Amadikwa Joy N Intro to Python
Video Transcription
Ok. Hi. Um Good day, everyone. Good afternoon from Nigeria. Uh Good morning. Good afternoon, good evening from anywhere you are around the world. Um Welcome to WTM section. Um Welcome to the museum section. Um but I was a joy in from Nigeria and OK, I've been introducing intro.
Hi. Can you hear me? Yeah.
Yeah, we can hear you
So we will be introducing us to intro to Python. But before I go straight into what you are, I would like to introduce my colleagues. Um I'm at graduation and with me, we have Chan Panson, a software engineer and rai and they should introduce themselves. That should be better. So, um a are we here? Ok. What introduce yourself, please?
Uh We did it already before you came.
Ok. Um
I guess we can start with it. Ok.
Um So far so good. Like I said, we have Sana Pan Andrei. They, my colleagues does that help me and under this intro to Python very well. But before I, the committee, let me introduce the class, I say a little bit about Python before we enter fully into it. So, welcome to Python. I know most of us will be asking what is this Python all about? Um how can I start putting Python and all things related to it? So I want you to know that Python is actually a straight street language that everybody can easily understand. Hence, you know how to speak the language of Python. The Python, the group Python, the group as a woman as Python is does and the inventor of Python does give the bar ro does this man can start to come up with the language? Right? And because of how people stress in languages, you know most languages, once you are quoting of those languages, you need to understand some basics and other things like you need to use some, some some some people call it with more seriousness. So that is why I give you a not to come up with a language that is very powerful without coding seriously like that is ready to come up with a language that and enjoy them, which can also serve as the first language Europeans can also venture into.
So good to design a powerful what easy to learn language called Python programming language. So once again, welcome being a Pythonista. Like I said, Python, the group as they are known as Python ministers from price breaker. Now we are going to learn Python. Remember that we are talking about a snake. I'm actually not friends with the normal Python snake that we all know. But I'm talking about the Python language for the programming language that you can use the paper for them for their word to use. So the computer seems to judge you, judge, you guys judge your mistakes somehow has not that the part of or the computer doesn't really understand what you are saying. So for you to, for the computer to really understand what you are trying to say, you need to instruct it based on the language that you understand. That is, is judging it because it doesn't understand your own language. So if we, we human that we are supposed to call the LA M, we're supposed to write our code based on the language that the computer you understand. So th those parts of judges that the computer would give is known as C error. So c error actually simply means that the Python is actually lost, maybe are not coding in the language that all the Python and the computer actually understands. So there we need to actually look at your quote and see where you are going wrong.
Like I said, I said, you are learning Python language and Python is not actually learning your language. So we will learn more apartheid as in the long run. So whatever you can say that I have a point, we discover that you are a bad programmer or something like that. Just noticed that the computer is actually lost somewhere. So it doesn't actually understand your language. So you need to write the program based on the computers language.
So writing a program in private phone call before you start writing a program, Python code. Hence, you're not using any online editor because you're going to let you know use of online editor for class. But hence you don't have any online editor that you're not using the online edits. You want to be coding offline, you need your test editor which is, which can be a visual studio code or any other test editor, test editor of your choice. It can be a sub line test can be at home uh notified process. And then you need, you need to also install your Python code from slash downloads. So if you don't have it already on your system, so these are the things, the basic things you need for your system to work effectively. So if you don't want, if you do not want download or install the app, you can simply use an online editor or compiler known as Go Collab or G DB online because you are going to be using G DB online for this section to fasten the track. And also I wanted to note one thing Python programming language. Once you write any code in Python, you want a Python to interpret it or notice it. The company practices as a Python language, you need to save the particular file with the dot Py.
That is dot Py, that's the surface of the file should be dot Py. Like if you're according to PHB, you have your colleagues just say, write a code to say for greeting, to say hello. Hello, Joy. Hello, Rashi. You write it, maybe you write it. Accept the name with hello word, you know, you normally use hello word. So is that the name with hello word? H is the ph you say hello word dot PHP? You get it. If you sum of two numbers, you say you serve it with some sum of two number dot PHP. But in Python, you serve it with hello word dot py. So you go with the surface dot py. So now let's look at some elements of Python like the normal English language that we all know for you to speak English very well. You need to know the vocabularies, the center structure and the story structure here in programming, the vocabularies of the words is firstly variable and your reserve words, the center structure is known as the very center pattern and the story structure, it's not like they constructing a program for a purpose.
