A Simple Brain Training Tool To Confidently Navigate The Changing Tech Landscape by Sarah Moody
Video Transcription
Welcome. Good afternoon. Good morning. Good evening. Good. All the things. It's so awesome that you're all here today and while we're just getting started, I think we've got, uh, I think we're getting started in a couple of minutes or maybe we're getting started. We're getting started now.
Just drop in the chat. Where do you live? Hi, from San Francisco. That's where I live. What's one word on how you're feeling today? I'm feeling calm. And what's your favorite activity outside of work for me? It's definitely my, I've got a bunch, but definitely my high intensity interval training classes at my gym or even this morning, I went to yoga sculpt here in San Francisco and I did like a hot yoga with weights. So that was pretty fun too. It was pretty awesome actually. All right, let's dive in. Ok, so welcome. I'm Sarah. I live in San Francisco. I'm the CEO of Sarah Moody coaching and also customers always first and I'm a certified confidence coach. I got certified a couple of years ago with the life coach school. And as you can see, I live in San Francisco, not far away from the Golden Gate Bridge. So welcome. So happy you're all here today. OK. My experience, I've been in the tech industry for 25 years. Yes, I was like 10, right when I joined the tech industry. No. Um So I have walked in your shoes. I understand 100 and 50 million%. The challenges that you are facing right now around this ever evolving. What sometimes feels like probably quicksand with a slice of an earthquake, you know, working in tech, right? So thankfully, Microsoft Google Apple, like you name it, I've either a worked for these brands or b these brands are my clients or a combination of both. OK.
So we're gonna dive into the challenge I work with, I've worked with hundreds of women. So I'm gonna, I'm gonna share the challenge that I see. OK? I'm gonna talk about the solution and I'm gonna give you three simple answers. And as you look at the bottom of every single one of these slides, I want you to leave here with one kind of little playbook with two tools in it so that you feel a little bit more confident that you can navigate this quicksand of an industry that we're living in the ever changing tech industry.
Anytime you've got questions or comments, please just drop them in the chat. I've got lots of slides where we'll stop and I'll say, hey, tell me in the chat. But um anything that comes up along the way just, just drop it in the chat. All right, let's go. Let's go. All right. Here's the challenge that I see on the outside meeting outside of us. OK. Let's just start there. Let's talk about our industry. I mean, first of all, we all know about the talent shortage. I was doing some research, getting ready for this session. There are almost 4 million openings in the US alone in our industry. OK? I live in the San Francisco Bay area which has 8 million people. So that means half of the humans here, there's like openings in companies. So that's a lot of people. And then you think about the graying of the workforce, right? So people are getting older and they're leaving corporate America. We don't have the younger talent to come in and those of us that are in tech are just fried and leaving and going to other industries or deciding to stay home and take care of, of of aging parents or deciding to stay home and take care of kids. So massive talent shortage. Number one, number two is there's has been a 50% increase, 50% increase in M and A in 2021. So think about all of the companies that are buying other companies and your company is being sold to another company.
Lots of turmoil, lots of change going on, right? That number kind of astounded me actually that that level of increase in activity and then you just think about, like the world circumstance and what's going on out there, right. I mean, COVID the war like Roe V Wade, like it just, there's so much going on out there that can leave us feeling very uncertain and very kind of like, not grounded in our body and in our lives. Some of us have kids at home that we're taking care of. We've got elder, you know, parents that we need to take care of. We're dealing with death like sick people. Like there's a lot of stuff outside of us that I know leaves you with a lot of uncertainty. Ok? I know because all of my clients and students are women just like you. So just some research that I found from Deloitte, you know, 53% of women reported stress levels higher than one year ago. This is research that just came out. We're in a burn on epidemic. And I know for you for so many of you work life balance is non existent. You feel like you needed to be, you know, you, you, you need to be on like 24 73 65 right?
