Session: Women in Tech - Big Data for Breakfast and Innovation for Lunch
FINRA processes 600+ Billion market events per day as a peak volume. I talk about how we do that, how we stay ahead, and how we make sure we continue to provide a safe space for innovation in our company where almost half the company participates in - called CREATEATHON.
Rubyna Haslani Zito is a Vice President of Technology Operations and Services and the Chief of Staff to the CIO at FINRA (Financial Industry Regulatory Authority). She manages Technology Operations and Services that include Technology Compliance Office, Training, Communications, Reporting, Space planning and redesign, as well as financial planning and budgeting. Her responsibilities as Chief of Staff include coordinating strategic priorities, driving key initiatives and monitoring progress against critical deliverables. She also owns the implementation and governance of the Vendor Management Office, enterprise wide at FINRA, which includes management of the Vendor management system, Fieldglass, supplier optimization, and executive reporting.
Prior to this role, Rubyna has held a variety of leadership roles at Citi including Chief Administration Officer and Communications manager for ICG (Institutional Clients Group) Technology, Compliance manager in Global Transaction Services, and led the Technology Strategy and Planning team within ICG. Most recently prior to FINRA, she was a Program Director of a Global Re-engineering initiative across technology where she was responsible for creating and improving processes, standards, and helped in the planning for technology investments, and on ongoing initiatives to improve the organization’s overall efficiency.