Cloud Computing and it's Basics
Video Transcription
Hello, everyone. Uh My name is Puja Vas and uh I'm here in order to say a few things about the topic, cloud computing and its basics. Uh Well, uh before I start, I'm just gonna start with my short introduction.So um I'm pursuing my bachelor's and I recently finished my pref final year as a computer science graduate. I am also a beta Microsoft Learn student ambassador. I am an active contributor and competitive coder, a cloud enthusiast obviously and a full stack web developer. Apart from my tech skills, I love to sing, dance, play instruments, read and like sort of just learn new things whether it be it technical or non technical. So, yeah, that's a little bit about myself. Um moving on to the uh topic of the day, introduction to cloud computing and its basics. So um I'll just move on to the next slide. So uh this is the content uh and we're gonna cover up all these uh things here. Uh What is cloud computing? Why is it important and like how it differs from the traditional client, have a model of the internet and everything. We're gonna see the types of cloud computing. And then moving on to some examples of cloud computing that most of you are already using. Um next up would be the cloud service models, advantages of clouds disadvantages. And then I'm gonna introduce you all to Google cloud platform that is GCP and to its services.
And once we're done with the theoretical part, and you guys have a little bit of knowledge of the basics of cloud computing, then I'm gonna take you forward and tell you a little bit about how you can start learning about it. And then I'll just give you a quick demo of the um GCT lab for the same. So let's start with it. Well, what is cloud computing? Um Cloud computing means that instead of all the computer hardware and software you are using sitting on your desktop or using a phone, a mobile phone or a laptop or anywhere in a company it's provided for you as a service by another company and you can access that service over the internet.
So basically, um cloud computing means that uh it provides you the access to various computing resources over the internet. So basically cloud service providers have like massive data centers that contain hundreds of service and uh storage systems and components that are like crucial for many kinds of organizations.
Now, these data centers are in secure locations and they can store a very large amount of data. So what user do is a user connect to these kind of data centers to collect data or to use it whenever it is required. And uh you can just like take advantages of all, all these various uh services. The best part about cloud platforms is that you pay only for the services you use and there are no charges upfront. Um Cloud computing can be used for like various uh purposes such as machine learning, data analysis, storage and backup streaming media content for for creating and testing applications, automating software delivery, hosting blogs and much more. So that's a little bit about uh cloud computing.
Moving on to the question that why do we need cloud computing? Like why is cloud computing important? So uh the answer to this question is uh I'm just gonna explain it while uh telling you a sort of an example. So let's assume that you have an idea for a revolutionary application that that can provide great user experience and it can become highly profitable. So for the application to become successful, you will need to release it on the internet for people to find it out obviously, so that they can use it and you can just spread the word about its advantages and everything. However, releasing an application on the internet is not as easy as it seems. So in order to do so, you will need a various components like servers storage devices, developers dedicated networks and application security obviously to ensure that your solution works the way you intended to do now that all these things doing, dealing with all of these components uh can be problematic now because buying each of these components individually is very expensive and risky.
At the same time, you would need a huge amount of capital to ensure that your application works properly. And if let's suppose your application luckily does well, uh works properly, but it doesn't become popular, then you will lose all of your investments. Right. On the flip side, you can have the scenario, maybe it is working like really fine and it becomes immensely popular. Then you would, you would have to like invest a lot. You have, you would have to buy more servers and storage in order to cater to the requirement of a of users, which can again increase your costs. Now, this is where cloud computing can come to the rescue. It has many benefits including offering safe storage and scalability all at once. So that is why we there is a need of cloud computing. And so that's how uh as you can see in the slider, there's an application and then there are so many requirements and then at the end of the day, it becomes very expensive to the user. Next would be how is the cloud different from the traditional client server model of the internet? Now, the internet has always been made up of servers, clients and infrastructures that connects them clients, make requests of servers and then server sends the responses.
How cloud computing differs over here is cloud computing differs from this particular model because cloud servers are not just responding to the requests, like they're also doing the same thing that a client was doing earlier, but they're also running programs and like storing data on client's behalf.
They are doing a lot of work that uh uh uh o on the client side on their own behalf as well. So that's how so that businesses can focus more towards their own goals rather than, you know, worrying about all the infrastructure, what sort of servers or storages we need, you know, all these things moving on is the types of clouds. So um definitely in order to work, uh you, you do need to like see, ok, what sort of cloud or what type of cloud shall I be using based on the requirements that you have? We have the three categorization. First one is the public cloud, next is the private cloud and the third one is the hybrid cloud. I'm just gonna briefly explain all of them as the name suggests public cloud, they are offered and they're owned and operated by a third party cloud service providers. And now these third party cloud providers de deliver their computing resources like server storage and everything over the internet. Uh Very few examples of um third party cloud service providers are my soft Azure, Google cloud platform, Aws. All these are the examples of public cloud.