And a majority of you believe you need to work long hours to get ahead. And I know you're, you're, you're driven, you wanna get ahead, you wanna get that promotion. But all of this circumstance is driving burnout and resignations. This is, this is a lot of the world circumstance that that's leaving you in, in like a lot of uncertainty. I believe that learning development, personal development, skill set, skill set development is a CEO level issue. It's something that ideally is on all of your company's corporate priorities because this is how, when it's a lot to the CEO, this is how your lives will feel more certain, your worlds will feel more certain. You will wanna, you know, ideally stay at your company. If you really want to stay there, you won't feel like I have no work life balance. I feel overwhelmed and fried and, and wish I could leave tech and all those other thoughts and feelings that you're having right now. Because when it's at a, when the top priority at a CEO level to like model, how to have balance in life, how to set boundaries, all of those things, how to, how to support you as whole humans, everything's gonna change, right? And I know for some of you, some of your companies are going down this path and I know for others of you, your companies aren't there yet. Here's the challenge I see on the inside. OK. Inside of you. Number one, we're all women here.
Let's just talk about social conditioning. OK? Number one, we are conditioned to believe that we should all be polite, no interrupting in meetings, but think about all the men that are interrupting in meetings, right? We should all just be polite and nice. Let's talk about selfless, selfless.
I've watched the more selfless and giving you are to other humans, the more valuable women believe they are in society, our society values selflessness giving, you know, supporting the team at the expense of yourself all at the expense of yourself. If I offered to you that it would be awesome if you could put yourself first and maybe even be a little selfish. I bet your brain is probably like, oh my God, Sarah, you've lost your mind. There's no way I can do that. Right? So, just notice social conditioning is playing a huge role in how you show up in your world of work. And then let's talk about modesty. Ok. How many of you feel comfortable? Drop it in the chat? Just owning your wins, owning the fact that you crushed those OKRS or those deliverables or you got that promotion? How many of you think? Oh, that's bragging. I can't do that. There's no way that's just I feel really uncomfortable. Like I need to be, I need to not be bragging. I know until I hired my coach 2.5 years ago. There's no way I could talk about my accomplishments, my wins, how I was showing up for myself and my team at work. Ok. So just notice the social conditioning, this is playing a huge role in how you're showing up at work. All right. I'm just gonna share some thoughts that I've had before. I hired my coach 2.5 years ago.
So these are just, you know, things that go on in your brain that I've also noticed in my students of like, I'm not that smart or I'm not smart enough. Something along those lines, I'd say, you know, a good percent of them are like, listen, I don't have an Ivy League degree. I didn't go to the right school and all the things I hear, I'm not that creative. I hear there's not enough time, I'm not doing it right. So lots of like there's something wrong with me. OK? And lots of drive pressure to deliver, crush it, like take on those five deliverables. Oh, and I know if you work at Google right now, like if you've had a job for like more than two months, then you're not crushing it, right? Like many of these companies that I work with have this mindset of like I need that promotion. I need to get it now. Like, let's go, let's go, let's go. And so what I've seen this mean and this was me before I hired my coach is I've come up with this description to describe who I was. I had what I would call insecure like overachiever syndrome. It wasn't, it was a way that I was, it was something that I would use to describe me and it was, and see if this rings true to you.
The subconscious part of my brain that was always driving me to overachieve, prove myself, get ahead of my career. Crushed everything personally and professionally, like, nail it. Like I'm not doing it right. Like I'm not, I didn't get that deliverable done quickly enough. Like I should sign up for five more things. Right. And it was all because deep down I didn't feel smart enough. I didn't feel creative. I didn't feel like I thought there was something wrong with me. And so nothing ever really felt like it was enough and I definitely did not believe there was ever enough time. There's never, I would, I believe there is never enough time and I felt very stressed, fried, overwhelmed. And so what I'm, what I'm wondering for you. Oh, and then, exactly, let's just throw in the fact that like, with the talent shortage and the graying of America, you know, I know many of you do believe that you're gonna be short staffed forever. Right? And so I know for many of you you're going through different levels of feeling fried, feeling burnt out and, you know, like crashing on the ground wanting to, like, cry and, and, you know, quit and all the things and then, you know, wanting and then finding a little glimmer of like, ok, well, yeah, maybe I can do it.
But this general on the hamster wheel of like, I don't feel magic at work. I don't love my work. I'm not, there's too many things changing outside of me, the world, you know the M and A and all the things and I'm working, but I just feel empty on the inside. Like the light's broken. How many of you? Is this your reality? So drop in the chat for me. What is, what is going on for you at work? How are you feeling? Is this your brain? Does your brain say oh my God, I have to keep pushing if I wanna be successful. Is your brain saying there are not enough hours in the day? Is your brain saying, oh my God, I didn't respond in slack, fast enough. What are they going to think? Tell me in the chat. What is true for you? Let's take a minute. OK. What is true for you? All right, Claire, because I can't see the chat. Would you mind texting me? What is true for these amazing humans? You're burnt out? All right. All right. All right. Yes. Not enough time to complete stuff. All right. You're, you're feeling overworked. Yes.