Can you still hear me? Hello and yeah. OK. OK. OK. So um we are going to look into these things, these your variable and the result was your very simple task. But under the center structure and the whole story structure which is constructing a program for a purpose, diverting a yellow word for greeting. So not one, not one thing that in your programming or in your food, it must serve at least a particular purpose that your program will serve. At least a particular purpose. That's when we saw that you were actually a code, your purpose might be a um the normal A code to actually to check the number of people that attended an event, they get it. So that is actually a program to solve that particular task. Instead of you having to count the number of people that are attended an event with that particular, you can get the actual number of people that attended different. So that is why I say let your code have a purpose or the reason why you wrote that quote. So let's look at expressions in Python programming language, there's what we call reserve words. These are words that are set out for a specific usage on Python programming language. So we should better use it the word Python expect you to use it on no account.
Should you use a reserve words as a variable L? The example like let's just say, for instance, your name is Joy. Like my name is Joy. If I'm walking on the way and somebody shouts joy, I watch maybe sideways to s to see where that particular core is coming from. So that particular name, Joy is being reserved for me. Like it kind of reserved that once I had that particular book, I should respond to it that once I had that particular, that this case is actually calling me. So that's what is applicable to reserve words, the reserve words, I reserve words. I thought he was that are actually made for the computer for that particular program language. They are, they are there for a particular purpose. Do you get it? So, on no account, should you use a reserve board for anything? They just say if you use um if, if it's actually a conditional statement to check if something is true. So you cannot use if for your variable name, that's what I'm trying to say. You cannot use if for your function name of your functions or your method. So if cannot be used for those purposes, it's actually a function on is code that does a particular thing. So let's look at the same um sentence online. You have, yeah, you want to know no equal to three, which is a natural an assignment statement.
How is it an assignment statement? I'm trying to assign the value thread to nor do you get it. So if once I assign this value thread to norm, if open this particular variable nor you will see three inside it. So let's check the second line which is non equal to non plus four. This one is known as an assignment with expression how no, in particular, which contains the three, we assign control plus another cost or value form. So we are trying to perform some arithmetic operation or arithmetic expression. Here, there we say non plus, non plus four equal to that. It has been assigned to another variable four. No, no, this is, this is no, which have a value three. And we try to reuse the norm here and as the three plus four would be seven and we are signing to this place once we go to break, not going to output the content of this one. This is the last expression that we did in this our code, this one pick the value assigned to it, which is the and as for to it, which are not print the output. And this one the, the prints no is not as a print function. The prince has been declared or defined. This one actually in Python is the function keyword, you use it to output or print out an output of output of a particular thing. So it's a, it's not a print function.
Um My goal more details into it where we enter it into the language so that the above expression comprises of the following. Like I said, it has the variable which is not. So M is a variable, the three and four is a constant, you know that pi pi equals to three point. So flu to it is actually a constant in the sense that the variable doesn't change. So now we have T plus four is the cost, but it's also a value that we actually have signed to inside the variable and no equal or plus sign is an operator because we use it to perform an operation on those values. And the variable you can't assign a value are the value without the presence of an operator. So the if what if, what people sign there is what enables you to assign a value into a variable in the, in, in, in a normal mathematics or arithmetic. So we say one plus one equal to two, that's how we do, which move from the left to the right. But in programming, we move from the right to the left, there is a values that is on the right hand side to the variable that is on the left hand side. That's what I'm trying to say that.
So not in Python, you don't necessarily need to type in the whole of your work in the command line. In fact, it is very idea to write a program in the scripts. So and I try to say that scripts are, are a small set of instructions in test files that are that you can hand over a Python to run them that once you write a program in your script, you can actually run into the Py Python, execute our interpreter to execute that particular file.
