Our People Are Our Success And Our Future by Franziska Timmermann
Franziska Timmermann
Head of People & WorkplaceMoritz Bauer
HR and Employer Branding ManagerVideo Transcription
OK, I propose that we start otherwise we don't get through. Um And yeah, thank you so much for joining uh the session about Lufthansa Group Digital Hunger. Thank you for making the time. Uh My name is Moritz. I'm gonna introduce myself uh again in a second. Um Yeah.Uh Thanks a lot. Um We're here today to tell you a bit about the digital hunger, uh why it exists, uh why it was founded. Um Why it's fun to work with us and yeah, what we do in our daily job um But before we jump in, um I would hand over to, to Franci to quickly introduce herself.
Hi, everyone. I'm so happy to be here today and meet all of you. I'm currently responsible in the digital hunger for the people, uh people, topics. Uh My position is ahead of people and workplace and I'm responsible that everyone feels welcome and especially for the upcoming company growth that we are facing um which is mainly the recruiting of talents. Um I have worked for Lufthansa like for the last five years um but mainly focusing in it project management and now more focusing really on recruiting of talents. Um, speaking of talents, um, I will just hand over to Moritz very quickly because I'm happy that I'm not alone but that he's joining and he's also on board, but maybe you want to introduce yourself.
Yeah, definitely. Hi. My name is, is Moritz. Um, I joined Digital Hunger in December last year. Um, so also quite fresh before that I did my bachelors and masters in, in management in, uh, France and Portugal uh worked for Pharma and MedTech for four years. And uh I'm now part of the hunger there. I'm um hr manager and employee uh employer branding manager. Um I'm mainly concentrating on um the integration of different locations um and their hr processes. Um You're going to see in a second that we're not only um hiring in Germany, but we have different locations where the Lufthansa Group um has subsidiaries and um and uh since or like for a few weeks and months now I'm doing some employer branding activities, meaning um events and fairs, marketing campaigns.
That that's one of the reasons why I'm here today. Um I suggest that um we jump right into the topic. Um We, we're gonna talk first a bit about the motivation for building the hunger, then explain a bit on how we work and then also maybe see different opportunities that we have in the hunger. Um I highly suggest you to, to put any questions um in the Q and A. Um function. Um fancy will stop me then um and, and then we can uh take it right up. Uh But then I would suggest that we start right in that I explain you a bit about the hunger. Um But first of all, maybe for the motivation, uh I mean, you all know that digitalization is increasingly dominating all areas of our lives. I mean, this is not a lie and this is very prevalent Uh every, everywhere, the rapid progress of all the players that are in the market um is actually also raising the expectations of consumers and customers. Uh I mean, if you have a look, opening a bank account takes like eight minutes, you can virtually see a doctor um without having to sit down and wait for uh uh for four hours.
And the fact that already like 10 minutes delay and like your food delivery is, is, is something bad uh is really setting up the the bar really high. Um and this results in actually more than 50% of the consumers and customers um expecting digital self services uh out of the habits of of of area other areas and other industries. However, this also poses a real potential, meaning that successful digitalization has great potential and can actually triple the revenue per customer per lifetime. But which is quite immense because like, I think there's rarely any measures that could actually do that. Mhm So um companies are moving away from like their traditional business models and start to integrate digital services into their portfolio. Thus, for example, physical features like an Airbnb or a Tesla um and human experience like the exchange with an Uber driver are often comple complemented by digital solutions. Uh This allows customers to be proactively presented with, for example, right weekend, because the app knows who you are, who your family is, where you live and what time your, your weekend office, for example, or for example, the the the quick reminder that a cab or an Uber will get you to your destination faster and way more comfortable.
Um This type of personalization also carries great opportunities for the aviation industry. Um because it's an industry that is not known for its high levels of personalization in the realization in the past, I mean, if you remember you just book a ticket, you get your service, you get your flight and then you get off the plane and basically it was the same service that everybody did.
