I've Received as a Corporate Professional

Are you just starting out in your career or seeking advice on what it takes to succeed? In this talk I'll share the top 10 pieces of advice I've received over 20 years of professional experience in Tech and Management Consulting.

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Dilruba Malik

SQA Manager

Individual Contributor to Management Journey

Software testing is a critical role for any organization. When you are an individual contributor you are putting your heart and soul into identifying how the qualify the software and finding edge cases to make sure you find the defects before your customer. So you are adding value to the bottom line. When you want to excel your career in Software Testing in management role, what does that mean? How you make the difference? How to make that transition from doing it all by yourself to delegate and make it work as a team? What is important for the first time manager? What makes a good manager… read more

Leah Edwards

Executive Coach and University Lecturer at Stanford and UC Berkeley

Leveraging Company Culture for Fast Startup Scaling

Learn how to leverage company culture for fast startup scaling with Leah Edwards, an experienced investor, Lecturer at Stanford and UC Berkeley, and the female co-founder of several startups acquired by public corporations. Topics will include creating a strong company culture and empowering teams to learn quickly and act boldly.

Leah will be in conversation with Meena Sankaran, Founder and CEO of Ketos. Leah was an early investor in Ketos and will talk with Meena about how she successfully recruited a diverse team of strong managers to help her scale Ketos.

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Woodrie Burich

Executive Coach & CEO at The Integration Group

Using Boundaries To Meet High Demands: A Look at Stress, Time Pressure & Creativity

Technology Leaders need practical tools to manage stress levels for themselves and their teams. Referencing research in neuroscience, we’ll explore how healthy boundaries support stronger decision making, complex problem solving, and innovation. We’ll learn about current pressures and challenges faced by the tech industry, and how to support ourselves individually with hands-on-tools, exercises and strategies to apply directly in the workplace.

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Naba Ahmed

Content Editor at Prezi

Your audience is bored: The antidote is to tell a story

We live in a society where technology is abundant. At the office, you couldn’t walk by a coworker’s desk without seeing their phone, tablet, and computer surrounding them, all with different notifications pulling their attention. In this digital age, how can you ensure that people are not distracted by their devices? When you present either virtually or in-person — whether in day-to-day meetings or formal presentations — it can be difficult to know what your audience thinks of you and if they’re paying attention. Luckily, there’s a tool you can use to engage and captivate your audiences:… read more

Lorraine Lee

Head of Editorial at Prezi

9 essential tips for more effective virtual and hybrid meetings

Based off Lorraine's popular LinkedIn Learning course, “Virtual and Hybrid Meeting Essentials”

Working from home isn’t going anywhere—and neither are meetings. There’s always going to be a need for teams to gather in one room. But now that some employees are joining those rooms virtually, it’s time to rethink the status quo. Join Lorraine Lee, a top-rated virtual keynote speaker and the Head of Editorial at Prezi, as she shares strategies for making your virtual and hybrid meetings more engaging, collaborative, and productive.

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Shubhi Asthana

Research Senior Software Engineer at IBM

Transforming the Order Management Workflow

The transactions of goods and services between large businesses are often driven by contracts and orders. Based on usage of services, invoices are billed to the customer who settle them. Enterprise service provider process thousands of orders every year and it takes considerable manual effort to process them. The invoice’s billed data is not always maintained in the same system as the orders, and it takes effort to match them. Sometimes the invoices may get into a dispute due to over exhaustion of allocated funds or may be billed to an expired order. Hence managing the billing of order is a… read more

Devon Jones

Lead QA Engineer at Fanatics

Quality Engineering: Automate Your Way to Excellence

QA Automation is a highly in demand skill, especially in the remote and virtual world we currently find ourself in. Learn what web based QA Automation is, where it fits into a development cycle, how it works, and how a basic front end automation framework is set up.

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Jyotika Singh

Director of Data Science at Placemakr

Impact of AI on Society

Today, Artificial Intelligence technologies are at the forefront across the globe and across industries. Each of us interact with a product or service powered by AI on a daily basis. AI and Machine Learning have provided us with a range of useful and efficient products in the last decade. However, there is a bias created alongside that has been carried forward in forms not directly visible to consumers of such technologies. Historical, societal, gender, racial, and cultural biases have made their way into models we consume each day impacting our everyday decisions. A note on overcoming such… read more

Katie Shire-Engleman

Vice President of Marketing at Giant Eagle

Navigating an Acquihire: Culture Transformation in the Retail Space

In 2017 I was the Director of CRM at a small tech startup (Munchery). Now, ~4 years later having navigated an acquihire, I am now the VP of Marketing at a multi-billion dollar private company. Through this journey I've put in significant time, energy and investment in both our marketing capabilities to become more digital & tech savvy to transforming our culture to drive customer and team member growth.