So what I wanna tell you right now is all of those thoughts that you're having right now of there's not enough time and the feelings of your feeling burnt out. Just know nothing has gone wrong. OK. Zero. We have this incredible brain of ours and we're not taught how to use it so that we can confidently navigate work so that we can confidently show up for our teams and our deliverables and our lives and even the humans outside of our lives outside of our teams. So I know you feel like, oh my God, I must get it all done. I'm feeling overwhelmed, but I must get it all done now and I must get it done perfectly. Oh, and by the way, I know I need to, I feel like I need to be on 24 73 65. I know this is what your brain is telling you right now. But at the end of this session, we're gonna help you unravel some of these thoughts that are creating the feelings of fried, overwhelmed and burnt out and like, oh my God, I think I'm just gonna quit. OK? OK. So I know like for me, I used to think, oh my God, what is wrong with my brain? Like my brain is in charge of me and it's a disaster. Here's what I want to tell you right now.
Here's some neuroscience my students call me like the brain trainer or like, you know, think of, oh, here's the other thing I love to do when I'm not at the gym working out is walking that guy Marley. And I love this analogy of like I'm now in charge of my brain. I used to think it was in charge of me and it's like I now put a little leash on my brain and I'm like, listen, I'm in charge of you OK. And this is what you're gonna learn from me today. Your amazing brain has 60,000 thoughts a day running through it every single day and most are negative. Most are like there's not enough time. I'm not quite smart enough to get things done. There's no way I'm gonna get that promotion. Like how in the world am I going to get all my, all my deliverables done and take care of my elderly, you know, parents that I need to take care of. And so all of these negative thoughts in your brain are not gonna create ideal results in your life. OK? But I want you to know right now your brain is is perfect right now. It's functioning the way it was wired, but we're just not taught how to manage it, how to train it. So let's do something really simple. Let's take our brain right now and there's two sides of your brain.
Think of the puppy brain like Marley over here and the CEO brain, OK? The CEO brain that you might have heard like of the prefrontal cortex or the human brain, right? This is a newer part of our brain that's been developed and this is where your long term deep desires, goals, all those things reside. OK? I call this the results maker like I know you're all intact. So think of like OK, Rs and this part of your brain is gonna help you create all those results at work, get all those results that you want in your life. Like even just a result, like feeling calm and confident at work. Your primitive brain think of puppies. This part of your brain is you might have heard of like the lizard brain, the reptilian brain like that part of your brain. That part of your brain is like, listen, I want things easy. He's scanning for danger, right? This part of your brain is like, oh my God, I was, you know, five minutes late, like delivering those deliverables or five minutes late for that meeting with the CEO like I'm gonna get fired. This is the part of your brain that has all those negative thoughts in it. Ok? This part of your brain, I call the results thief. Ok? So just keep this in mind.
Brain 101, most of us are living in our puppy brain, our little lizard brain and what I'm gonna offer to you now and this is neuroscience. Is your thoughts in your brain? Like think about say this is a piece of pizza, ok? And you're like, oh my God, that pizza looks so yummy. Next thing you know, you're eating the pizza, right? Your thoughts will always equal your results and what I wanna offer to you today. And this was a little like brain bending for me when my coach Brooke first taught me, this is all the thoughts in your brain are optional. They're just sentences in your brain. I know many of you think that there are facts that would stand up in a court of law, but they're not. And so we can use our CEO brain to change our thinking and change our results, right? So maybe you don't want to eat that pizza. You, you know, like, really, you could be in your CEO brain and be like, you know what? I know that pizza looks great, but like pizza is not on my protocol today or like, I can't eat gluten. So there's no way I can eat pizza, right? So you can use your CEO brain to help you get different results in your life. All right. So now you're like, hey, Sarah, how do I change my thoughts? How do I use my CEO brain? Right? All right.