So you can, you don't necessarily need to write your code in your command line interface in command line, executes for you to enter this next line or executed the other line. If by aventure, there is an error in that line, you cannot enter the next line to write your code. That's what this place is trying to say. So comments actually most of us you be like what is even what am I going to make use of this comment and this, what am I even using comments for? So, comments actually is um one vital important future that we need in our program. The comments is just a piece of test to let someone know what you have done in a program or what is being done in a block of good. Not it's actually a piece of test that actually tells you or maybe after I see your code um this year in the next five years, you or another program and and your company might come up to look up to that your code, I see what you have already done. So with the use of the presence of comments, President E explain any block of code or any line of code, what is what he's doing or the action is actually is a kitty, that's what government actually does. It's helpful, like it's very, very helpful.
And also another way normally is um comments and is maybe after writing some lines of code and we saw that no, we don't really and we don't really need these lines of code. Most lines, maybe we need that line of code later on in the future we use comment to comment it at just to make it to how to execute that particular any code that you com your compiler or your interpreter is not going to execute that line. He sees it as maybe this code is not actually exist in this particular thing, just a comment. So it's not an executable code. So in comment, you have a single line comment, I have a multiple line comment. So a single, a single line comment, we use the hash to comment a symbol as a single line comments. Like the way we use, we we try to print print no and now use the hash sign added in front of it. This is actually commented, this particular line that is actually a single line comment, then you have a multiple line comment to comment a paragraph. You used to book double codes or single codes instead of commenting this line with your hash. Do you get it? So this is what we're trying to say here. He uses triple, single quotes that are double quotes to comment it. They are trying to tell you that intro to Python by WTM network is actually we this line.
If this thing happens to be in your code, it will not execute people. It's in a comment. No, I will try it out and on the round where we are putting where we are doing the practical section. So let's look at the interactive and the district the interactive here, you type directly to your Python. The Python CM I it is a Q like I said earlier, your interactive interface, it is aqui a line after the order like you enter no, no equal to three, which is a K that line and ta na no, maybe what a non plus non plus four which is, let us say for instance, you say no space non plus, it might try to take um try a test but the you that this particular line of code have an error.
So because of that, you won't, you won't start the next line until you um you edit that particular line of code. But if you write it in a script, you can write the word of, of your course. But during your execution, that mean, maybe you have an error, it will not tell you that there's an error in this particular line of statements that you now have to edit you now have to edit it with that. Um The one of the advantages of the script to interact it is with your student, you can be able to revisit that your code over and over time. But interactive, once you write that particular code, you can't save that particular code, you've lost it. Once you close your the man, you lost the code. When your script, you can use that code. And it is do anything you want to do on that particular anytime you want any day you want it. So that's why it's advisable to write your code on the script that interactive nature they get. Hence you want that code. But that so like I meant cation of constant area. So constant are face value with such as numbers, letters are strange because the because the apparently doesn't change nearly customs uh as you expected it like let let's let's say no, we go to 33 is a remaining constant.
It doesn't change that one no matter where you are, it doesn't change. And the strange constant also the same way you put a straight inside the coach. Not a many a number can be a strange question that hence they are being close inside with single, single or a double code. They are being called constant, like as they are called constant because they don't change like we have 0.345 the output will be 345, no changes. Prince Amado Joy, the output will be a joy, Prince Ahma Joy, not the first one is in the single quote and the second one is in double quotes. So those are the things you are trying to say. Now, let's look at the reserve word like I mentioned earlier. The reserve words are those word that means a spec a special thing to Python programming language, any language, every language that is or word his own words. That is those words are very peculiar to that particular language So you cannot or can you use your reserve words as a variable name or identify or even as a function? And no account. Should you use the reserve words? Hence, that particular word have been declared or assigned to Python is a with a particular ta you shouldn't use those words or anything. So some of the examples of Python Reservoir are as follows.
