How to future-proof your career

Automatic Summary

Future Proof Your Career in The Disruptive Era

We are living in exciting and challenging times. The way we communicate, consume entertainment, and work has drastically changed. This disruption often leaves people feeling uncertain about the future of their careers. This article focuses on how to future proof your career, ensuring that you continue to make the best use of your talents in these tumultuous times.

Understanding The Disruption

The disruption in the workplace had me question why some individuals adapt well while others struggle. I spent significant time conducting research, interviewing people, and even wrote a book. During this process, I discovered various tricks to future proof one's career, which I'm now eager to share with you.

Decoding The Future Of The Workforce

A valuable source in understanding the future of the workforce is The Future of Jobs Report by the World Economic Forum. The data predicts that by 2025, 85 million jobs will be displaced. But, on the other side of the spectrum, 97 million new jobs will emerge.

While these statistics can seem daunting, they also provide exciting opportunities. New job roles are exciting, typically require complex and unique skills, and lack extensive competition since they are fresh in the market.

Making A Career Leap

Future proofing your career is a journey that requires a careful understanding of your destination and a smart plan for preparation. Three critical questions can guide this journey:

1. What Are The New Roles In My Area Of Interest?

Use phrases like 'future of work, job trends in HR, marketing, big data, sustainability future' to discover new roles in your area of interest. Leverage industry reports, LinkedIn profiles, and networking to discover new career opportunities.

2. Which New Skills Do I Need To Master?

Next, identify what skills you need to develop to fit into your chosen role. Inspect job descriptions, create a gap analysis, and explore online learning platforms for relevant courses. Prioritize skills that directly affect your fit into your chosen role.

3. What Else Can I Offer?

Finally, identify what unique skills and experiences can you offer. Your unique skill combination will make you stand out in the crowd. Establishing a comprehensive profile and sharing content related to your area of expertise attracts recruiters and opportunities.


  1. Identify emerging job roles that align with your interests and career trajectory.
  2. Acquire new skills and experiences that bolster your suitability for these roles.
  3. Make yourself unique and attractive by offering a distinct skill combination and showcasing your thought leadership.

Active career management, continuous learning, and thought leadership will help you future proof your career amidst the ongoing disruption. Don't hesitate to make your move and leverage opportunities that this dynamic workforce offers.

Remember, future proofing your career is not a one-time activity but a continuous journey.

Video Transcription

Thank you so much. Thank you so much for joining, for joining in this session about how to future proof your career. Like we are like in exciting times, right? We have changed the way we communicate, we consume entertainment, we buy.That's why we have changed also the way we work. And what does this mean for you? I believe the world is a better place if we all use, make the best use of our talents. But now there is this disruption and some people um feel unsure about how to evolve in their career. And it was also happening to me. I was thinking why some people can go through this disruption so well and others like struggle. So last year I spent time researching, I was interviewing people. I was like asking them, please tell me your tricks. What are you doing to future through your career? So with all this data, I, I wrote the book and I share some of the of the learnings and that's what I want to do today with you. So I'm convinced that if you listen to me during the next 15 minutes, you will learn a new trick. That are going to be useful for you to future proof your career. So if you don't have, have a pen and, and, and, and, and something to write because I'm going to be sharing, I think we are like a group of like, of, of uh small people.

So I can also follow the chat. I don't have the video working, but we can chat and I would really like to hear from you. So, um le let's, let's first like talk, I'm going to talk just a bit about me like um uh who am I? Right? So I'm a woman in tech for like 17 years. Um I've been working in different uh companies and sometimes things have worked fine and sometimes it didn't like I have uh one time I had a layoff other times like, well, I had a very bad situation with the management. I had to remind myself many times during my career. And that's why uh last year I was like, looking like, how can I future proof? And I was like writing a book about that. So I, I wrote this book last year and I'm going to now share some tips of what I learned here with you. Uh I currently work as a manager of a solution architect team in one of the biggest class computing companies. And you can find uh more about me uh in this, in this chat since I cannot uh now uh share, I'm going to just share it here in the chat and then you can see like a bit more of the of the background.

But let's go now to, to the tricks to, to learn how to future proof the career. So first of all, a bit of like what is happening? I I chose this diagram from the future of Jobs Report for the World Economic Forum because I think it explains very good what is actually happening. So, so it's the share of tasks performed by humans versus machines in 2020 what is expected in 2025. So if you see like if, if you, you look like information and data processing or looking uh job related information, this frontier from human and machines is like switching, right? Like it's like like going all right, which means that the machines are taking more of the tasks that the humans perform and it's expected that it's going to grow as you see in the next five years. So what does it mean? What, what do they predict with this information that by 2025 like 85 million jobs are going to be displaced are going to disappear? But at the same time, I'm here like to bring good news and tricks. It's like 97 million jobs will emerge. This is what is estimated and and and this brings you questions, right? Like first it's like, OK, what's happening with your job right now? It may evolve, it may disappear.