However, if you go to an airport and you look at the people, you can see that um everybody's different, everybody has like some people travel for leisure, some for business. So it really shows that there's different needs of different people, meaning also that there's potential both for revenue but also for for personalization. So really customer satisfaction, the digital war in the airline industry has begun many years ago, especially with COVID and various carriers are fighting this war for a competitive advantage. However, when you can, what you can see here is that the digital features that are actually visible to the customer. So for example, an app, a chatbot, an in app in app flying Tracker or for example, different payment options and just like the tip of the iceberg. Um So especially for large corporations for for example, like the Lufthansa Group, there is a strong it backbone needed for this. Besides strong take uh tech capabilities which are best utilized in like an R context and in a collaborative approach, digital talents and an entrepreneurial culture are the key, the key success factors.
And this is exactly why we're here today because we want to show you what we do, why we do it, how we do it. And then of course, also tell you a bit why it's quite fun to actually work with us. But talking about this, I would hand over to fancy who's going to tell you a bit more about the target picture and the hunger itself.
Thanks for the great intro, Moritz. Yeah, let's get directly into the target picture of the digital hanger. And why the digital hanger has been founded. I mean, on the left side, as Moritz already mentioned, digitalization is also becoming more and more important for Lufthansa or for the Lufthansa group as you can see on the left side, um the number of visits on our Lufthansa group, Digital touch points, which is mainly the website.
And also the app has increased by 2 million visits per week compared to 2019. And also the number of online checkings, we have more than 80% currently conducted online check ins and also nearly 80% of the bookings are done via our website. Um This really highlights the need again that we really need to get better also in digitalization in the Lufthansa Group. And this is exactly why the Lufthansa Group Digital Hunger has been founded. And what are we doing? Our aim is really to make things easy for the customer at our digital digital touch points and really empower the customers. On the other hand, we also want to put the employees um at the first place. So employees really a success factors to drive the topics. And this is also one of our key topics which I will present afterwards. And how are we going to achieve this? On the one hand, we really have customer oriented teams and they are always consisting of a mixture of tech and business. So really interdisciplinary teams um and not like having business and it departments separated anymore. They are working really together as one team on a specific product with really end to end responsibility. Then we also have a stronger it focus than before in the Lufthansa Group.
So also being more attractive to tech talents and we have already seven locations in place. I'm working with different talents from the seven locations. I think they are presented on the next slide. So we are having locations in Poland already then in Germany in Switzerland in, in um Austria as well. And we are currently also building a new tech hub in Barcelona, meaning Spain, but this is currently still in the setup phase. Um But we really wanna hire and get the best talents possible in different kind of locations. Also important to mention is it's like a start up. So we are building from scratch, but we already have more than 1000 people involved in the digital hanger that are people that are already working for the airlines and have really strong airline knowledge. So there are already thousands of people working. But nevertheless, we want to hire additional 500 tech talents within the digital hanger to really make sure to have like also external expertise. And I think the 500 new hires is also like really commitment from Lufthansa group that this is really important to drive the digitalization forward, which is really great. So what are we exactly doing so far within the Lufthansa group? We have two dimensions.
First one is more the physical features, for example, the seats in the aircraft. Then we also have the human experience, which is the on board service um by the crew and also the checking experience at the counter. And now a third dimension needs to be added, which is the digital solutions, for example, the app, but also the experience at all of our digital touch points. And the idea is really to create the world's best connected travel experience. And within the digital hanger, we are focusing on the third layer. So really the digital solutions and build up the travel experience, end to end focusing on digital touch points. This is what we are focusing on right now. So how are we going to achieve this? Um Before the digital hangar was founded, Lufthansa was more working like on a project focus. Meaning um we started a project maybe also with a pres study without a clear with a clear outcome. And now we are more working in agile iterations to develop like really the best solutions possible. That means really teams are having end to end responsibility for product and they are responsible for continuous improvement of a specific product just to give you also an idea.
So we have one value stream, for example, which is responsible for customer servicing and one product could be the chatbot and then the team is responsible to continue to improve the chatbot or also come up with a better, better solution. In this case, really important is the decisions are really taken by the team, they are the experts and they know the product leadership is just providing guidance or support. But it's really important for us that decisions are taken within the team. Then of course, also we are having a look at our platforms um building a new tech architecture which allows us faster deployment of the features. Another important step is also the insourcing. We have been quite dependent on external providers, especially when it comes to develop our resources.