Now with a public cloud, all hardware software and other supporting infrastructure is owned and managed by the cloud provider. So you just access these services and managing and everything is all done by the cloud provider. Next up would be the private cloud. Now, a private cloud refers to a cloud computing resources used exclusively by a single business or an organization. As the name suggests, it's private. Now, a private cloud can be physically located on the company's on-site data center. And uh sometimes what happens is some companies also pay third party service providers in order to host their private cloud, like they have their own private cloud, but they tell or ask the third party service providers in order to host their private cloud. So that's how also it works. Third would be the hybrid cloud as again, the name suggests hybrid is the mixture of the two of them that is public cloud and private cloud. And so what happens all the talk technology that both of them uh offers to us individually, it's combined, it's bound together in the hybrid cloud. Now, by allowing data and applications to move between private and public clouds. Obviously, it gives more flexibility, it gives you greater business flexibility, it gives you more deployment options and sort of helps uh help you in optimizing your uh infrastructure and your security and everything. So that's how it works.
And so because that way you can like um uh have the advantages of both public and private cloud. So it's more flexible moving on to uh some uh other major examples of cloud computing you all are probably using. So it's Google Drive, you all already know it's a place where you can like store your documents or like images, videos and everything. It says apple, icloud, draw Box Slack Slack, sorry. So these are the examples of uh basic um cloud computing that you all are uh already been using for a long, long time. Next up is the cloud service models. So we have three main uh that is Iaspas and SAS that is infrastructure as a service platform as a service and software as a service. Um Recently, another term has came that is FA S that is a different form of the same is function as a service, but we're just gonna talk about these three. So um uh I'll briefly again, explain these um individually. So infrastructure as a service, IAS is the delivery of technology infrastructure as an on-demand scalable service, meaning uh that it's uh it's uh uh uh uh the resources on the is resources are offered as individual services. So enterprises can choose whatever they need.
And as the cloud providers manages the infrastructures, businesses can concentrate on installing configuring and managing the software and you know, keeping their data secure. So that's what it is, it provides you with the infrastructure as a service now it is the foundational cloud platform layer and uh it's the service is most of the time used by the it administrators for processing storage networks and all these fundamental computer or operations.
The example for the same is Google cloud compute Amazon S3, moving on to the um next uh yeah. O over here we have uh the is providers. As you can see, there's AWS Microsoft, Azure world lab platform and IBM cloud. So all these are providing you with infrastructure for your uh your um computer operations, whatever you wanna do with your application. Next would be the platform as a service that is pass. Now pa is referred to as the runtime environment for applications. It provides you with development and deployment tools, et cetera. Again, platform as a service is very similar to infrastructure as a service. But in addition to that, it also provides you with uh you know, database management system, business intelligence services, uh a lot of other services and so on. So that's how it is. Um as the name suggest, uh this platform is provided to the client to develop and deploy Softwares and it allows the client to focus on application development. Again, it also takes care of operating system, networking and servers issues, all these things. Again, the example for the same is Google app engine. Um then they have AWS LAMBDA and cloud functions. So, and that's there.
Um Now these are the uh again, the past providers that the names that I just mentioned, we have AWS leda sales for platform Morpheus and all these things moving on to software as a service. Well, software as a service. The S A model allows using software applications as a service to the end users to users. It is a software methodology which provides licensed multi-tenant. Multi-tenant means that a single instance of the software and it's supporting infrastructure, it serves multiple customers.
So like each customer shares the software application and also shares a single database. So that's the meaning of multi-tenant. And uh it usually is b uh the build is based on the usage definitely all over cloud. Uh You only pay for the service that you use. It is highly scalable architecture. So that's about SAS. Again, these are the S A providers. We have Microsoft office 365 salesforce and all the Google apps. Next, there is another term uh named as serverless computing. Now, um uh if you, if I would have talked about platform as a service, so this basically overlaps with the platform as a service. It, it focuses on the uh you know, building the app functionality, it without spending time uh on to like how to, you know, to how are you gonna manage this server and the infrastructure required to do so. So it just focuses on how you're going to like build the app functionality on that. It doesn't really need uh a lot of computing devices, computing resources or app engines and all these things, it doesn't get bothered about the infrastructure or platform. It just focuses upon the app.
