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Erina Haile

Certified High Performance Coach

Simple Secrets to Amplifying Joy, Confidence, and Meaning in Our Lives

Living fulfilled in every area of our lives doesn't have to be so difficult. Most of us try the typical path of Start something->be passionate and work hard->focus on strength->practice, be grateful, and stick to it. Then we discover that what leads to initial success is not sufficient for long-term success. The good news is there is a scientifically researched process that can result in us getting what we want so long as we show up and work for it. That process is what I want to teach you.

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Helen Laktionova

Solutions Architect at Spryker

Order Management System in E-Commerce

There is no doubt that the Order Management System (OMS) is the heart of the majority of E-commerce projects. But what is the best way to implement it?

In this talk, we will have a look at the implementation in general, discuss alternatives and check some basic examples.

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Leonor Frias

Senior Software Engineer at Ocado Technology

Building a path to technical leadership

Recently, I had the opportunity to take on a temporary leadership role. This was my first time leading a team, although I have always had a leader's character: eager to organise events, lead initiatives, proactive attitude, build connections and, most importantly, caring for those around me.

In this talk, I will share some of the lessons learnt on this path (that I'm still building) and, hopefully, this will encourage those of you who are currently hesitant about aspiring to leadership roles.

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Richlyn Tamm

International Team Lead of Product & Technology at idealo internet GmbH

How To Keep & Develop Tech Talent Using EQ

In a world where everything is shaken and divided, find out how you can create an emotionally intelligent environment, that not only attracts and keeps talent but develops their EQ to help navigate such challenging times.

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Co-Founder/ Growth Business Development Head at MiniBold

Digital Parenting and Digital Ethics on Datascience

The importance of our breathing quality and the mindful technology are important concepts in the Age of Instagram for adults, children and teens. Digital Apnea is the 2nd worst thing that we can do to our body, mind and spirit. Let's play together and let's have some fun with breathing games for our digital wellbeing. You will find many critics about digital ethics and data science in this playful end joyful presentation. Anil Altas Brug has introduced the concept of Digital Apnea in her book ‘Breathe With Me’.

In her studies, she drew attention to the digital… read more

Sasha Sternik

International Development Consultant / VC specialist

Why it is crucial to bring more women in technology, and how it works in Central Asia

This talk is dedicated to gender issues from the Central Asian perspective – why there are problems, how is the situation now, and what we can do to make it better. And most importantly – why should we anything at all? During the talk, listeners will learn about the rising importance of the region, initiatives on the ground (including Tumaris Tech – the first region-wide initiative empowering girls and women in IT), and how states handle the situation. They will also learn about the technological development in Central Asia, including the VC perspective.

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Sophie Theen

Chief People Officer at Oakam

Start driving your career now!

Often being a woman in tech meant we're overshadowed by the other dominance in the industry. The time to end this is now. Women are just as qualified, resilient, and most of all, are holding crucially important leadership roles in tech. So via a mastery framework for career management, let's learn to put ourselves back in the driver seat.

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Swathi Shyam Sunder

Technical Project Manager at Siemens AG

Navigating Global Diverse Teams

Do you work in projects where even small delays and changes could result in significant impact and costs to the involved stakeholders? Do you drive strategic projects with practical implications for end-users and businesses?

Then you are most likely aware of the kinds of difficult situations team members and project managers are confronted with. Moreover, owing to the current uncertain times, remote work has become the norm for more than a year now. This change brings with it different opportunities as well as challenges, one of which is working and collaborating with virtual… read more

Ieva Dvilinskiene

Co-founder and Chief Growth Officer at FlowSpace

Future of Work is local and brings more gender equality

Future of work is flexible, empowering and local.
It's time to reimagine our work week, work life balance and more sustainable living. Think about a 15 min city vision - where you live, work and operate within 15 minutes of your home. You stay local and build your life in your community. You live more sustainably and don’t waste hours travelling to that unnecessary meeting in the city centre.
Instead you work to your own schedule finding your flow, so you can be more productive and accomplish more of your best work, and create work-life flow.
Office, as we know it,… read more

Ekaterina Matveeva

CEO at Amolingua Ltd

How to Manage International Teams

Forging connections and acknowledging similarities will lead to attitudes and behaviours that capitalise on human differences for organisational success. We will discuss CQ - Cultural Intelligence - and how to apply it to global teams stretching through multiple time zones and cultural capitals.