Well, let's, let's, let's dive into this one because this is where the, this is where a lot of the fun starts. So I have a playbook, a whole cognitive playbook. As I mentioned, I have a cognitive coach and I'm gonna give you chapter 12 tools and these are two tools that I use and all of my students use every single day. All right, tool. Number one. So my team is gonna drop a little workbook into the chat. And so I want you to grab that workbook and we will use it, uh, paste through the workbook or you could just write, you could just do this exercise on a piece of paper or on your laptop. So a thought download, think of like a software download. All the software gets, gets downloaded, right? So this is the same thing. Think of your brain, all the thoughts in your brain are gonna get downloaded. So the first step in training our brains is figuring out what's going on in there. So a thought download is just a brain download of what's going on in your brain, unedited, uncensored. Don't judge it. Just take it out of your brain. So let's take two minutes right now. Take your thoughts out of your brain and put them on page through the workbook or write them down and here's some prompts. I want you to write down your thoughts about work.
I want you to write down your thoughts about maybe setting some boundaries at work like 5 to 8 o'clock. I'm with the kids and the, and the parents and I'm not working. What are your thoughts about work life balance. What are your thoughts about you and your role? So let's take two minutes. I'll just put my little timer on right now and just let's start typing away or writing away. And if you have any questions, just drop them in the chat. All right, we go back to the prompts and I think my team can drop the slides into the chat as well in case you just want to follow all along on your own. So. All right, thank you. Team. My team already dropped the slides into the chat so you can um follow along on the prompts. All right. Great. Right. We've got about 50 seconds left when I first did my first thought download that. This is how I learned about insecure overachiever syndrome. I would look at my thoughts, my thought downloads for probably the first year and I started coaching in Q four of 2019. And um oh, we have a question. OK. Do boundaries differ for senior leaders in an organization? This is my belief. My belief is as a leader in an organization is you actually are the one in charge of being an example with boundaries of what's possible for your team. So, oh, there's our timer.
So my belief is as a leader, your boundaries are your boundaries and ideally your boundaries align with like, you know what your CEO unless you're not the CEO like what the leadership team is aligned with. And you model that under example of, of what's possible with your team around that? Let me know if that answered your question. And also two, please tell me the chat. What did you write down? What surprised you? Here's what surprised me about when I did. My first download is all of my thoughts were negative. There's no way I can do that. I'm not smart enough, I'm not fit enough. I don't have enough money in the bank. There's not enough time for me to get things done. Why, you know, my best friend is more creative than I am. It was lots of like, I'm not enough and what I real and so that's the power of tool. Number one is think about you and I right now and we're sitting on a couch. Ok. And here's a big screen right in front of us, like a big 80 inch flat screen TV. And you and I are, I've got some popcorn, maybe you've got some popcorn. Ok. And we're sitting and we're looking at your, the thoughts on the screen. Ok. For me, what surprised me was how negative mine were, how, how I wasn't, you know, in Q four of 2019, I was just working in tech tech entrepreneur. I wasn't a coach.
I hadn't gone to like, you know, in essence the, the, you know, and there's no way I thought I could go and be a coach. So yeah, tell me in the chat, what's going on? All right. So tool number two is OK. Tool number two is the framework. So your thoughts in your brain will always end up here will always end up in your results. So think about the thoughts of that pizza looks yummy. Next thing you know, you're eating the pizza, right? So here. So Tool number two is the framework. This is also in your workbook. There are five things that exist in. There are five things. Oh, I've gotta give you guys access to the slides. Ok. Hold on a second. Let me do that right now. Hold on. Don't mind me. Uh share, hold on, let me anyone with a link done. There we go. Ok. Oh. Now can I even get back? Ok, wait, hold on. All right. Can you guys see the slides? Oh my God. I'm such a, a zoom zoom girl. Um OK. So there are five so tool number two, five things that exist in the universe right now. Facts. A fact is COVID. So anything that would stand up under court of law is a fact. I'm a human. I could stand up in front of a judge and he'd be like, yeah, you're a human. You're a human. What are the thoughts you have about the facts as we just discussed the thoughts in your brain, create feelings, desire, overwhelmed anxiety, all the things, right?