So now we on want to in house um tech skills as well. Also focusing really on um development resources um to be more independent also and more flexible. In this case, as mentioned before, in the digital hanger, we really want to scale up. We want to have 500 additional hires in in the next two years. And from the cultural perspective, really looking for entrepreneur and open people. Um But I will elaborate on this one. also in a few seconds, a little bit deeper. Yeah, this is just to give you an idea on how an Ed I team looks like. So we are always within the teams, having a product owner, then a Scrum master who's facilitating the I A of working. Currently, we are working based on safe. Then we do have some business analysts within the team, also developer and often also some testing resources. But the teams can vary depending on the product. Sometimes we also have solution architect included in the teams and also the number of teammates is also depending on the product itself, but this is like a general or how a basic team looks like. So now to the cool part, um what are the products that we are currently working on? So this is just some examples to give you an idea. But we are really focusing on the customer journey, the digital customer journey, really starting with giving the customers better inspiration.
So really a personalized offer provided them the target targeted inspiration content and and also bought payment functionalities. An example could be to launch another destination finder 2.0. For example, if I plan my vacation in October and I just want to spend time at the beach, having good weather, but then we come up with better suggestions. So really a personalized inspiration offering, then we have the booking itself, this needs to be user friendly. So as MS mentioned, there should just be a few clicks. So we really also need to improve like the whole booking process and also offering additional products um with our partner and retail portfolio could be, for example, the parking lot, the baggage options. The for example, when someone is booking a flight to Hamburg that we have some kind of musical tickets uh suggested um or other entertainment options. So really having a look to generate additional revenue. Um This is also one of the topics that is currently on the list and of course, this should also be very user friendly by just ticking ticking the boxes and then we have the phase before traveling. On the one hand, it really needs to have a login across all touch points before the Luhan Digital Hangar and the new app was launched, there were like different apps, Austrian Swiss Bars, Lufthansa.
And now it's possible that we have like one identifier and the log in across all of the touch points and then create an experience along the entire journey. One of the key topics here is of course, also to improve the self service to our customers, for example, to handle claims or to change your flight. Um what we have launched so far is for example, when your flight has been canceled, that you are rebooked automatically to the best next uh upcoming flight. And this is really important because we want to relieve the service line and also the ground personnel to make sure that situations like we had them in the last summer operations are not happening again. So really focusing also on empowerment of the customers by providing better self service that they do not need to spend like hours in the service line anymore, then we have the flight itself. Um What we launched already is so if you're flying with Lufthansa Group, you should get notifications, for example, on delays like pop ups on your smartphone.
What we want to do next is also inform you about the waiting time at the airport or at the security check that you can plan accordingly. What we are currently testing is also an example of a gamified upgrade auction at the gate that you can yeah, buy some upgrades a very last minute as well or give you a personalized navigation to the gate as people who are not traveling that often are sometimes lost at the airport.
Or for example, if your flight has been delayed for the third time and we are able to see and track it that we will send you and pop up. Um including a voucher for example, to grab a coffee or have a meal at the airport and also prepare the room, for example, that they are able to see some customer highlights on the co device that allows them a special interaction with the customer. For example, if they see that someone is flying Lufthansa for the first time or they have their 10th flight um with Lufthansa Group. So that does allow them like a special interaction with the customer and also the travel support functions in the fly net, which is the entertainment system of Lufthansa, for example, that they are, it's already possible to check the connections flight with real data or having like airport maps.
So also including the entertainment system within Lufthansa and make it more, more easy to use after the traveling. It's also important for us to build up like a customer profile. Um We are calling this customer cockpit which like should give the the c as an overview for example of this youtube compensation or the whole flight history and also of course store store all of the relevant documents like the passport information that the next time they do not need to fill it in again.
So really build like an individual customer profile, which then also leads us back to the first point to give them also better inspiration. These are the topics that we are working on right now. And so we just have been founded in October and I think it's um really a lot, the focus right now is really making sure that the summer operations is going smooth. But of course, there are also more topics to come um next and also to the cool part. So the culture, the place that we are working on, I think also what we experienced in recruiting is that cultural fit is way more important than skills, you can build up skills. But it's really important that the cultural fit is there. So we have aligned on six core values. Although I have to say, of course, they might change. We are still in the setup phase and people are shaping the culture and also the values so they might change. But these are the current values that we are orienting on. I will not elaborate on each of them just on the ones which are most important to me, which is definitely they can do mentality. So we are really looking for people who find solutions for topics that they have never solved before, just as an example. So when I started and, and I do not have an employer branding background. So I was working in it. They wanted me to build a company website um because of course, we need it for recruiting purpose as well. And then we just face the issue, ok?