We have the four, we have the no, we have the true, we have an as assets. We have break, we have non local you have with your heart beat. So you can also go online and look out for some reserve words that you can lay your hands on. At least that will help you to help to fasten your chart on your face. So these words are special for to Python, like I said earlier, that means don't use these words to name functions. I'm repeating it again. But once you do it, if you throw it, you do it first part to, you know, like let's you a professional development now you have so trade, but no, it doesn't look for your profession. So that's why I need to take note of this. But these little little things because those things matters a lot in your code. It can even destroy, even break down your sites, your company's website. So this ones are very unique to Python programming that they are peculiar to it. You don't misuse it. So we have variable names, variable names are places you add the Python to allocate a bit of memory and stick something to it. Let's just say um in your room here you have milk, your milk container. The container itself is available. Ok, so we can give you the name as milk container. Why is it available? Because it stores your milk, the milk inside the container. It is known as the bodies. Why the container? The milk container is a variable.
So if you want to maybe send your child or your kid or your heart to get you something or get you a milk, you be like um please go and get me that milk contender. But these are the milk container, bring two spoons of milk. So let's assume that your heart is your computer. It's trying to execute that particular instruction. You get to it by going to get a new con control with the V and getting the three pots of milk, three spoons of milk from your from the container, which are, which is actually the very inside that particular variable. So you can change the content of your variables on the red statements. That is why it's a variable, the the contents of the variables continue changes. Hence you try to execute our alter the con the various aside, it's unlike your cost, that is cause that that is unchanged, we can't change it no matter. So you are trying to say Python find in this code, you have more equal to 20. You're trying to say Python, find a spare piece of emer somewhere and give it a la be of no and boots 20 in it.
And remember that for me, if maybe I, I regard this particular variable on the top, on top of my code, I can come later on maybe at the bottom and make use of that. I will call non plus 10, which was put 30 for me because I've actually prepared this gal so on. So this is where we try something like let's say no equal to 20 no equal to 3939. And I said to I said no equal to 20 I said no equal to 39 the output of this 39 because the last value we are signed actually 39. So let's move on already running behind time. So let there are some rules guiding your variable name. Your variable name will start with an underscore or a letter. It must consist of letters number and underscore and it case sensitive why specs are not allowing you variable on no account. Should you start a variable name with your, with a numeric value? This, this is a good way of naming a variable. We have name food number 34. That's for now. The part is um high faith, joy or joy dot At four or joy space N. This is a bad way of naming your variable then this way you are different because Python is G sensitive. So because of that, once you name your variable, using lower case the camera case, uh any, any pattern you want to use, it just be consistent with it.
But then if you know you're variable using all letter, lower case and your letter of form capitalizing your first letter, this this is actually a different variable name from this one. So this one is also a different variable name from this one. So just be consistent with the way you name your. But if you want to start it all work is just continue it. If you want to start all, just continue that way. So just be conscious of how you name your. But now let's look at program steps and program just like program disruptions, installation instructions are recipe for. There are some program that you need to write the or that it flows like a water flow like from top to bottom without considering any branches or anything.
Do you get it? So it moves from top to bottom, it moves straight like straightforward like a straight line, no branches. So some, some steps are conditional. There are some, some some period where you want to take some positions on your code. That's they may, if this condition is met, then you should skip this particular thing and execute that. But if this particular particular condition is not met is a great order block of code. This is what you mean by. So instead of being conditional, sometimes a step or a gluon steps can be repeated. So most times, let's just say you want to fetch water, you want to feed and fill your gallon of water. You carry your j can you go to the top? You first, the first water and come to the jelly gun and pour it. I check the jelly gun. Maybe it's not up to the brim of it. You now go and fetch a second one and don't want it. It gets to that particular stage that you want it to reach you stop. So that is what we call repetition. That's iteration. You keep repeating that particular process or the particular condition or a particular things being met. So sometimes it's not a set of steps like I, I stop at the repetition. So there are some periods you could want a particular particular instruction to continue repeating me.