Your feelings drive what you do? You feel desire for the pizza? You eat the pizza. Next thing you know you've got pizza in your stomach. Ok. Super simple. So here's an example. So you've got five. So here's unintentional thinking. Here's the puppy on the left. Oh my God. So on your calendar you've got five deliverables due June 30th. Ok. It's on your calendar. Your boss put it on your calendar. Your thought is. Oh my God. I have so much on my plate already. I don't know how I'm gonna get these done. I bet most of you have thought that most days you feel anxiety, you complete the easy stuff. You procrastinate in those five deliverables, you end up pulling it all night or the night before and you deliver them but they, you think they look like crap. The result for you because of that thought is you don't show up for your bad ass self. OK? Now let's go to some, some thinking that serves you. Ok? So it's the same five deliverables due June 30th. Nothing changes there. What's the thought? Because your thought will always equal your results. This is Neuroscience 101. It's like what thought feels a little open. I am not in the positive affirmation. Rainbows daisies that world. I am a cognitive woman. So what, what thought creates a feeling that's a little open like a sigh.
So for example, for me, the thought was like it's possible I can start now. I can block out a little bit of time and deliver and you've got to decide what works for you for me. B minus work deliverables is enough. I'm already an overachiever. So B minus work is enough but you decide what feels believable. Is it A minus? Is it B plus? Is it B minus? And then you feel a little open, a little sigh and you block out time and you get it, you get some solid V ones done. You deliver B minus work, right? You show up for yourself. All right, ladies, how much time? I think I've got 10 minutes left. All right. So the thoughts in your brain, like I have to give a customer deep dive at June's board meeting. And if you feel prepared, you're gonna be like, yeah, I got it. Or if you're not, you're like, oh my God, I feel fear. I feel anxiety. I feel doubt. OK? Any tips for getting the positive thought to stick. OK. Yes. Here it. OK. The team's gonna drop bridging Thoughts podcast into the chat for you. I'm gonna go back here because this is very important. The feeling needs in your body needs to feel like a sigh. If the thought in your brain creates a little openness that thought, you just keep telling your brain that thought. So you don't go to like, yeah, I can deliver all five deliverables and like and give a plus work.
And I got this like that is too big of a bridge, too big of a jump in your thoughts. Your brain is very smart. So notice how it feels in your body and that's how you would get it to stick. OK? And train your brain every day. You ta learn how to talk to your brain. I tell my brain every day what to think. OK? So the feelings as we talked about will all the feelings of anxiety, the feelings of overwhelmed like when you feel overwhelmed. What do you do? Drop it in the chat? What do you do? Probably go fire up some Ozark watch Netflix and like take a nap, right? So your feelings in your body will always drive what you do or don't do right? Clean the oh my gosh, you guys ma I was a master at cleaning the house, like perfectly clean house, hot mess in here about my world of work and all this shit. I was procrastinating. I was procrastinating until I learned how to train my brain. All right, tell me in the chat what thoughts are on repeat most days and what feelings for me. I'm not smart enough. That was my number one. Everything that would come up. I'm not smart enough. I don't know how to do this. Like there's no way I can do this feeling insecurity every day. Self doubt, self doubt, self doubt, doubt, doubt, doubt. All right.
So tell me in the chat, your frequent flyers as I call them thoughts on repeat like the spin cycle in the washing machine and the feelings frustration. Yes. Yeah. OK. So you see how awareness of our thoughts and feelings puts you back in your CEO brain. Remember you and I are sitting in the couch right now. I'm eating some popcorn. Maybe you're eating some popcorn with me and we're looking at the screen of your thoughts and you're feeling frustrated and the thoughts of there's no way I can get this done, right? All of them as you can see are optional. OK. So what do you do and not do when you feel frustrated? You said you play Solitaire, you shut down. OK. We're gonna move on. All right. So, back to the question of how do you know that the thought sticks? For example, it's just find a thought that feels a little better than your current thought that's creating the stress and anxiety. So for example, if you don't believe that you can be off slack for a few hours, maybe the bridging thought is it's possible. I can let my team know when they can get in touch with me and still be considered a team player or a team leader or whatever. OK? See if, if it's possible like you're like, yeah, I feel like it is possible.
So what I want to offer to you today is as you navigate this changing tech landscape of like the talent shortage, the never ending M and A and leaders changing, right? The world's circumstance, your parents needing you, your kids needing you all the things I wanna offer to you that you make some space for your life. OK? You start learning for a few minutes every day, how to show up for you. So back to being an example of what's possible like we talked about a little earlier, here's some props for you to answer like how do you want to spend your time. So 53% of you are burnt out. So how do you want to spend all your time at work? Not sorry when you're, when you're not at work, what kind of life feels like? Exciting and kind of easy? And how do you want to feel day to day for me when I started doing this work? I just wanted to feel calm and confident every day. And so I started telling my brain, listen, we're gonna feel calm and confident today and my brain started listening to me. And so I want you to think about and just use these prompts like you, you taking care of you, your sleep, your exercise and all these things goes in the calendar first. You are first. Number two, family, friends, relationships, your passions, number three, your career.
