WomenTech Global Conference Voices: Speaker Elodie Lepaludier

Posted on WomenTech Team

Elodie Lepaludier is a senior Industrial Designer at the LEGO group. She works in the department of…

21 Accelerators, Incubators, Programs and More for Female Founders

Posted on WomenTech Team

In the US, only about 9 percent of venture-backed entrepreneurs are women. Less than 3 percent of the $130B+ given every year out of VC funding goes to female…

Your Questions Answered by Microsoft CSE

Posted on WomenTech Team

Microsoft CSE is a global engineering organization that works directly with the largest companies and non-profits. They tackle the most significant technical challenges. Several experts from…

Advice To My Younger Self: Women In Leadership Edition

Posted on WomenTech Team

Read the unique advice these successful women in tech wish they had gotten in the beginning of their careers. Get insights from leaders at Miro, Microsoft, VMWare, Google, Logitech, Zalando,…

Personality Traits of the Most Powerful Women in Tech

Posted on WomenTech Team

Discover the personality traits that the most powerful women in tech have in commmon.

Flames of Inspiration: Fireside Chat With Alana Karen From Google

Posted on WomenTech Team

A twenty-year tech company veteran and leader, Alana Karen brilliantly and systematically replaces what we think we know about women in tech both in her book, "Adventures of Women in Tech," and…