So sometimes we start a set of set of steps to be used over and over again on a code that is known as a function. You can actually use your site to write your code and keep it that you may call it, let alone on your code, maybe where you will need it. So that one is known as a function. So sequential set, the have like what I said earlier goes like a straight line. It doesn't branch anywhere unless it mets an error or a dress bag. That's where your whole thought. But hence there is no dress bag or anything that was copy it most straight on to the end line of your food. Now, let's look at, like I said, we are going to make, we make use of, um, GP online. Let's look at online GP and try a sequential code and that would be where I'll be stopping then, um, unless basically will take over from conditional steps. Um So if you are just open your online GB account, if you got some. Thank you. Oh, can you see my cream? Hello? Hello?
No, we cannot see
my screen. No, no.
Ok. Got me. I share, I, I shared um online I see it now.
No joy. We cannot.
OK. OK. Why is it not showing I have questions? OK. Let me share it again. OK. So I'm sharing online GB. No, I it
no joy. We cannot. No.
Uh I don't know. I know why I'm not sure but. Ok. Um Anyways um let me now share the screen now. Maybe when the person that will be handling the conditional steps should share the screen and concern the part aspect of it. So we are calling on the last question to continue from the eyes that um conditional steps from Python. Thank you for having me. Um Yeah, sounds good chance
you're taking over. Yeah, cha I just jumped to the greenhouse.
Yeah. Um Is there any question. Let's drop the question on the comment section. Why was secret?
OK. So I'll just share my screen
if a male se we share, right? Um You'll be getting the slide at the group chat or anywhere scheduling. So you can easily assess the slide.
So can you all see my screen right now? OK. So we start with conditional steps. The conditional execution is more like adding in intelligence to your code. It's like a decision based step where you need to make a decision for your program. Say if you want a number which is greater than three to be only printed. So that is like a conditional step. There. You get an if statement Sanan, do you want to continue or shall I continue? Because
we were supposed to, I can continue here because my connection was lost. So yeah, so I is of time and let it go. So it's not your Yeah, yeah. Every share my screen. OK. So yeah, condition steps is more like adding more intelligence to your code is it is like uh it gives a power to your code for understanding that the is is it true or not? So it is like more choose one or two paths where to go whether straight left, right or backward. So thereby making your choices, we use conditional statements. So we have many conditional statements. So here is a conditional statement. If so we use it for if it's a reserve one we can't use it as it as a variable. So if it, if she tells us that we are going to instruct it, perform some task based on some conditions to check out the, for a code. And we would like to check it from a code. Uh open it your online GDP. So I have here. So I ID code, I initialize a variable X and I can take the, if statement, if X is less than five, then it will print WDN. And if X is greater than 10, then it will print workshop. Uh and the WDN conference is on 11 2, it will print always. So let's run this for here we go. So here I have take 20 which is greater than 10, which is greater than that.
So it will print workshop and the TN conferences on 11th of zoom. So how it is works here. We see the explanation of this code, uh the code in, in the given code, we use the statement for a condition. Hm I assign a variable X which is equals to 20. And it will ask this that whether if the X is less than five or greater than five, so our value is better than five. So it will not print it, it will go to another statement. Then after that, it will print because we take the 20 which is greater than 10. So it will print the workshop and we are take the one another statement at WTN conference is on 11th of June. So it will print that statement always. Uh here is a note for all of you that uh if an error, if statement ends with caller, then have an identity block of statement as Python as the ident error. If you will not ident it correctly, it will give error. So basically, if statement says that if the condition is true, do this, but if not then false. So if it's false, then then jump out from the statement block to the next statement. So here we go. Uh you, yeah, there are many more conditional statement like L si uh or we can say I and so the F and S are the multi conditional steps which is use a keyword I to a combination of L si, as I told you, then this conditional T go through the code in search of any condition that turn turn out to once it meets such condition that it, if we execute it and leave the conditional block.
So in if statement, it happens that if a statement is false, then it will turn out from the jump out from the that statement. So in, in, if we can, it needs a condition through, then it will meet, then it will execute it and leave the conditional block. So he has one we have one more quote for the L statement. So we'll just open your CD P I have here. So yeah, here I have initialized a variable X and I have taken it as two. So if X is less than two, then it will be WTN and L if X is with less than 10, then it will bring WTN conference I to the conference. So if I run it, yeah. So as I have told, I have taken ex question two, which is less, not less than two. So it will not execute it uh if it is uh less than 10, so it will execute it or uh if it's is we have and in this statement will always print out. Oh yeah. So which is has then I'll know less than two. Welcome to the routine conference and out of his statement block here is the expression of this word. So it was to do as I told you uh the first condition is, is less than two, it will not execute because X is not less than two.