I know right now, I bet a lot of you have like careers number one and you as number three, I'm gonna offer to you to make space for your life, your incredible one, incredible life and start learning how to love it. Flip those around. I schedule everything in my calendar. If, if I look, if anyone looked at my calendar, they would see my priorities. They would see how I intentionally want to spend my time. And what I'm gonna offer to you is as you start making some space for your, your life, focusing less on um you know, the changing world of work and the leaders and all the things and start focusing on you. You're gonna feel some discomfort. You're gonna be like Sarah. There's no way I can do this. There's no way I can set some boundaries. There's no way I can not be available for my team on Slack 24 73 65. Because go back to some of the societal conditioning that I shared earlier. We're conditioned to believe that we should be selfless and always giving and never say no. And all this BS were conditioned as women. So you're gonna feel a little discomfort and just embrace the discomfort and be loving and kind and compassionate with yourself. OK? So three simple answers for you. Number one, this is, this will be difficult at first, but I really encourage you to be an example to your colleagues, your team, even your friends and family of having balance in your life, modeling, some work like boundaries. OK?
Number two, if you're a team leader, you know, as we kind of navigate this world, always ensure that you're evaluating your team's performance and even yourself based on your results based on OKRS. It's very easy to get caught up in like a lot of like drama and stories and really at the end of the day, we're all just here focused on having balance in life. And when we are at work just delivering on our OKRS and I would encourage you to support yourself and your team's well being right, having that balance in your life and just know there's no playbook for this crazy time in our world. So, iterate, like a year ago, I would spend like 10 minutes doing thought work. That's what I talk about when I talk about using these tools. Now I spend about 30 minutes every morning and I meditate and I do some kind of like prayers and then I do some thought work and so just find what works for you. And this is one of my favorite beliefs when I started doing this work is because I mentioned it's gonna feel a little uncomfortable. Discomfort is the currency of your dreams.
And the more you can just practice telling yourself that on my wall right in front of me, I have, um, we do hard and big gold glitter letters on the wall. It's like embrace the discomfort. OK? And think about your future self. Think about you in a year, think about you tomorrow, think about you next week, right. Hook her up, decide you're gonna tell your boss. You know what? I'm gonna turn off slack every day at five unless it's like AC P one from the CEO. Ok. All right. So what was the most valuable thing you learned today that you'll continue to, to use? Can you tell me in the chat and while you're telling me in the chat? Because I don, I only got two more minutes, I'll just share a couple of, I mean, I've got so many women that I've worked with, but if you're a leader and you've got a team and you wanna have like a common language and help all of you kind of look at your brain and look at what's keeping you back and learn how to, you know, build some self confidence, like learn how to set some boundaries.
I do this with all types of tech companies and I do this with all types of women. You know, Christine, I worked one on one with her as a coach and then I came in, I work and I worked with her team. So, so just know that I am super open to being your guide, your mentor, sitting on the couch with you eating some popcorn, helping you see your brain. And um definitely my team will put in the chat, our email address. But if you want me to come in and do a workshop and help you and your team over deliver without sacrificing I over deliver all the time you guys and I probably don't work more than 30 to 35 hours a week, ok? So you can too have a common language with your team feel and know that you're better together, right? You're all helping each other in this crazy tech industry that we all work in. I've got a free confidence. Course, my team will drop that in the chat as well and there's a couple podcasts that they'll drop in the chat as well. They'll drop it at the chat about, um, confidence. And then there's one just about uncertainty that I just eat my, my team. So just drop it in the chat, please. Team. And let's see, here's where you can find us. Rock your brain, rock your life. That's the podcast. That's the book. Go to Sarah moody.com.
And first of all, just thank you so much for showing up for yourselves, for being all in. I'm here to be of massive service to women like you and thanks for showing up for yourselves today. So I hope you have a beautiful rest of your afternoon, evening and day and, um, feel free to reach out if we, if there's anything we can do to help you and, or your teams. All right, take care.