Fashion’s Big Opportunity with Technology

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Emily Super
Psychologist + Fashion Futurist
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Reimagining Sustainability in Fashion through Technology

Emily Fortune Super, a former high-end fashion model and fashion academia expert, discusses the opportunities that lie in combining fashion and technology. From her vast experience across various sectors of the industry, she tackles the timely and pertinent issue of sustainability through tech.

Avoiding Fashion Waste with Proper Planning

One of the significant challenges that the fashion industry is currently facing is sustainability. It is a colossal issue hidden behind customer convenience like free shipping and free returns. As companies struggle to keep their customer base happy and returning, the industry standards have led to a disturbing amount of waste due to overproduction and poor planning.

Technology: Presenting Solutions

As a result of this growing issue, there has been a focus on combining technology and fashion, paving the way to a brighter, greener future. This is possible using Artificial Intelligence (AI). AI can be instrumental in a variety of ways, such as:
  • Creating fabrics and garments
  • Forecasting trends
  • Improving fit accuracy
  • Making better-informed decisions regarding production (sizes, colors, and quantities)

The Trade-off: Returns

Returns may provide customer convenience, but they come with a staggering cost. Globally, returns are a trillion-dollar problem. Alarmingly, 30 - 40% of online purchased clothing is returned, leading to billions of pounds of returns being discarded each year.
Factors such as consumer behavior and the lack of understanding about the impact exacerbate the issue. Herein lies the need for Reverse Logistics Technology to address this massive problem.

Taking A Proactive Approach

Just 23% of companies report using some sort of technology or software to manage returns better. This is where the promise of AI and other modern technologies come into play. Using AI models trained by historical inventory levels and sales performance can help predict sales better. This leads to better stocking decisions hence reducing waste, improving customer satisfaction, and increasing overall productivity. This strategy also promotes better consumer behavior, further reducing returns.

A Bright Future Ahead

Though the challenges are significant, Emily sees a bright future for the fashion industry. Leveraging technology such as AI to create better algorithms and deliver personalized shopping experiences form the cornerstone of this. Paired with consumer education and transparency in impact reporting, these steps will lead to less waste, decreased returns, increased customer satisfaction, and lastly, a more sustainable fashion industry.

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