Session: Crafting Frontend Strategy
Predicting future is hard, yet every December we see plenty of blogs with titles like “Web Development Trends <put-next-year-here>”. Are they reliable enough to use them in your business forecast?
In this talk I’m going to share my insights in crafting frontend strategy for a mid-sized IT company. You will learn about my way to tackle velocity and diversity of frontend technologies at the enterprise level. I want to discuss with you the “whats”, “whys” and “hows” of strategising, including some struggles that I faced, e.g. the soft "border" to other tech topics such as API & services, DevSecOps etc…
Challenging? Someone said challenging? So, let's roll up the sleeves!
let maria: ShortBio = {
human: true,
firstName: 'Maria',
lastName: 'Korneeva',
description: 'A problem solver with the current focus on frontend and Angular in particular.',
education: [
{ major: 'business informatics', degree: 'master' },
{ major: 'linguistics', degree: 'phd' },
frontEndSince: 40056,
places: ['Germany', 'Russia', 'Usbekistan'],
contact: [
{ channel: 'LinkedIn', url: '' },
{ channel: 'Twitter', url: '' },
{ channel: 'Medium', url: '' },