The second condition is L if X is less than 10 will execute because X is actually less than 10. So it will output WDN conference. So it won't check that the last condition for because it made the two condition already. So it will jump out from the eel conditional statement to a statement and it also print out of its statement B block. So here we go. There are some rules for the conditional steps. So once the block of the cold will run, then it will trigger once it is triggered, then it will meet with the whole hip statement. And if a block is true, then it runs it and exit the whole hip immediately. But there are saying we may not want to include L A or if statement because in such scenario, if, if uh block our call, I will jump out from the whole if, if statement to execute the next statement after that. So here is that and we have one more exercise. Mm So here I introduce you all to a function, input function. So input function takes basically a input from the user. So we can use it in this here I uh XX variable. It will take the in input for as in T because uh if we did not take the in so it will print out the string. So uh if X is less than five, then it will bring the momentum network.
And if S is greater than or equal to five, then it will print WTWTN conference. S welcome to WTN Global Conference. So let's run it. It will ask us to, to give her input. So if I give her input five and then, then it will print WTN conference because X is equals to five. So he has given it and take it. Yeah. So if I give uh input to, then it will break the routine because uh excess less than five. So how it is work? Here is the explanation from the uh exercise. We learn that by the use of input function, uh it's variable will ask the user to give our input by using in data type. Because if we will not use it, it will take as a. So in this program, as statement won't work because in this, if X is greater than a request to five, then it will also print WDN con and if it is less than five, then it will print WDN. So it, it will not print does the statement. So that's all you guys practice with these and there are more, many more to us and we have one more fun task. We have some fun task for you. So do interact with this. So I will invite uh Jessica for you to give the fun tasks. So resa uh what
do you mean? Thank you, Chan. Uh Chan. Can you just uh sh keep sharing your screen because I would need to see the answers also. Oh, yeah, this is, yeah. So mhm So can you just go to the next night? Yeah. So we don't end here. We have a little quiz sort of thing for you all. So can you just skip it? Get to the next one? Thanks. Yeah. So say we have statement X is equals to A plus five minus B. So now what are A and B over here? Can anyone tell me
guys, please write your answers in the chat box.
Yeah, you're right. Atika. They are o because
um excuse me, um Rasika, can you um do you put it on that presentation? Because the answer is written by the side?
Uh OK. So o OK, the answer is OK. OK. I'll share the screen. Can you please stop sharing? I'll share the screen.
yeah, but I think this is cool like,
yeah, I understood it's taking a real time to you. So yeah, you're right. These are options because five is an operator and A and B can be changed. So that's why uh five is not an operator. I'm sorry. Plus and minus are the operators. Five is also an operator. So we move on. What is the output of the following code? So we have P QR as 1020 30 we need to print it. So what is the answer? Can anyone tell me to your lungs? I cannot see this. Some say B OK. No more answers. 1020 30. OK. So now I I reveal the answer. So the answer is B which is 1020 30. Now it won't give you an invalid syntax because this is allowed in Python, you can assign the constants to the variables like this along with the gammas. I hope that clears your doubt. Now it is not a legal variable name. So um Marika explained you all how to name the variables. I hope this should not be a problem. Very straightforward then. So the answer to this will be it. I don't know how many of you all answered it because I cannot see that screen. But it is because we cannot have a hyphen between the variable name. We can have a capital letter, we can have underscores um if you all didn't get it right. I think you all should once go back and check the rules that will be very helpful while starting program. Oh This is a very easy one. How do you create a variable with the numeric value? F? So if anyone can answer this.
