Emotional Intelligence: The Core Competency to Company Success

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Lauren Sweeney
Vice President of Business Development
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Emotional and Social Intelligence: The Game-Changers You Need!

Hello everyone and welcome! Let me start by introducing myself. I'm Natale and I'm here to reveal how emotional and social intelligence play instrumental roles in the successful growth of individuals and businesses. So, if you're curious about improving your professional and personal life, or even if you're struggling with your workplace performance despite having all the necessary technical skills, then this is the right read for you.

The journey of self-discovery

Let me take you back to the start of my own journey. As a performer touring the globe, I found myself in the coveted center stage spot but was not the best singer. I was baffled by this until I realized that it wasn't my vocal prowess that landed me that spot but something much deeper. Fast forward eight years, and as an executive of an education corporation, I found that people with phenomenal skill sets were hindering their own success by not leveraging their social and emotional prowess. That's when it hit me that professional success isn’t solely based on technical skills.

I recognized that certain traits were common among individuals and organizations that thrived more, moved further faster, and essentially, were more successful. These traits revolved around being seen, heard, and relevant, and 80% of organizational or individual success was highly dependent on their social and emotional intelligence, also known as EQ.

What does Emotional Intelligence mean to you?

Emotional intelligence, or EQ, primarily revolves around understanding and managing your own emotions, and recognizing the emotions of others. However, EQ is more than just managing emotions; it's about creating impactful, long-lasting change within yourself and your organization.

The Pillars of Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence is built on four main pillars, namely, self-awareness, self-management, social awareness and relationship management. Under these four pillars are 18 competencies that most individuals often overlook. And if you're not part of this majority, congratulations! But if you are, don't worry, let's delve right in.

Self-Awareness and Self-Management

The journey to harnessing emotional intelligence begins with being self-aware and recognizing your emotions beyond the basic seven. A more introspective dive into your feelings and emotions allows for a clearer understanding of your emotional landscape.

The ability to self-assess accurately is crucial. Your internal perception should ideally be in sync with how others perceive you. For instance, you may consider yourself approachable, while others might find you intimidating. In such scenarios, honest feedback can work wonders in realigning your perception with reality.

The third skill under the self-awareness pillar is self-confidence. Studies have highlighted that around 83% of professionals globally struggle with self-confidence, which can hinder their success significantly.

Once you've mastered self-awareness, the next step involves regulating your emotions effectively. Emotional self-control, stress management, and an optimistic mindset all form part of this pillar.

Social Awareness and Relationship Management

Social awareness revolves around understanding how to read a room, showing empathy and adding value to any social interaction. For example, if you notice that your team members lack active-listening skills or don't exhibit empathy, then it's likely they're still grappling with the emotional regulation aspect of EQ.

The final pillar, relationship management, is all about leadership – developing others, coaching, influencing and managing conflicts. However, if self-awareness and self-management aren't your strong suits, you'll struggle to influence or coach others effectively.

The Benefits of EQ

Interestingly, research shows that 80% of professional success relies heavily on mastering emotional and social intelligence. The benefits of high EQ ranges from enabling better leadership and improved customer service to honing communication skills, managing stress, and boosting self-confidence. These positive impacts extend beyond just the professional front and deeply influence personal life as well.


In conclusion, emotional and social intelligence are the ultimate game-changers in anyone's life. Whether you're an individual looking to advance professionally or personally, or a leader aiming to enhance your company culture, investing time in developing your EQ will undoubtedly yield results.

We're more than just our technical skills or the degrees we hold; we're social beings who need to navigate our emotions and those of others effectively. That, my friends, is the essence of emotional and social intelligence. So, get started on this game-changing journey and see the impact for yourself.

Thank you for reading and have a fabulous day ahead!

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