My background includes time at both large traditional retailers moving into the eCommerce space (Walmart) as well as tech-organizations (Yelp) and startups (Munchery… read more

Sarah Chung

CEO & Founder at Landing International

How to Raise Funding When You're Not a "Tech Bro"

If you've founded a technology startup, chances are you'll have to eventually raise funding. How do female leaders navigate appealing to investors when they don't fit the mold of a male, technical, Silicon Valley entrepreneur? This talk will cover how to rise beyond the stereotype , raise capital in the male dominated tech world, and use your background and story to your advantage.

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Muazma Zahid

Principal PM Manger at Microsoft

Find Your Way to a Higher Performing Team

Every organization wants high-performing teams yet have vague ideas as to what that means. Discover some defining characteristics of high-performing teams: caring, empowering, collaborating, communicating, and continuous learning. This session will cover tips and tricks that can be applied in any team to maximize team effectiveness of any size.

Attendees will walk away with actionable steps to create a framework of mindset, behaviors, and values to change your team culture for higher performance.

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Muazma Zahid

Principal PM Manger at Microsoft

Find Your Way to a Higher Performing Team

Every organization wants high-performing teams yet have vague ideas as to what that means. Discover some defining characteristics of high-performing teams: caring, empowering, collaborating, communicating, and continuous learning. This session will cover tips and tricks that can be applied in any team to maximize team effectiveness of any size.

Attendees will walk away with actionable steps to create a framework of mindset, behaviors, and values to change your team culture for higher performance.

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Natalie Rouse

General Manager at Eliiza

Operationalising AI Ethics

The need for considering the ethical implications of AI projects is now widely agreed upon by technical practitioners and business leaders across industries. Much less understood is how to embed ethical principles into development and monitoring lifecycles - this talk will outline some practical ways to implement an ethical review process alongside AI development projects, and ensure adherence to ethical standards is visible for algorithms in production.

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Alicia Chen

CTO at CoProcure

When “Don’t Be Evil” Isn’t Good Enough: A Framework to Evaluate Your Next Opportunity in Social Impact Technology

I spent 2+ years exploring the intersection of social impact and technology, which led me to co-found CoProcure. I've written down some thoughts and learnings from that time. I hope this can help others who are curious about getting into something more mission-oriented.

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Shelmina Abji

Author, Show Your Worth: 8 Intentional Strategies for Women to Emerge as Leaders at Work. at Show Your Worth LLC

SHOW YOUR WORTH to scale new heights in your career

When we don’t see others in the room that look like us, when we don’t see anyone in the leadership ranks that look like us and when we deal with negative stereotypes as well as gender biases ( bothe conscious and unconscious), it is easy to underestimate our worth and opt out of the leadership pipeline.

I will discuss how you can show your worth and scale new heights in your career.

I will share Intentional strategies from my upcoming book, Show Your Worth : 8 Intentional Strategies for Women to Emerge as Leaders at work.

The strategies will… read more

Dhanashree Balaram

Senior Machine Learning Scientist at Lily AI

Recommender systems and women shoppers

I'd like to delve into some common concepts behind recommender systems. The positive and negative impact of tracking user behavior (specifically women). On the positive side of things, I want to touch upon companies working towards understanding their user base and recommending body positive apparel. On the negative side, I'd like to examine some issues with tracking user behavior and what this does to the psyche of the user. Imagine this talk to be a pro-con list with points about the shopping experience and of the tech behind the scenes.

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Nandini Easwar

Co-Founder and CTO, Speakfully at Speakfully

Building a tech product for social good

Tech products, if built right, can be a powerful tool that can help drive social causes. It can be used to drive impact and purpose. It can be very satisfying when you see how your product can affect lives for the better. However, in a highly competitive tech market, this is not considered "sexy". Without the necessary investments and the right engineers, the growth can be stunted. Selling such a product is not just about appealing to the economics, but also about tapping into the moral and social mindset of your buyer. How do we envision such products from ground up and navigate… read more

Kerrin Mitchell

Chief Development Officer at Fluxx

“Fight for the things that you care about, but do it in a way that will lead others to join you”- Ruth Bader Ginsburg

With yet another tumultuous year behind us, sobering trends for the sector arise: the largest nonprofits saw a jump of 5.3% fundraising, while the smallest nonprofits experienced a 7.2% DECREASE in fundraising revenue. What does this mean about who and how we fund? What does it mean about the existing model of philanthropy?

The reality is that we face challenges in measuring impact, creating initiatives and cohorts, falling into the trap of funding the same organizations year after year, and trying to extend representation to diverse and equitable communities. Overcoming these… read more

Dr. Ciela Hartanov

Managing Director at humcollective

Innovating Next Practice

Learn about how to use the tools of business foresight to accelerate your thinking about the future. Ciela will share lessons from her time as Head of Next Practice Innovation at Google, where she built an in-house foresight lab resulting in new practices that were integrated into Google's leadership and employee experience.

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