Tessa Kriesel at WomenTech Global Awards 2020

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Breaking Down Gender Discrimination in Tech: Tessa Crissel's Story


Tessa Crissel, a self-taught developer-turned-developer whisperer with over 13 years in the tech industry, is currently the Head of Developer Community at Twitter. Additionally, she is the creator of the Developer Mindset, a content hub and community providing insightful information about how developers think and advice on engaging effectively with them.

Breaking Down Gender Discrimination

Tessa opens up about her personal experience facing toxic masculinity, microaggressions, and gender discrimination in her tech career, starting from a distressing incident at a tech conference, where a male coworker erroneously berated and embarrassed her.

The Problem with Reporting Discrimination

When faced with repeated harassment, Tessa acted as advised by workplace policy and reported her coworker's conduct. However, instead of support and action, she was met with passive responses and was then forced to handle the situation herself. A distressing experience with HR further reinforced her isolation, leaving her to question, "Is this my worst nightmare?"

The Consequences of Failures in Management

Tessa emphasizes that the default to toxic behavior in tech is not just an effect of obvious hostility but is also due to negligence from management. Good managers have a responsibility to address discrimination and inappropriate behavior, yet many fail in this area due to complacency and bias.

Women Supporting Women in Tech

Tessa calls attention to the urgent need for women to support each other rather than competing or tearing each other down. "The only way that we're gonna break the culture of toxic masculinity is by breaking the culture of toxic behavior among women," she advises.

The Importance of Advocacy and Community

Concluding her presentation, Tessa advocates for women in tech to form strong, supportive communities. Acknowledging the high rate of women leaving tech due to discrimination and toxicity, Tessa assures her listeners that everyone can make a positive impact in the tech industry by actively standing up against discrimination, supporting and encouraging each other.


An open dialogue about the experiences of women in tech is crucial in making the industry more diverse and inclusive. Tessa's story is a testament to the strength and resilience of women and a call to action for everyone in tech to challenge toxic behavior and create a supportive and welcoming environment for all.

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