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Dipti Kalaria

Consultant at HANSEN

Support Each Other to Grow Together

Explain about the cloud technology, Carrer opportunity in Salesforce cloud technology.

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Amina Khan

Computer Scientist at Comsats

Introduction to Natural Language Processing (NLP) and its basic concepts

I will present an overview of modern data-driven techniques for natural language processing. Natural Language Processing is a popular application of Artificial Intelligence. This will make you understand why we need NLP and what NLP is. You will get an idea about its Pipelines and the basic processes involved in text parsing. Finally, we will talk about some real world applications of NLP.
Slides materials for this Talk are borrowed from Jacob Eisenstein, Yulia Tsvetkov and Robert Frederking at CMU

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Hima Bindu

Global Enablement Leader - Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure Practice at IBM India Pvt Ltd

Every Adversity is an Opportunity - Think Again

Here I touch upon the various stages that women give up and stop pursuing their growth due to certain unplanned situations that they encounter. Here I share how a single mother in 9yards can still break the glass ceiling. I share my journey as a single mother, driving growth mindset and staying passionate throughout your journey.

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Noopur Agarwal

Sr . Software Engineer at IBM

Why multilcoud management is the need of hour

Today’s IT world is becoming increasingly complex, and the challenges posed by shifting to hybrid and multicloud environments seem daunting. For any enterprise, a sound strategy for handling this complexity — resource provisioning and management, visibility, security, automation, and collaboration to manage hybrid and multicloud — is key to long-term success.

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Stuti Sharma

Managed Services Consulting Intern at SPRINKLR

Fullproof GUIDE to "Social Media Marketing Strategies"

⭐️Social media marketing first started with publishing. Businesses were sharing their content on social media to generate traffic to their websites and, hopefully, sales. But social media has matured far beyond being just a place to broadcast content.

🎯But why is social media marketing so important?

🎯Why should you spend time creating social media accounts for your business?

🎯And how do you actually build a social media marketing strategy that’ll work for your specific type of business?

In this session, we’ll cover the… read more

Amna Habiba

Founder at Global Creative Hub

Leading Girls In the Age of Digital Revolution

Education is an important aspect of our life, but most educational institutions only focus on the rote-based learning method and students who adapt to it are the only ones who seem "successful". While this might be rewarding at a young age, when these students step into the professional world they are the ones who lack the skill set required to excel in the 21st century. Due to the lack of capacity-building programs in the tech domain for girls, there is a staggering gender gap in the field that needs to be addressed. Join me as I share how I found my hidden inner potential and now… read more

Jean Alfonso-Decena

Founder & Managing Director, AI Consultant at In Silence

Nurturing Sovereign Women in AI through Spiritual Technology

Overview of how girls and women can become sovereign key players in the AI Space through the emerging Spiritual Technology.

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Sonali Deshpande

Cloud Solution Architect (Sr. Manager) at Capgemini

Designing and provisioning multi-tier workload

Enterprises with multi cloud strategies and large portfolios of applications, how to create a reliable mechanism to allow infrastructure to be deployed and managed across tiers and environments in a predictable and consistent manner

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Neha Misra

CEO at The Fin Lit Project

Becoming Financially Fabulous

In this power packed session, we will talk about the need to be financially fabulous and adapting it as a way of life. The role of financial attitude and behaviour in shaping our lives better and the role of Risk Diversification. We will also talk about setting up an enterprise as a female founder and the role of understanding finance in an entrepreneurs life.

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Nagini Chandramouli

Enterprise Agile coach at BA Continuum India Pvt Ltd

Power of Emotional intelligence and how to use it to make your Agile team a high performance team

Being and doing Agile for past 10 years, I have been constantly observing the need for the human part of coaching new Agile teams. My talkPower of Emotional intelligence and how to use it to make your Agile team a high performance team gives a glimpse of how to use it.

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Hiral Thaker

Content Writer at Biztech IT Consultancy

#IamRemarkable Session

#IamRemarkable is a Google initiative empowering women and other underrepresented groups to celebrate their achievements in the workplace and beyond.

