Session: Speak To Influence: Balancing Authority and Connection in Hard Conversations
Ever felt like you're speaking, but no one in the room is truly listening? Women experience being interrupted or spoken over twice as much as men. If your expertise and contributions are overlooked, it can threaten your career success and your ability to influence outcomes. This session offers a solution through a unique framework for balanced, assertive communication. Learn to avoid common pitfalls and command attention with our Direct, Definitive, Decisive approach. Enhance your ability to connect without compromising authority. Be heard, earn respect, and drive impact.
Ivna Curi empowers diverse professionals, especially women, to become their own best advocates at work and confidently make their voices heard, without the fear of being labeled aggressive or facing retaliation. As the host of the Speak Your Mind Unapologetically podcast, a TEDx speaker, Forbes contributor, and author, Ivna has inspired millions worldwide to speak up with conviction and courage, helping them unlock new opportunities, advance their careers, and increase their influence. All participants will get a digital copy of her book, "Unapologetic Voice: 101 Real-World Strategies for Brave Self-Advocacy and Bold Leadership."