When, when building a website, we should definitely have some kind of a branding and we didn't have any branding yet. So we really build the branding from scratch. I mean, you can see some parts in the presentation. Um But this is also something that neither me nor the team has done before building a complete company branding. And this is really like having this start up attitude. But nevertheless, we are in a corporate environment and I think this is really a great mix and we are really looking for people with that kind of can do mentality, just try out new things come up with new ideas. Um This is I think one of the core values then of course empowerment. But I think I, I have described it before. So we are really looking also for people who want to take ownership as decision decisions should be taken by the team itself. And leadership is only provided providing guidance. So really take ownership and do decisions. And then another one is on the pulse as MS has also mentioned, um we really want to compete with the big tech player in this case and we want to take into account latest technologies.
So we are having um impulse sessions on a regular basis with different companies. We are having like lots of benchmarks. But it's important that also the people that we hire, that they are also aware of the latest technologies and also come up with new ideas here. And then last important topic for me here is the cross cult, cross cultural company. So this is really also a personal topic for me to really build up a cross cultural cross cultural company um within our new hires. And I think we now have more than 50 we already have 20 different nationalities represented, which is really great because it's so important that our employees are as diverse as our customers and their needs. So it's really great that we have so many nationalities already represented.
And uh we are also, we also defined some kind of strategic pillars to really foster that kind of diversity, equity inclusion topics. So I will just give you some examples um to what we are doing right now to really improve it. The first one is of course diverse recruitment. Um Just also to give you one idea of my personal experience. So when I was asked to take over the head of people and workplace position, I remember that I, I felt like quite young for that position, I would say, and I, I also have never done hr before. So I wasn't that experienced in this specific skill field. Um So I wasn't really sure if I can manage. Um I think it's also sometimes women tend to be more reserved on taking the lead. But nevertheless, it's really great. Um The company really empowered me and always supported me on this journey. And I really have to say that I never felt like left out because of my age or my gender. So also the management is giving high attention here and also to I I also have some kind of mentorship program, for example, um which is really great in this position. Also within the recruitment, we are looking for example, that open leadership positions.
So we try to focus to increase diversity. For example, we have also hired a new female coo she's really great. And uh I hope that she will also be a role model for the others in this case. Um And then, yeah, as mentioned, we are offering also some mentoring programs for people who want to develop but not feel ready yet. So this is also in place and then of course, yeah, very basic, we set ourselves, of course, some goals um and make them transparent to everyone. For example, we have a female quota of 50 40% right now. Um And then we measure it on a regular basis. I mean, this is just based on gender. There are more measurements and goals to come as diversity is of course more than just the gender at least. Um We have a starting point here. And currently we have 40% female quota within the company, which is I think a great number, especially in that kind of tech area that we are in. But of course, we still want to improve. Um Another topic is to create really awareness within the company. So our our employees really need to understand what diversity really means and is and it is not just gender or age but that it is so much more.
And this is why we made it as integral part of the on boarding as well for like for all of our new joiners that they get a training also on diversity, equity and inclusion. And then we also building up currently different communities um also female leadership programs. Then we have um the Power Up Network currently launched just to really foster collaboration and exchange um between that kind of underrepresented groups as well. And um yeah, I mean, management attention is very high. We also try to uh we also live diversity in the management team and then also the leadership is responsible to make sure that also within the teams. Diversity is a big topic. I mean, we are still at the beginning, as mentioned, we have been founded in October and we are definitely not perfect yet, but at least we really have the awareness um of diversity and have the topic on our priority list. And then it's also like with our products like test measure learn. I mean, we really have the goal to improve it and we have some measures in place. But then based on the different measures that we are taking, we really do it like test measure, learn and see which one like fits the best to our needs. So this is just a starting point and then yeah, next one, maybe so important.