Now, the cloud, the cloud provider handles the setup capacity planning and server management for you again, serve less architectures are highly scalable and event driven. And you can uh only be using resources when a specific function or trigger occurs as you can see it in the slide.
So that's a little bit about serve less computing. Next would be the advantages of cloud computing. And so um backup and restore data, that's the first advantage. Now, um once the data is stored in the cloud, it is easier to get backup and restore the data using the cloud. So once it is stored in the cloud, you can like literally it's very easy to just get the backup, get the access to your files and everything. Next is improved collaboration. Now, cloud applications improve collaboration by allowing a lot of people, groups of people to quickly and like easily shared information in the cloud via shared storage and everything. So there's that third is excellent accessibility. Now, a cloud allows us to quickly and easily access store information anywhere and you can just uh using an internet connection. Obviously, you can get access to that fourth would be a low maintenance cost. Definitely cloud computing reduces both hardware and software uh maintenance costs for the organization because that all is uh handled by the cloud provider. And you can just uh focus on to your business idea that would be mobility.
Now, cloud computing allows us to easily access all cloud data via mobiles too. So that is uh how it is mobile and uh sixth would be services in the paper use model. So uh like I said cloud computing uh in cloud computing, you can just pay for the service that you do and you can uh it also offers application programming interface that is API S to the user for access uh services on the cloud and uh pays the charges as per the usage of service.
So that's there. Uh next would be unlimited storage capacity. Now, uh Cloud offers us a huge amount of storing capacity for storing our data uh uh such as documents, images, audio video, et cetera all in one place. So that's how it helps there. And then we talk about the most important thing that is data security. Well, data security is one of the biggest advantages of cloud computing. Cloud offers many advanced features related to security and ensures that the data is secured stored and you know, handled in a nicer way.
So these are all the advantages of cloud computing moving on to the disadvantages. Well, there are a few disadvantages of cloud computing. Um it's the internet connectivity. So obviously, in order to use the cloud, you need to know if you have the internet connection or not.
So um because the whenever you are sharing anything, whenever you are storing anything, you need a good internet connection. And if you do not have a good internet connectivity, you cannot access to this data. So um that's there second would be limited control now, as we know, cloud infrastructure is completely owned, managed and monitored by the service provider. So the cloud users have a little less control over the function and the execution of services within the cloud infrastructure as compared to uh everyone else who are like owning or uh providing us the service. So there's that third is security. Uh to be honest, these both are totally opposite to each other because there is a limited sort of control, then there's even more security from their side. But again, it is a disadvantage because um although cloud service providers, they implement the best security standards to store your imp important information. But uh before adopting cloud technology, you should be aware that you will be sending all of your organization sensitive data information to a third party that is a cloud computing service provider.
So while sending the data on cloud, there may be a chance that your organization information is being hacked by hackers. So that's something where uh even after there's a lot of uh like security cloud can really help you with that. So there's a little bit of risk factor. But most of the time it makes shows the cloud providers, they make sure that you know, they give you, they provide you with a nice secure environment so that you can also work comfortably with them. So yeah, there's that um moving on to the um Google cloud platform now, GCP, I'll um I'm I've explained you um a basics of cloud computing on a generic form, but now we're going to like vertically talk about the Google cloud platform. So um what a Google Chat platform is offered by Google. Obviously, it's a suite of cloud computing services that runs on the same infrastructure that Google uses internally for its end user products. Um The um example of Google cloud platform cloud is Google search gmail, file storage and youtube and et cetera. These are the examples. Next, these are the Google cloud platform services that uh we are provided with. So we have computer uh services where we have compute engine, Kubernetes app engine, cloud functions. Don't worry, don't get like overwhelmed. I'm gonna be like telling you a little bit about all these things. Next is the management.
We have cloud consoles, track driver based logging, debugging monitoring, obviously, networking, we have cloud load balancing, VPN firewall rules and everything, storage and databases. Next uh we have uh for storage, purpose and database and everything. We have bigquery, uh cloud data pro cloud pubs, sub and identity and security. In order to just tell who should be getting what sort of access is we have cloud IM and uh cloud endpoints, VPC and all. Um next again, last one would be the machine learning. So we have cloud ML, cloud speech and all these things. So that's a little bit about group uh platform services. Now, let's move on to the quick demo session on GCP. Um Before that, let me just stop my screen sharing. I hope I am visible to all of you. I am. Yes. OK. So um before moving on to the um actual demo session, I just wanted uh say a few things about um how you can start preparing for the cloud um for as a beginner as a total beginner. That's how I did. So there are like various platforms which provide you with a lot of trainings and everything. And uh my best recommended is Coursera courses because I have explored courses in Udemy and all these places. To be honest, it totally depends upon your uh upon you.