So here the answer is A X is equal to five. The next two statements B and C are not numeric values. They are um string literals or character literals. The double code signify string or character and the single code signifies only character and none of them are right. So A is the correct answer over here. What is the output of the following code, print type of type pipe? Now type type is which tells you what type is the variable if it is string type or it is a double type or it is an integer type. So if I give, say a type and then I give a number in it, it will tell me if it is a type it, if anyone can guess this because we haven't covered this. I know it just, I mean, so the answer is C now we have c because first of all, it will check the type of file which is type in and then it will check the type of the type in. Now, type of the type in should be giving you type of type because it's checking the type of the type. Um It will be a really confusing but once you get a hang of it, I think you'll understand it. What is the output of the following? Quote? A is equal to two? Then we add a, then we add two to A and then we multiply it with two and then we print it. So what according to your should be the answer. So the answer should be B which is an indentation error.
Now, Python takes indentation very seriously. You cannot joke with the ident indentation. You have to put all of this in one line. And if say you have uh an if statement or a vile statement, then you indent the code below it to a right, like say four spaces to the right, which is the default one. No, it's not. Which OK, this should be CND, I'm sorry for that. This should be CND. Which of the following is an invalid L statement in Python. Remember the last two are C and D, those are not A and A. So I'm revealing the answer. It's be Yeah. So I just now told you the indentation thing. So the print is just below I, so that is an indentation error because when we declare any code below it, it should have a little space before the code runs. So what is the output of the following code? If five greater than 10 print fan LS eight, not equal to nine print glass and L's print cream. So Chan told you about the L statement. So I guess you should be an able to answer it. It's pretty simple. So now I'll reveal the answer. Yeah, it's the, it prints glass glass because first of all, it's check is checking if five greater than 10, which is not possible at all, five is never greater than 10. Then it goes to the ellipse statement which checks if eight is not equal to nine.
And we all know that eight is not equal to nine. So it prints glass and then this statement is just ignored because it already executes this statement. Now, this um, this would be a little too much because we are lacking below. This is a pretty simple one. Suppose you have the following V. This defined A is equal to 15 and B is equal to 50. Now you have to write a Python fl statement to assign variable M. Um, since we are lagging time, you can continue this in your free time, I think we can now just solve the doubts and all because we are actually lagging time.
I write one of the code because you still have like two minutes left. So within that um within one hour, one minute, can they write a code?
Yes, they can, they can actually write this one. Yeah, we
don't want to go
if you want. I can give you
one minute. Not one hour. I think
somebody gives the answer.
Collins. Yep. That's right. Nicole. That's the right answer. Cheers. You got it right. So yeah, I say should end. It was great interacting with you. all
person trying the record do OK? I, I think we are now on the end of the event. Um Rai yada with the question that so I think we are at the end of the event. Um I want to say thank you everyone for making our time to join our section. We are very happy to have you here. Um We say thank you very much. Um And we also say thank you to Anna for this great opportunity. It doesn't easily come by. Actually, we say thank you very much for having us on board. Um Hopefully to see you maybe on the slide group or any other place. But meanwhile, the um the slide, we are going to share it. We share the link across to and uh oh but I do you have the link to the slide?
Yeah, I did share it on the
chat. OK? That, yeah, that's the link to the slide. OK? We can get it. We also, we also share the link to the slide for those that are not here. I wanted to, I want the right. That's right. I can also give you the language. So thank you very much. Any anything to say that she can say?
Thank you so much, Angela. Thank you so much. Great to be interacting with you all and thank you guys
for joining us and thank you guys. I enjoy. Yeah, I brought
it to my social media. You can also follow me up there. I don't know you guys. People can also drop your Yes. Um um Follow us on social media. Maybe any questions or any idea what they want us to do with you. You are always open and free to identification section and also interact with you. Uh do things you to do things together. So thank you very much. Um Have a nice day. You can join me another section that is open. So this is the head of uh intro Python. So on your own time, you can read up, go through the links we share on our chat section. You can check with them, Udemy Budda Forsa or plural site they have and videos on Python or any other language I want to enjoy into. So thank you and have a nice day. And thanks to PSF also for giving us a program language for Python. So that so thank you very much.
Thank you, everyone. Have a nice night too,