Carnellia Ajasin - The Purposeful Innovator

Automatic Summary

Welcome: Embracing Purposeful Innovation with Carla Johnson

Welcome to another session of insightful conversations around meaningful product development and purposeful innovation. I'm your host, and today we have with us Carla Johnson, Founder of Buying Catalyst, on her journey towards building purpose-driven technology products.

Carla's Inspiring Journey

Carla's personal journey serves as a powerful reminder of choosing a path that aligns with your moral compass. Her career enhancing stint with Philip Morris ended when she chose not to support a business that she believed was doing more harm than good. Carla's decision sparked a journey into developing products that genuinely serve to improve people's lives.

Carla's Motivation

  • Moral alignment: The desire to work on products that jibe with her values and purpose, eschewing those that perpetrate harm to their consumers.
  • Unleashing purpose: The drive to provide solutions that serve a double bottom line.
  • Proving the world: A commitment to improving livelihoods and easing anxiety for the user community and beyond.

The Framework of Purpose

Carla developed a three-fold framework:

  1. Strategy: Focusing on the mission and the significance of the product for clients and users.
  2. Roadmap: Testing, refining, and ensuring the solution perfectly fits and efficiently solves the problem it is designed to address.
  3. Execution: Implementing an effective strategy and making sure all decisions align with the purpose.

Highlighting Purposeful Innovators

Carla provided some noteworthy instances of purpose-driven innovation inspired by personal experiences, aiming to improve lives and solve relevant societal issues.


Inspired by the founder's personal experience, Owlet is an IoT (Internet of Things) solution designed to help parents, especially those with premature babies, monitor their vitals through a mobile app.


Woebot is an artificial intelligence bot designed to provide cognitive behavioral therapy to patients, helping them track their emotional health. In the wake of COVID-19, it aids therapists in coping with isolation issues and democratizes access to mental health therapy.


The water crisis in Flint, Michigan, inspired a non-tech CEO to develop a robust solution: Aquagenuity. An innovative blend of big data and artificial intelligence, the Aquagenuity app helps users measure and test their drinking water's quality.

Conclusion: The Path to Purposeful Innovation

Carla's journey and the examples she shared show how regular people can leverage technology to create standout products that improve lives. In her words, it's a call to action for "all of us to think about how we're showing up in the world, in our work, the type of products we're creating, and their influence on people's lives."

Remember, the road to purposeful innovation starts with a dedicated commitment to creating products that can positively impact people's lives. Let's embrace this beautiful mission. Thank you for joining us today.

Video Transcription

Thank you so much for inviting me. And this is a great opportunity. And uh uh this is, I've watched all of the uh speeches today and thus far, and they've been phenomenal. Uh Good evening to you all. Um And good morning, good afternoon, wherever you're located.Uh My name is Carla Johnson. And as she mentioned, I'm a founder of buying Catalyst. Um So I'm on a mission to build a purposeful community, right? And so the purposeful community, for me, it's about really uh designing, developing and creating uh products that really matter uh products that are really moving the needle in terms of proving the lives of others. Uh And so, uh you know, in this community, um and it's sad that my presentations are not coming out. But uh in the, in the presentation, I, I wanted to talk to you about a number of organizations, companies, uh founders uh CEO S and entrepreneurs who've created products that are meaningful, that's really improving the lives of others. And so if you're like me, I've worked uh many uh career enhancing um companies that had really been great to my career over the years.

But what brought me to really thinking about, um, you know, products that are more purposeful was, uh during a time when, um I had a, a job uh working for Philip Morris. Um I was assigned to work at Philip Morris and at the same time, um the first day of my um time there, there was a lot of um um acquisitions and uh not a accusations regarding to their inclusion of nicotine into a lot of their products. Uh And so, you know, as anybody can can imagine, uh me going into that office every day, I had a bit of a moral dilemma, you know, do I continue to go to their office every day to um work for perpetuating harm to their customers or, you know, um that for another position on another project to work on in so doing, I worked at that project for about two weeks.