If you're able to understand them, just explore, just see if you uh you know, sample sessions and if you're able to grab what they're saying, then that's good. Just go for it because everyone is providing with the same uh thing. But again, it totally uh is worth it. If you feel comfortable with the instructor and you know everything with the cost, then it's like beneficial to you more. So I highly recommend highly, highly recommend you Coursera courses. So um how I started was I started with the very basics and uh you can also do the same. There's a course named as Architecting with Google class platform using compute engine services. And it has like five courses within it. So it's basically gonna uh prepare you for the uh there's an exam that people uh give uh offered by Google. Its name is associate cloud engineer exam. There are a lot of exam but the very first thing, the very first exam that you do is the cloud Associate engineering exam. So you can do that. And uh in that course, there are like uh five sub courses. So the very first one is Google cloud platform, fundamental core infrastructure. Then we have the essential Google cloud infrastructure, essential Google cloud infrastructure core services, elastic Google cloud infrastructure where they tell you all about scaling and automation.
And the last one is the reliable Google cloud infrastructure where they explain you the design and the process of the same. And uh later on if you wanna like just dig deep and then they also train you uh sort of like tell you the basics how the exam come. Yeah, of course, I am definitely gonna provide you with the link um uh at the end of the session, I'll just provide you with that. So that's how you can start. And uh as if uh if I talk about the p uh the exam preparation, I am also preparing right now, to be honest, and um, it's really like, uh they have a whole pattern. So I'm gonna tell you, um, you, there are a lot of uh mock tests or like practice sessions. So there, there's an exam and you're given like 50 questions and there are like two falls fill in the blanks, some, like, uh, you know, uh basic, uh short answering questions. A few, maybe few, some labs questions, you know, things like that.
And what you can do is you can just prepare for them. There is again a PDF that I would share with you all if you want me to. Um please, I'll just provide you with my linkedin at the end and you all, whosoever wants uh the links to uh all the things can just ping me there and I'll provide you with a link of a uh online PDF where you can like study about the exam. It's actually specifically uh a book uh uh that helps you prepare for the associate Cloud Engineering exam. So you can uh go there and like learn from there. So that's a little bit about how you can start and prepare for the very first exam uh in order to start your cloud journey with Google cloud platform. Now, um I'm going to give you a quick lab as we're already running out of time. To be honest, it's almost 30 minutes, I guess. And I'm left with only 10. So uh I'll just start right now. And, um, so what we are going to do in today's lab, I'll also show you how, uh, exactly course, of course is like, what exactly are you gonna find in the course as I have already, uh, had the subscription and that's my sister's, um, account, but that's ok.
It doesn't really matter. I'm gonna show you how exactly does it look and how exactly are you gonna like, uh, how, what are the things that you're gonna do in that um um particular course. So uh there, I'll just uh share my screen again. I need to share my screen again one second. Um ok, please let me know if you can share or if you can see my screen. Um Yeah. Is it visible? Ok, great. So um let's start with the um lab. So that's how it is gonna look like I have just opened the very first uh subcourse of the architecting with Google cloud platform and o a lot of sessions where they're gonna explain you everything with the help of videos and everything. And uh today we are going to do the lab, we have a lot of labs, they have quizzes so that whatever you are understanding, you are like able to just uh quickly analyze yourself if you are like doing fine or not. So, um I'm just gonna start what we are gonna do today. Is this getting started with compute engine? So we are going to make a virtual machine today. Um A virtual machine is basically as the name suggests, it's a machine made virtually. So um I'm just gonna click on this. Um I think I need to again, share my screen. OK? One second, I'm so sorry guys and just stop shedding. One second. She has three. OK. So now I have shared my screen. Is it visible to you all? Oh, sorry.
