Your inner (tech) beast by Sireesha Chilakamarri

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Awakening Your Inner Tech Beast: A Journey of Discovery and Resilience

Hello, tech aficionados! Welcome to this captivating discussion about awakening your inner tech beast—identifying and unleashing the inherent technologist in you. Whether you're a budding techie or a seasoned professional, becoming the best in the field starts with self-discovery.

A Brief Introduction

Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Sirisha, a proud tech beast, currently serving as the CTO for ADM Media. After 13 years in the United States and consistently growing in the tech industry, my belief in the presence of inherent strengths in everyone has not wavered. Today, I'm sharing my journey and tips for unveiling your tech skill gifts and facing any tech challenge head-on.

Embarking on the Journey: The Ice-breaker

Every techie's journey begins somewhere. For me, it all started with attending a tech conference early in my career—an experience I found both eye-opening and overwhelming. My doubts often held me back from expressing myself or asking questions. But over time, I learned to embrace such impulses and use them as a springboard for growth. If this story resonates with you, fear not, because such self-doubt is far more common than you may think and can be overcome.

Gaining Momentum: Overcoming Hesitations

One of my personal accomplishments that have had a profound impact on my professional life was learning how to ride a bike as an adult. Like tackling new skills and challenges in the tech field, it required taking the plunge and seeing what happened—a clear demonstration of resilience. Remember, as technologists, we are problem solvers. So why let self-doubts deter you from solving your own problems?

Keeping the Pace: Developing Resilience

In this rapidly changing tech environment, it is paramount to be resilient. This resilience has seen me through jeopardous times, such as the looming prospect of unemployment shortly after becoming a mother. The moral here is to prepare for inevitable disruptions by acquiring fundamental skill sets that would make you constant in an ever-changing career landscape.

Sprinting to the Finish Line: Taking Action

Finalizing this journey of self-discovery requires taking action on your impulses. With this in mind, let's do a small exercise together. Relax your muscles, take a deep breath, and think about something you have previously held back on. Now, visualizing accomplishing that goal, whisper to yourself, "I am capable."

After the Race: Fostering Discussions and Sharing Insights

After taking part in this thought-experiment, discussions addressing common challenges—such as overcoming imposter syndrome, prioritizing needs, and recognizing achievements—are open. Consulting feedback and insights from fellow tech enthusiasts provides comprehensive solutions to overcome these shared challenges. Remember, when feeling like an imposter, the key is facing it until you make it, not faking it.


In conclusion, the tech industry is a fascinating journey that requires resilience, an open mindset, and the courage to take action. Shaking off self-doubts and embracing continuous learning are vital steps to unveil the tech beast within you. Remember, we each have the potential to excel, just waiting to be unearthed.

If you enjoyed this article and wish to dig deeper into this enriching subject, feel free to reach out and continue the discussion through the comment section or social channels. Together, let's unleash our tech beast and conquer the tech world. Happy learning!

Key Takeaways

  • Overcoming self-doubt is a crucial step in discovering your tech acumen.
  • Embrace resilience and face new challenges fearlessly.
  • You have to prepare for inevitable disruptions in the tech field by acquiring fundamental skill sets.
  • With every challenge, remember to tell yourself, "I am capable."
  • Sharing thoughts and discussing common challenges fosters growth and improvement.

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