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Precious Kolawole

Data Scientist/ Machine Learning Engineer at Lendsqr

Explain Machine Learning as to a kid

Machine Learning programs today can learn to identify objects in images, videos, translate between languages, even master arcade and board games. In some cases, like DeepMind’s AlphaGo program, the AI even exceeds top humans at the task at hand! However, Machine Learning and AI are nothing more than buzz words. Let's learn it here together in its simplest form.

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Precious Kolawole

Data Scientist/ Machine Learning Engineer at Lendsqr

Explain Machine Learning as to a kid

Machine Learning programs today can learn to identify objects in images, videos, translate between languages, even master arcade and board games. In some cases, like DeepMind’s AlphaGo program, the AI even exceeds top humans at the task at hand! However, Machine Learning and AI are nothing more than buzz words. Let's learn it here together in its simplest form.

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Cristina Baldi

Blockchain Manager and Trainer at Blockchain Era

The blockchain: the new trustless paradigm outside and inside the business value

What is blockchain? Why is blockchain important in the supply chain? How does it allow the company to gain a competitive advantage on the market? What are the steps for the introduction of blockchain in the company? Transparent and immutable records, cost reductions, interoperable data creation, digital agreement management and value sharing are the traits that characterize blockchain technology. The aim of the webinar is to highlight the most significant features of the technology defined as the new internet, the methods for its implementation and the opportunities offered by the market for… read more

Kristina Maria Brandstetter & Astrid Wieland

Head of Marketing and Communications at #TheNewITGirls

Diversity instead of simplicity. Why diversity promotes innovation and what you can do for it

Companies thrive on innovation, and innovation thrives on diversity.

A better working atmosphere, higher reputation and more extensive market coverage are just a few of the arguments that should convince companies of the added value of diversity. And the advantages of a diverse work environment can also be measured quantitatively. Companies that have a high proportion of women in managerial positions, for example, generate higher returns on average.

Diversity has a decisive influence on the innovation performance of a company: "Industry affiliation",… read more

Sue Parker

Founder of ELiTe, Data Leader & Coach at Empowered Leaders in Tech

Thriving in your First 30 days in Leadership

As you transition into leadership, you can feel lonely & overwhelmed.
You go from having many peers as sounding boards to being lonely, often in a male-dominated world.
Outwardly you feel you ought to know all the answers and pressure to prove yourself can see 40% of new leaders fail.
The reality is that this is a fantastic opportunity for ambitious professionals like you to have a huge impact, use your previously untapped potential and become a new generation of empowered leaders. A role model even.
In this talk, I share powerful lessons so that you can… read more

Iuliia Martynovych

Project Manager at EPAM

Challenges in IT mentoring female mentee

During my 20+ years career in IT, unfortunately, a lot of times I observed a lot of female colleagues who sacrificed their professional career because of fear of not coping with balancing career/family. Sometimes they were afraid to even try a leader position. Others after a several-year-long career break were afraid to come back because they've forgotten everything they knew.
As an active IT Mentor (a member of Women Who Code Ukraine) I help women to find themselves and start from scratch/come back to their careers in IT, as well as get a promotion to leadership positions.… read more

Nikhita Venkatesh

Data Warehouse Engineer at Clearstream

Career Growth and Development - Machine Learning

Artificial Intelligence is such an interesting topic. Imagine how does it feel to pursue your care in such an emerging field. So why delay let us understand the importance of hot topics like Machine Learning, Data Science and much more. Not only understanding them but also making your self ready in that industry. Come join the conference to know much about it and understand the gap between the academic world and Industry to sell yourselves.

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Yoana Boyanova

Software Development Team Lead at VMware

Make your Angular Application PWA

Nowadays is crucial to develop apps with great UX and UI and to spend less time of developing a certain app for both web and mobile. In few simple steps you can make your existing Angular application act as a native app:
work offline
install it like desktop application
send native notifications.
If you're interested in how you can approach this, join me in my talk and learn about our journey with my team.

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Barbara Rogoski

Executive Speaker Coach and Mentor at Successful Speaker Now

Executive Presence for Women in Tech - How to Present Yourself Confidently

Executive Presence is a skill that women need at every level of their career development, where they are conscious and intentional in everything they do at work. It is about building confidence in oneself and being able to communicate this in a variety of situations. In this presentation, executive speaker coach and senior TEDx speaker coach Barbara Rogoski will discuss what Executive Presence is, how to develop your own style and how we, as women can sabotage ourselves without even knowing it. It is an entertaining and empowering session with practical tips and insights for all who attend… read more

Maria Korneeva

Frontend Tech Lead at Aleri Solutions GmbH

Crafting Frontend Strategy

Predicting future is hard, yet every December we see plenty of blogs with titles like “Web Development Trends <put-next-year-here>”. Are they reliable enough to use them in your business forecast?
In this talk I’m going to share my insights in crafting frontend strategy for a mid-sized IT company. You will learn about my way to tackle velocity and diversity of frontend technologies at the enterprise level. I want to discuss with you the “whats”, “whys” and “hows” of strategising, including some struggles that I faced, e.g. the soft "border" to other tech topics such as… read more

Amanda Brock

CEO at OpenUK

The importance of global collaboration in a world of Brexit and Geo Political Shift

The world is changing. We live in a time of shifts in long term political allegiances between governments, and political conscious decouplings of which Brexit was one of the clearest but very definitely only a part of the shifts happening across the globe.
For the first time, Tech in inextricably linked to government and politics, through its provision of the State and economy's infrastructures and its shift through social media to providing the source of news and individuals' interactions with friends and family.
Our Governments are calling for Digital and Data… read more

Linda Howson

Physical Security Research Engineer at Nedap N.V.