Is it visible now? Ok, fine. So um next, so that's what I did. I just clicked over here. You need to give a little bit of consent over here and then I just clicked on open tool. So that's how a lab looks like. So as you can see over here, uh there's a button called start lab and there's a timing. So there's a particular timing within which you have to like complete your lab. And there are uh that's the summary of whatever you're gonna do in this lab. And then there's a scoreboard over here as you can see it says the number 10. So uh once you do the tasks you are supposed to be, you are given a check my progress button and if you click on that, then Google, like it's just, it's just gonna verify like whatever task you were assigned or have you really completed it or not? And if you have, then your scores over here gets updated. If I'm gonna click on this, you can see the and detailed version. OK? Five marks is for creating the virtual machine using GCP console. Do not get worried. I'm gonna explain you what it is and using the same thing uh using uh making the virtual machine using a Google Cloud online. So these are the two things, two tasks that we are gonna do today in this lab.
And that's gonna give you give us the um scores. And once we are done with this course, then we can just stop the lab. So I'll just click on start lab for now. Just give not a robot. I am not. So there's that, it just takes a minute. Uh By the time it gets started, I'm just gonna give us the overview of this lab. So what we are going to do in this lab, uh we are going to create virtual machines and then connect them. I'm not pretty sure if we'll be, we'll be left with a time where I can tell you how to connect these two, but we'll definitely be creating the two virtual machines. But first one, by using the GCP console, the actual platform of Google cloud platform. And the second one will be making using Google cloud command line. It's a basic command line tool for Google cloud. So that's why its name is G cloud command line. So um so that's what I said. Uh these are the objectives. So once I click on start lab, this is something that's shown over here and you can see over here, I have a user name, a password, a project id, which is totally unique for every, every time you uh you take a lab and then there's a region and a zone. Now a region and zone are the places where your uh cloud or whatever you are making will be created. Right. Right now, it's been provided to us by default because just we are just doing it for the practice session.
So the region is us central one and then the zone inside that region is us central A. So we have like a lot of zones, us central one ABC D and you know, things like that. So I'm just gonna click on open Google console. So that's gonna uh open uh in another time where I have to make another account every time when I uh do a lab. So I'm just gonna copy this user name. It's a very basic thing that we do just like we create our Gmail account. That's how we do it. And obviously we provided with the password. So I'm gonna enter that too. And yeah, just accept this. It's, it's a very basic process that uh just how you create your basic Gmail account. That's how you're gonna do it. I hope this visible to all of you. Is it, was it visible to all of you if someone could just uh write it San board? All right. That's good. Thank you, honey. Um So Yeah. Uh This is how the Google Cloud platform looks like. Um I'm pretty sure it's gonna ask you. Yeah. So in the starting, it's just gonna ask you to just uh see from your country, you just need to agree to the terms and services and then continue if this whole process is gonna happen every time you uh open it when you are doing it on Coursera courses.
If you have your own like um you know, account, then I don't think you need to do it again and again. Uh So over here, as you can see, this is our project ID, this is the same ID that we have over here, you can tally that too if you want. And so this tells us what sort of projects we have. So right now, we are just working on this project. So I'm just gonna cancel that. And uh over here we have command line. This is the symbol for command line. I'm gonna click on it uh later on and tell you like, how does it work? Uh This is for the notification then that's definitely your account. Now, um in this, we have the navigation menu, which is sort of like a marketplace where you can get all these services. So over here you have IM and admin uh services, the one that I told you in, in, over here, you just get the access to all the uh services. Let's suppose. I'm, I'm making an application. And I want just like just how you uh share your uh Google Docs with anyone and then you give them the rights as a viewer or as an editor or as a owner. So that's what we do over here.
We give access to people, what whatever sort of access we wanna give to them for our application. So there's that uh moving on to compute resources. We have the APP engine, compute engine. This is something that we're gonna use right now in or as you can see over here, we have the option. So I'm just gonna quickly roll on. Uh we have storage, we have file store, cloud storage and for the databases depending upon the requirement and the uh quantity of data that you wanna store. We have big for five store Spanner SQL and all these things for networking. Also, we have a lot of things and uh in order to like monitor the bug and you know, just uh for error reporting and all those things, we have all the operations over here. So um moving on uh back to uh creating the VM as we have like only 20 minutes left if that's OK. So what we are going to do these are the process that uh we have already done signing into the Google platform. So I'm just gonna skip this. Don't worry if you do not uh remember whatever I just said right now because everything is written over here. So you just need to follow up and once you do it 2 to 3 times, you're gonna learn it.