But at the other side, like there are new jobs emerging, there is like new, new opportunities and I always think that we should like jump for them. These opportunities bring us like a better scenario. First of all, usually because it's not like uh all these automated tasks are done now by the machines uh usually are like more interesting, they really want uh that you uh to, to see you like using like your, your, your unique skills, your complex skills. But at the same time, we don't have much competence, right? Because if something is like new, like you don't have somebody who has uh seven years of experience and you think, oh, I'm too late. So what I want today is to share like what should you ask yourself and what tricks you should do to be able to jump to those opportunities because even it's very probable that all our jobs are evolving in any way and there are others that are also emerging. So, so how do we do that? So I, I see a future proof in your career as a journey. So it's not something that uh I can say like, OK, uh I'm going to future proof my career today this weekend. What are you going to do? Future proof in your career? And then P A is done. No, it's not happening like this, right? Uh Future proof in your career, it's a journey you have to be like first thinking like where you want to go. Uh what is the best destination for you?

Like uh if I want to go on holiday somewhere, maybe, I don't know. I'm not, it's not the right one for me to go in a kayak in Alaska. But I'd rather go to somewhere like in uh I don't know, Latin America. So there is, there is like a lot of things to think and to think what's best for you and also how you prepare, what do you bring in the backpack to make that journey successful? And this is a bit like what we have to, to keep in mind today, like how are we going to do in this journey and how are we going to to evolve ourselves? Uh Before I go to the questions uh is everything clear for, for you as I cannot see you and now you cannot see me. Is anybody here like afraid of what is happening with their career? Are you looking? Ok. Very good. All clear. Let's see because as we are, maybe I can like finish a bit earlier and then we have a bit of a bit, a bit of, of, of conversation. Very good, very good. And I'm going to tell you now the three questions you should ask, give you some tips and then maybe we can have a chat later and you can tell me a bit about you and we can see it.

So what are the uh first question is what are the new roles in my area of interest? And I didn't write in my background because it's your area of interest. Now, this is a moment where you can maybe switch careers or you can go to something that you think is interesting. I know some people, for example, that now are interested of the sustainability. What is, what are emerging in that area? What is the career intake in sustainability?

So, so this will be like uh something that you have to to to ask yourself. So the first uh advice is quite easy. It's like just search your passing with key phrases as feature of work, job trends in hr uh marketing, uh uh big data, sustainability future. So just do some searching, spend like a week like searching and reading and seeing what what is is there and get that, that feeling, then look for industry reports. I served as one of the World Economic Forum and uh well, I can share more. There are like very good uh insights of like what is coming. Uh I'm going to show you now some of the new jobs that are appearing there and that like researching, linking people in those professions just to see what they are doing. May you want to be a head of digital that they are usually like something that people from marketing can go into. Uh what who are those people what are they doing? Uh What, which events are they joining? Sometimes when you just follow somebody and show interest, you can even like connect with this person and uh who knows, like you can even maybe establish a relationship and get some referral at some point. So, so, so first of all, I think what is happening in my area, what are the new roles? And I'm going to show you here some examples. So uh this is also like from the future of jobs uh report of the World Economic Forum.

And they are looking like, OK, if you're good at sales, if you like sales or you want to switch to sales, uh look at this uh jobs that are going to be uh more and more important in the next year. Like all these uh parts of like customer success specialist, sale development representative, it can be like something that is now uh coming new. Uh I know many people that are interested in the part of the people and the culture. And of course, like because there's all this booming in it. If you specialize yourself in being information technology recruiter, you're going to have so much more chances because recruiters are looking it recruiters. But but uh what if you like marketing? So marketing, maybe you, you said I have noticed these tech studies but still you can go into tech because there are like so many uh opportunities like this digital marketing specialist digital specialist ahead of digital I mentioned before, these are jobs titles that are expected to grow in the different areas I have here like product development I've seen in this conference.

There are many um product owners and so on. Uh joining uh I coaches, uh Scrum masters like these things are, are, are coming more and more important cloud computing. Well, if you're interested in cloud, just tell me because I want to bring uh more diversity into cloud is what I am. But we need a lot of like more like cloud engineers, for example, it's something that we expect like a boom in the next year. So we are like really growing and then data and A I other of my favorite topics like if you are thinking of like going into that area, look at which new professions are coming. So this was the first question like which jobs are going there to which can evolve? My my my profession, what is happening? And then we go to the second question which is like which new skills do I need to master? And how so first week go to job descriptions and check the skills. So go to linkedin and write. For example, if you want to be head of digital, look what is is looked there and how much it mats to what you have uh look for job descriptions in like the if you want to go for a company, look what is happening and then you start looking to, what is your gap?

What do you have to do to get into that? Look. Um There was a moment, I've been woman in tech all, all my life, but I also had to change. I was um I was working for like for Cisco systems. I was a lot of doing a lot of like networking, like the telecommunications networking. And then at some point, um I also thought uh I changed jobs and I thought, OK, this working is, is, is becoming more like it, it's not bringing me anywhere. And then like in 2016, I started looking into the big data and A I, so I was looking like, OK, for which jobs are new appearing. So I saw that they needed like people that were like the data translator between business and and analytics. So I prepare myself for that because so there is a gap, there are new jobs coming and I want to be there. So you should do a matrix and prioritize when I was looking for data. And A I, I was thinking, I don't have the time now to become a data scientist because I, I don't have the time but I have the time to look how analysis with data uh talks to the business. So when I, I did some training and then um when there was an opportunity coming, I got like a senior manager position because I was the one who had the background and those, those small skills which took me like some months uh to, to prepare.

