Session: Work-Life Integration: The Real Key to Avoiding Burnout in Tech
In a world where the lines between work and life are increasingly blurred, the traditional concept of "work-life balance" often feels outdated and unattainable—especially in the fast-paced, high-demand tech industry. Instead of striving for a perfect 50/50 split, it’s time to embrace a more practical and fulfilling approach: work-life integration.
Drawing from real-world examples and actionable strategies, this session will cover:
1. Why work-life balance is a myth and how it contributes to burnout.
2. The principles of work-life integration - Techniques for aligning your career goals with personal values and needs..
3. Practical tips to create boundaries, build flexibility, and reclaim your time.
With a career spanning Europe, Asia, and North America, Sheena brings a wealth of global experience to her role as Senior Engineering Director at Priceline. She is leading engineering teams focused on Priceline's website, packages user experience, as well as developer enablement projects. Based in Toronto, Sheena also serves as the Site Lead of the Toronto office. She has been awarded as Emerging Leaders of Canada 2024 by The Peak.
Sheena brings 15+ years of software development expertise to spearhead data-driven initiatives and cultivate impactful leadership at work. An avid traveler, Sheena enjoys exploring new destinations and staying active through yoga and dance.