So what we need to do the very first thing in order to create a virtual machine using Google cloud platform console is moving on to the navigation menu and that I have already done. And then I just click on the VM instances over here. I'm just opening and then the next thing uh I'll just copy the name because like we are like literally out of time. So that's how it uh it is shown. OK. Now, what you need to do is you need to create another instance or VM machine. So I'm just gonna click on create instance on the top. And then it's gonna ask me just like we make a normal machine like that we go, it's gonna ask me to give it a normal name, give it some like what sort of operating system do I need to give to this? What sort of storage do I need to give to this? You know, all these things on what kind of network it's gonna work. So I'm just gonna replace it with a VM name. Next uh would be the region and zone uh as it says the select the region and I here the region is us central one and zone is us central one. A So I think it's already over here by default, the region and zone.
So I do not need to change that. You can also see over here, this is the billing. So like if I'm making a virtual machine and whenever I'm gonna do all the changes downwards, then you are gonna see a difference in the billing pattern based on whatever things you take or have this billing would be changing. So um next would be machine type is also accepted as default uh for the boot disk. Uh we have to uh click on change and we have to select this TB NGNU LINX 10 Buster. So let's see. One second. Um Are this OK? For the boot disk over here? It is like that. So I think it is again already the same TB NGNU LINX and Buster. So I do not need to change this. Next would be the uh we have to like leave the defaults for identity and API access. Now for firefall, uh we need to click on the allow HTTP traffic. So we we are only allowing the HTTP traffic to work. So there's that next thing we just need to create. So that's how that's that, that's, that's so easy to create you. You just have everything on the console, you just need to like see, OK? What sort of requirements do you have? And you just click on that and then it's gonna make, it's gonna create the virtual machine. I'll just cross that. OK?
And hide this panel, virtual machine is created. It's gonna show you a green tick over here. I hope you all are still here with me. Thank you. All right. Um Once uh till the time it has been created, I'll just quickly make the virtual machine again using the cloud command line tool. So the command line is over here. This is the option. Once I click on this, it's gonna open over here and we need to click on the continue. Now, the very first thing is in order to see what sort of zones are available. This is the command. I'm just gonna quickly copy that and uh paste it over here once the cloud line, command line is open and that's gonna show you a list of all the zones that are available. Um OK. So that's how it looks. I'm just gonna control this, we copy it and once I enter, it's gonna, because this particular command is making an API call where it's gonna take information and it's gonna display to us over here. That's why it's asking for authorization. So once I click on authorize, it's gonna OK? Um It's, it's uh giving you an error because I haven't set in my account. So I'll just do that um one sec in order to uh tell the command line that, OK, in what account am I working?
So that's what I did. I just set my account to my GCP ID and now if I'm gonna uh write the same command again um why is it showing in error? Mm. Mm. The current active account does not have any valid credentials? Ok. I to run this in order to have the valid credentials again. Ok. It's asking me a verification code. Why is it? Maybe because it uh I have just created, I just buy this course. Of course. Maybe that's why I think uh there's a problem with the authorization or the access because uh uh uh like I'm using a new account on Coursera. So let's for now, let's just skip the command line part because my agenda was you for you all to ex like understand the platform more and we have already created a virtual machine. So as you can see over here, the status is that this instance is running. So this is the virtual machine that's been created if I click on this, um It's gonna show you one second all the things. So this is the instant ID, whatever we uh provided it it at that time, you know, all these things. And uh that's how, so that's how a virtual machine is created.
And if I just move on to over here and click on, check my progress, so it's gonna give you a right T and as you can see, you are already given five out of five for creating the uh virtual machine through GCP console. So yeah, that's I'm just gonna stop sharing my screen for now. Mm Yeah. So that's how you create a virtual machine. That's a quick demo. I know like the part where I had to like, make it through a goo cloud console is a little bit, there's a problem over here. I'm gonna fix it. I don't know what it is. To be honest, I'm not gonna lie, but that's how you make a word machine uh using a console. And uh like if you're gonna see the place where I showed you all the instructions of lab instructions, there are everything available. So once you do it one time, two times, three times, you're gonna get used to it and then that's how you're gonna learn about it. And yeah, so that's there. That's the uh whole topic and that's it from my side. I'm gonna provide you with my linkedin for now. Um Give me a minute and uh whosoever wanna uh know more about it or have any doubts or like you need all, all, all of those links and everything to the courses as well as the exam guide, please.
Uh Ping me there, I'll, I'll be happy to help you all. Um That's it from my side. I have already exceeded by four minutes. I don't wanna do it more. So, uh thank you everyone and uh take care of yourself. Uh enjoy Women Tech Global Conference. Thank you. I'm just gonna leave now. Bye of you and take care