Why should you be working with us? So I think that you hopefully got a better impression on what the digital hanger is doing. Um Never in France
has some connection issues, then I would quickly take over. I think she uh yeah, she got, she got stuck that I'll quickly continue. Um Yeah, while working for us, I think um the biggest, the biggest point uh at the moment is really impact that you can create an impact. We are part of the Lufthansa group. So we also have this corporate environment that we have. However, it's still like a start up. So I'm at the moment currently doing all the different processes that we have. Um And that we need to build within the company. Um And, and they have like lots of autonomy. Um So basically, really impact is the, the the most important aspect. Um However, we offer also a, a number of numerous attractive uh benefits. The most important one I think is the flight benefits uh because you can really see the world with us. Um You get unlimited uh opportunities. Um You're part of the, the, the globally renowned Lufthansa group, which really has a lot of also travel um benefits that we have. Um And I mean, of course, we also care about the employees and we want to foster a very healthy work life balance. So we offer fitness and mindfulness offerings.
Um We, we have like we, we try to, to be a very or create like a very healthy work environment and culture. And this is why also Franci said that um these cultural aspects that we saw there are still changing because we want to motivate all the employees that are starting with us to actually create this culture just to give you a short overview. Uh Currently, we have like 17 different job openings um open in Frankfurt alone. Um However, you could see that uh there's different locations, I think it's seven in total at the moment and we hire at all different locations. So this is just a snapshot of what is actually possible at the moment. However, there's more to come and also in the different locations. Um You can have a look here, there is a QR code that links to our website and also our email address. But also again, we highly encourage you to um to really reach out to us on linkedin. Um and, and, and, and, and get in contact with us. I can see virtually not one of the seven locations. OK? Um I can definitely give an update on, on, on that. Um At the moment, we offer hybrid work, uh which is not 100% remote work due to legal reasons within the Lufthansa group. However, it's really flexible.
Uh Meaning at the moment, we have like one office day a week where we all come together and get to know each other um like a rough estimation. Um However, it's not really like set in stone. However, we need to say that the contracts that we offer are not 100%. Um And, and 100 100% remote and I see that we have Fran back. Uh I quickly took over and finished the presentation. Um And I think there was also one question that I already answered and I read that we also have two more minutes left. So if there's any question, feel free to put it in the chat or the Q A function,
OK. In this case, I can just say uh sorry for the bad connection, but I'm currently testing uh one of our benefits, which is the vocation. Uh So greetings from Majorca here. Um Although the internet connection is not that good, would love to share my background with you, but as my grandma is uh lying here with her swimsuit, that's maybe not the best idea. Um Yeah, so sorry for that, but very happy that you managed Moritz. Um And very happy to answer some of your questions in case you still have some
think that we're probably fine. And in this case, I think we're also reaching the end of the presentation. Um Again, thank you very much for dialing in taking the time. Um uh We hope that you have um lovely days uh at the women in tech conference. And um yeah, what do you like the
question? Yeah. Do you wanna start?
Uh what do you love most about your, I mean, I'm a newbie. I'm, I start in December and I'm still like, I'm, I'm 25. And what I value most or love most is that I get ownership of different processes of different things and I can really drive topics because before my previous employer was like, always you are just like one small part of something big. But here I can really, I get ownership of the different topics and then I can really go for it. But was it, what is it for you? Fancy?
Um So really that processes are not really clear yet. So really that you have impact in what you are doing? I mean, we build up the whole digital hunger as a company, then we build up the branding and now we have hired nearly 200 people in the new company. So really that you have impact in what you are doing, your ideas are definitely heard and also the, the culture I've never seen a company where so many people are really that motivated to drive things forward and then having beer and pizza with the colleagues. Um after, I mean, afterwards, after the, after the day, uh it a get together. So I think the culture definitely and also that we have impact in what we are doing. So I've never experienced um this before, to be honest. And
then quickly, I think until we um until we have to close, there was also one question in the Q and A. Um Please note that we have different role levels that we are currently working on. And for some of the job openings, if you see, for example, two years of experience, this can also be for like the regular or the senior role. It's just a rough estimation. However, it doesn't depend on the years of experience that you have. It's just a rough estimation. We encourage everybody just to apply and, and just have a look and, and, and then have a um Yeah, yeah, have a talk with us. Um And II, I really think that we need to wrap up otherwise we get in trouble again, uh have have fun uh during the next days and uh yeah, have a lovely day. Thank you so
much. Thank you for listening. Hope to connect on linkedin or let you check out our website. Bye bye