Um during that two weeks, um my aunt, uh Bertha had already come down also with a cancer and then also been a long time, uh Philip Morris product user as well. Uh And so at that point, I, I had to make a decision of, of not to continue working with them. Uh Many of my coworkers also follow suit and did this, you know, made the same decision that I made and that is to move away from the copy that kind of was not morally in alignment with our own purpose and our own value. System uh in so doing um it really um that whole time frame while I worked on a different project, I really started thinking about, you know, what is it that I really want to do? And, and the type of work that I wanted to do and what type of products I want to create, do I wanna be a part of something that is really doing harm for others and not serving a double bottom line uh which has brought me to more of my framework that I developed. Um the framework that I've developed um has three proponents to it. It's a strategy. Uh There is also roadmap and execution uh part of strategy.

Um We look at um you know, the, what's, what's important in terms of the mission and the meaningful, uh you know, why is this product meaningful for clients and customers to actually engage in? Uh So it's validating the refining the idea and making sure that the solution is the right fit for the problem that we're solving for. So every decision that comes next will be focused on just that like just making sure that we're easing the uh time, money, energy, um the anxiety, the life, livelihood and life of those users who are using our products. Um There is a product called Outlet. Um don't have a video yet, but there's a product called Outlet. And basically this product um is an IOT solution. It's a little um booty that goes in the, um, preemies. Um, and it was intended to make sure that, uh, mothers who are, uh, new mothers and parents, fathers, mothers, uh, have the ability to check on their preemie with their app to make sure that their preemie, uh, vitals are, are intact and they're safe in terms of, you know, when they're sleeping.

Uh, and so that's a product idea that came about as a result of, uh the founder who had had a similar experience growing up or observed a similar experience with and his wife and wanted to make sure that other parents had a little bit more ease as they were bringing home their preemies.

Another example of a uh purposeful innovator um is a wonderful opportunity with uh an app called robot. Uh and it's a perfect timing right now given uh we this this whole notion around mental health as we, you know, deal with the outline of, of COVID and lockdown and being isolated in some, in some cases. Uh wot is an artificial intelligence bot that talks to patients through cognitive behavioral therapy. And it also tracks how they feel on a day to day basis through charts and emojis. So wot is a particularly timing. It's very timely again, given, you know, what's going on with telemedicine, telehealth. A lot of psycho psychologists and therapists are seeing um patients online. Uh It's a really great opportunity for us to kind of push the needle in terms of being more purposeful in products that it relates to health care and also mental health. So it really helps with clients who are dealing with uh anxiety and depression. And uh it really helps with um democratizing the access to mental health uh mental health thankfully. Um That's one of the wonderful things that have come out of. Uh COVID is uh normalizing therapy uh in some communities in some cases. And so we're really helpful for that.

Um So if you get an opportunity, uh I would suggest taking a look at robot, it's a wonderful uh app um that really helps with um you know, it, it's dealing with a I, it's a great uni uh user experience, design, great interface and it really helps with uh helping our mental um helping with um you know, kind of tracking our mental health.

Uh Another uh wonderful opportunity that I got a chance to uh revisit in terms of uh you know, products that are more purposeful and meaningful is a product called uh Aquafina. Um That's um I'm sorry, Aqua Aqua genuity. So Aqua genuity is a product. Um this, this particular uh CEO you know, is not, was not in the tech phase at all. She was watching uh the news um airing the issues around Flint, Michigan and the water supply and the contamination of water. And thought to herself, I need to do something about this. I want to do something where I am, you know, helping with um ensuring that the quality of water that we all drink or many people drink is that uh that's, that's safe, that's healthy for us and not gonna be um really contaminating us with anything outside of pure water. And so she created something called Aqua genuity, which is a big data, Artificial Intelligence, uh preventive uh analytics um app that helps to measure and test the quality of your drinking water. So these examples um that I am uh laying out here are, are great examples of uh just regular people who have decided to, you know, design, create a product, technology products that are really improving uh people's lives.

Uh Of course, they've uh you know, these ideas have come to them based on, you know, just personal experience. Uh and, and these ideas have actually been, been products that have really made a difference in the lives of others. And so I employ all of you, um us, all women being a part of uh a great uh uh field of it. We have a great opportunity to create products that are really meaningful and really think about how and how we're showing up in the world, how we're showing up at work. What types of products are we actually engaging into in terms of, you know, putting those back into the world and, and making sure that those products are actually ones that will influence and also be a positive out outcome for, for other people's lives. Thank you so much.