Agile Physical Security And The Inevitable Paradigm Shift

Physical security is, often, operationally focussed. While the organisational goals and strategy are used to form the initial security designs, many of the original driving factors become lost in the midst of time and change.

How, then, can you be sure that the security decisions made today, provide the expected results? More importantly, how do you know that your current security organisation satisfies the needs of your rapidly developing business?

As a security professional, you need an overview, a digital twin, that enables rapid response and provides… read more

Shalvi Mahajan

Data Scientist

Natural Language Understanding and Inference

Natural language processing is a commonly heard topic related to textual processing. But NLU or NLI are also the part of NLP which actually are the subtopics of NLP. Natural language understanding explains how the language needs to be understood before processing it. Natural language inference is the one where sentences from multiple languages can be processed using language-agnostic multilingual models and analyse how closely they are related to each other in a high dimensional space.
This talk would be a general overview on how to distinguish between different concepts of NLP and… read more

Dora Palfi

CEO and Co-Founder at imagiLabs

How to fix tech's leaky pipeline? Focus on pre-teen and teen girls.

Research has shown that that girls’ interest in technology drops dramatically between the ages of 11 and 16 (compared to boys). We at imagiLabs have decided to focus on this critical age range. Our goal is to engage girls when they are most likely to be interested in tech and use the power of community as well as shared passions to maintain their engagement as they get older. Our thesis is that by providing tools and a sense of inclusion at the right age, and doing so through a scalable solution, we can contribute to equipping and empowering the next generation of female engineers, developers… read more

Madhumalti Sharma

Founder and President at Workshop4Me a.s.b.l

10 Big Ideas on Education 2021

Despite the immense impact on people and society due to the COVID19 pandemic, we must acknowledge and bring forth the positive changes, especially for Education, Digital, and Entrepreneurship. Here are my Big ideas for 2021 in Education.

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Saskia Listle

Digital Architect and Diversity Advisor

Diversity is being invited to the party - Inclusion is being asked to dance

Did you ever wonder why you are having such big problems using your phone although it as advertised as “easy as pie”? Why you really do not feel comfortable with the usability design in your new word processor? Do you have or did you lose clients because they did not know what to do with your latest app? The chances are that all these technologies were not invented for you or your client!

The picture of the typical decision makers in companies that offer digital programs, apps and services unfortunately is still very homogenous – white, male, high degree, grown up in the… read more

Huguette Diakabana

Digital Health Advisor and Aspen New Voices Fellow at WHO Digital Health Technical Advisory Group and Aspen Institute

How to ensure that technology is bridging and not widening the access gap in the global south

If we don't consider the global south context, we risk widening an access gap that will devastate women in the global south for years to come. Technology allows us to address global health gaps in ways we haven't been able to do in the past. However, to ensure that it bridges rather than limit access to conducive work conditions, quality care, and socioeconomic gaps, we must ensure diversity in developers, policymakers, and local voices in the process of defining solutions. We must ensure that we include and elevate women's voices. Women are often at the center of solving… read more

Salwa Mahmoud Abuzeed

Chemistry Professor ,Coorganizer at GDG and WTM Delta and Motivational Speaker

Stop wasting your life

It's going to be about how to stop wasting your life on work that you don't find yourself in and you just keep going for no reason only for the money and not only the work maybe your feild of studying, maybe a difficult relationship, a lot of things that we let ourselves suffer for no reason and now it's time to get all over everything that puts alot of load and pressure on us and stop wasting our lives, for a brighter lovely future full of passion and happiness.

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Ash Gould

Scrum Master - Automation & Integration at Pension Insurance Corporation

Who am I? Discovering Identity and Building Resilience

With the world of work changing more rapidly than ever before, many of us are facing an identity crisis. As our work personas slowly encroach further into our home life, the lines between our professional identity and personal identity are become increasingly blurred.
You may have carefully crafted your professional brand over years or decades, culminating in a distinctive work persona. With remote working here to stay, you might be left wondering who you are in this whole new world. In the future of work where we are all just boxed images on a screen, how can you set yourself apart,… read more

Elizabeth Benson

Lecturer, School of Computer science and IT at Dedan Kimathi University of Science and Technology

Deep Learning application to Neonatal diabetes Retinopathy of prematurity symptoms screening

This work will present introduction to Deep learning and its application to model day life problems to achieve at solutions. a sample model will be presented whose purpose is to screen symptoms of neonatal diabetes Retinopathy of prematurity disease.

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