La Paz
I am 23 years old, student of the Universidad Privada Boliviana (UPB) in the career of Electromechanical Engineering, last semester.
Founder & CEO of COOKIBYTE
Lead Organizer in Logistics & Sponsors of NASA Space Apps Challenge La Paz 2023
La Paz Departmental Director of Volunteering at Mujeres TICs Bolivia 2023
Worked in Electrical Installations at FUNCA SRL
Departmental Finalist, National Qualifier in the ICPC 2023 competitive programming contest.
Leader of the Robotics Club of the IEEE Branch of the UPB 2019-2021
Global Ambassador in WomenTech
UPB Merge Mentor
Member of Google Developer Student Clubs at UPB
Recognition of valuable contributions in the analysis of Pan-STARRS images in the International Astronomical Search Collaboration - Asteroid, NASA.
Participation in Programming and Electronics competitions and contests.
participated in workshops and forums on leadership, Internet of Things, networking, computer security, NDG Linux.
Recognition and medals in mathematics and competitive programming olympiads.
I am passionate about science and technology, I enjoy volunteering, keep learning constantly. I am willing to learn and guide other people because I know there is a lot of potential.
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