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Chandani Kinger

Digital Coach & Secondary Educator

Cultivating a Culture of Love, Liberation and Belonging

1. Equity Consciousness: The Mindful Essence of Culturally Responsive Environment
2. Assessment for Good: Ethical, Equitable, Justice-oriented for Life-Upskilling
3. The Innocent World: Dismantling Racism to Support Authentic Social

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Geetika Gopi

Security Researcher and Risk Analyst at EY

AI and Cyber Security: Are we there yet?

With the ongoing pandemic, there is a sudden spike in cyber-attacks and data breaches. The demand for advanced security solutions has surged but are we there yet? The talk addresses the cyber industry's current situation and how we can harness the power of AI to solve the challenges faced by Cyberspace.

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Parvi Agrawal

Founding Member, Country Leader, Influencing & Global Ambassador at Women Tech Network | Red Hat Academy Student Ambassador at A.P. Shah Institute of Technology

Impact of Surroundings on Mindset

Inspiring remarks derive from women of all walks of life. Now more than ever, women in tech, leadership, business are recognizing the importance of supporting themselves with like-minded individuals, mentors and lifting one another up, becoming successful. These women also understand the growing need to empower one another to be brave in the face of fear.

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Mireille Toulekima

Managing Director at MT Energy Resources

Planting the seeds of STEM in women in underprivileged communities

The higher share of people living in poverty are women. The cause of gendered poverty is structural. It is entrenched in societies, workplace setting and embedded in personal relationships. Increasing women participation in STEM has proven to be an enabler to reduce the poverty level for women in underprivileged communities because STEM jobs are likely to result in higher wages and help empower economically challenged women.

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Liji Thomas

Manager, Modern Application Development at Valorem Reply

The Fourth R: Resilience

Resilience is our internal shock absorber. Research shows that in terms of personal and professional success, it’s as important, if not more important than talent. Resilience is necessary to thrive and turn challenges into opportunities, to overcome setbacks, and emerge stronger than before. Being resilient isn’t about avoiding challenges and stress, it’s about learning how to face and deal with them. It's an essential trait towards sustainability at all levels- individual, team, and organizational- be it the classroom, the cancer ward, the Olympics track, or the boardroom. In trying… read more

Ankita Arvind

Senior Interaction Designer at Frog Design

Inclusive Smart Homes

At frog, I've been working on scaling a smart home ecosystem for the last few years now and we know that at the moment, smart homes are still extremely basic, but they have a huge potential. The trajectory of this space heavily depends on whether we invest in inclusivity right from the start.

Home is our sanctuary and no one should feel excluded, ESPECIALLY in their own homes. I will share my experiences in designing for different cultural perspectives, different archetypes and age groups, languages, disabilities, genders and a lot more.

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Usha Khatiwada

CEO at NRN Infrastructure & Development Limited

Giving and getting consent -Good digital parenting

How the parental role plays pivotal role in giving and getting consent for the good digital parenting and in the sovcial transformation?

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Sayali Patil

Network Consulting Engineer at Cisco

Blockchain and Pandemics

In this digital world especially in pandemics, nothing seems to be resistant to cyberattacks, criminals can break any computer system and accounts. Cybercrime costs individuals and businesses an estimated $500 billion a year. Also, our current security protocols cannot keep up to protect high secret information with a guarantee. (i.e., DDoS attacks, a phishing email to a credentialed employee can expose the data of millions).
To address these challenges, we propose a blockchain-based framework to boost cybersecurity. Blockchain technology can enable trust in a peer to peer network in a… read more

Nida Fatima

Digital Transformation Consultant at IBM

Innovation From the Lense of Design Thinking

An acute definition of innovation is that

“An innovation is something original, new, and important – in whatever field – that breaks in to (or obtains a foothold in) a market or society.”

An elementary lined model of innovation -has three segments of the technological transformation process: invention, innovation, and diffusion.

Economist Joseph Schumpeter stressed the difference between simple invention and innovation, saying that innovation is about ordering the economic necessities for executing an invention, so we can say that innovation is… read more