And I think you should look like also uh online learning. It is really um useful self paced. Uh There are platforms where I um are affordable and there is a lot of online learning uh provided by um by companies like uh Aws Google Microsoft. You can find a lot of training in in in some tech areas and linking labeling. So there is like a lot. So, so think of the new skills and do this matrics and prioritize only go for what is if something is super time consuming and you don't have the time just discuss and look which other skills you can get uh with a with a smaller effort. So that's, that's uh the, the second question and the third question is I think super important, like, what else can you offer? So what, what is unique for you? And I think this is like, what, what the companies are happening and are looking for. So, so look for a combination of skills I've seen um before like um uh people that have been finding what are the good. So I was working in this um telecommunications company and I had one colleague that she was super good at writing and it's, I remember she told me I'm not so good at writing, but I don't know if it does make sense to what I am.

But then she found out how to communicate and do the storytelling. And suddenly like everybody wanted her in her team because she was so good at this. And then she was like building up on these things that make her unique. It could also be that uh for example, ask me like we are, I, I'm living in Germany, but I am originally from Spain. So I have this uh more multicultural background. And you can think, OK, I can show how I can talk to different different languages. Uh And this can be useful for some jobs that require this international environment. It can be that you are a super good sport person and you have this uh ethics of sport and team and you should just like shout. But it show about what else can you offer? Because the people want unique people. We are like in the moment that we celebrate the cognitive diversity, different ideas. And it's super important if you still don't find, what is your super skill? Ask the people around you as you get feedback through 60 degrees, ask your colleagues, even your your family, your friends ask what are you good at and build your profile on that? It's so so important and then share it. So the same as in the journey, you take pictures when you arrive to the destination, share where you are now, share your profile, share what you are doing, share what you are good at. Uh don't be afraid of like creating content because this actually sets you apart.

We all have something different from the rest and we all have our unique perspective and you can be like a more attractive profile if you start uh sharing information, like for example, like linking posts, uh link in articles and and so on. So you with, when you share, you actually you make yourself like uh attractive to recruiters to in your own company and so on. So like the key takeaways. So um they take away. So first of all, even new years that are appearing, this can be like, I don't know, technical recruiter head of digital uh cloud computing, like something that you see it's going to grow there and it interests you for this, you require like some research. But then think, OK, I have these two jobs, I've checked the job descriptions. I want to go for that, then get ready and upskill like do some trainings depending on the on the time you have and where you have it uh get in touch with people who have that profile and learn from them. And then the third attract opportunities, write an article about why do you think head of art of digital?

Uh it's important, what do do you think that uh big data is important in hr start writing your unique profile, your unique ideas around that and then you will be able to attract and feature because when you are in a company, I mean, we want people like this, right? We want employees that they are like putting their their thoughts through and they are like looking what is ahead. And if you are looking for a job, this sets you apart from all the other um uh people, it's like this is me, this is my profile. You even can negotiate better. So now I think we are not so many. So, so if you want, we can talk now, you can tell me about your journey. I welcome you to, to ping me on linkedin. And um I also have like a free uh document. It's called the journey journal in my website in the book section. And in this, you can um get some tips and tricks about like how can you invent yourself and prepare yourself for the future? OK. Very good that I have already answered. I was a bit of uh fast. I know we have to still like three minutes. Uh If you, if you want, ah I see people I know already here, but thank you for joining. And uh do you have any, any questions or anything or just please continue the conversation in India and just connect with me.

I'm super happy to, to, to help people to to re as I said, I, I really believe the world is better if, if we all use our unique talents. So I'm always happy to support anyway, I have a look in the website. There's a lot of information there and, and, uh, and I hope you have, you were like writing down some of the, of, of the advice and uh think of it, think of it. Um I also wrote an article in HVR which covers quite a lot of what I'm, I talk today. Yeah. So, well, first of all, you don't, I see the question from Kaal Kumari. Yeah. Uh it's father, right? When the job description has so many things just learn like uh check a couple of job descriptions because sometimes job description is just like, I don't know, it's just the manager of one company putting this job description out. So check job descriptions with the similar um uh in the industry like in my, you want to be like using this example of digital marketing. What what is the common, what is more repeat between different job descriptions and what do you think it adds more value uh for you from my experience, I see a lot of like mini certifications for a lot of things.

So you know that you have to go again and study a whole career. So, so so go to those that and distinguish your profile with some of those and those uh things and also don't be afraid of applying for something if you don't have everything in the job description because as I said, if you have like shown your thought leadership that you think about the future of that area and you have some articles, I think that's, it's better than some of the skills that may be needed because you can learn the skills, you can learn the skills.

You have to just show you are there to, to, to improve and to learn. Thank you so much. Thank you very much. I hope it was useful. And if you go and apply these tips, let me know how it goes. Really? Let me know how it goes. I really want to follow up with, with you. Thank you very much.