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Monika Bercu

Chief Technology and Product Officer at Demandoo Insurance

Digital innovation in "old" industries

"Old" industries need to keep up with the new generations in order to stay relevant, insurance as an example, need to disturb itself to provide the best personal solutions to z generation

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María Grandury

Machine Learning Research Engineer at neurocat GmbH

Hands-on NLP with Hugging Face

Hands-on introduction to the state-of-the-art Hugging Face NLP libraries. Natural Language Processing (NLP) has evolved greatly and become increasingly popular in recent years, especially since the introduction in 2017 of the Transformer architecture. Thanks to the open-source Hugging Face libraries, we all have access to cutting-edge NLP models that can be easily used to address a wide range of tasks.

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Shivangi Aneja

PhD Student at Technical University of Munich, Germany

Catching Out-of-Context Misinformation with Self-supervised Learning

Despite the recent attention to DeepFakes and other forms of image manipulations, one of the most prevalent ways to mislead audiences on social media is the use of unaltered images in a new but false context, commonly known as out-of-context image use. The danger of out-of-context images is that little technical expertise is required, as one can simply take an image from a different event and create a highly convincing but potentially misleading message. At the same time, it is extremely challenging to detect misinformation based on out-of-context images given that the visual content by… read more

Jeannette Gorzala

Attorney at Law I Head of AI, Digital Regulatory & FinTech at SVLaw

Legal design building blocks of future tech business models

New technologies, such as blockchain technologies and artificial intelligence, are emerging rapidly. With new developments and business models comes the question on which key issues need to be observed from a legal perspective. Even though frameworks are currently still being refined, certain legal design cornerstones are significant internationally. To get an overview of selected significant legal trends and key aspects, join this session with Jeannette.

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Sumana Saha

Software Engineer at Ratepay GmbH

Test Driven Development (TDD) in practice

TDD is a design technique that guides the development of software through testing. With TDD, test cases are written before the code which they test, in a technique called test-first programming, which forces the developer to think about what could possibly go wrong even before the implementation itself begins. Experiments and observations in the industry have shown that TDD increases code quality and reduces defect density.
In this session, we will see how exactly we can achieve this design technique for a working software / API. The idea behind Red-Green-Refactor will be discussed… read more

Ana Butara

Product Marketing Manager at Infobip

How Can Habits Improve your Life

Why are habits so important? How do you build good ones while removing bad ones?

I've learned a lot about building habits in the last 3 years and it all started when I broke my leg.

📅 During my 4-month recovery, if I wanted to be able to walk again, I needed to go all-in: change my habits and show up every day, no excuses.
This showed me the importance of consistency and the big impact of small steps you do every day. It led to more significant results, and I managed to change my lifestyle along the way, which improved my life… read more

Catharina Due Bøhler

CEO at Sarepta studio AS

Using technology and art to create real impact

A large mobile game, a digital teaching tool, a documentary film - and finally a new humanitarian organization. Elin Festøy and Catharina Due Bøhler present how a flexible and experimental collaboration between two companies ended up in a six year long collaboration and the founding of The Children Born of War Foundation. Glued together by strong mutual motivation and a short list of guiding goals, the companies Teknopilot and Sarepta Studio have created visibility for the children of enemy soldiers for millions of players and produced the BAFTA-winning mobile game My Child Lebensborn. A… read more

Yemurayi Chinyande

Payments Product Manager at Cassava Smartech

The Art of Getting Ahead: From Software Engineer to Product Manager

In this talk, I will share how I levelled up from a software engineer to a product manager. This session is specifically for those who are no longer satisfied with their current position and want to advance to the next, because there is always more!

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Juliana Rabbi

Carer Coach for Remote Jobs at My own company

What nobody told you about remote jobs

What nobody told you about remote jobs
In this talk, we will cover the following:

- Myths around remote jobs.
- Is it worth paying for remote job websites to find the best options?
- What recruiters do not want to hear during a remote job interview.
- The one thing you can make to get a big advantage over other candidates.
- The best moment to start searching for a remote job.

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Kamila Wosińska

Group Client Compliance Manager at GFT

Talent-based Career Development

Even among the most successful women, those occupying the highest, exposed positions, who are family and professional role models, the same dilemmas often return:
- Self-esteem and self-confidence
- Being aware of and using individual talents
- Choosing the direction of further development and professional career

That's why I decided to share my experiences with you. The ways I have developed to deal with these situations.

Is this a magic success pill?
NO! Working on yourself is hard work and nobody promised it would be easy… read more