Maria Uvarova Dos and Don’ts of a successful product-led transformation

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Maria Uvarova
SVP of Product
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Guide to Product Transformation: Do's and Don'ts

Hello everyone! My name is Maria Obara and today's blog post will guide you through the ins and outs of improving your product transformation process. Your questions are always welcome and I will try to provide answers in this post and subsequent ones. Now, let's get started.

Why Does Product Transformation Matter?

First of all, why is product transformation important particularly for the techies? Well, as we are living in 2023 where advanced technologies can potentially replace us, the correct use of technology has become more critical than ever for successful business operations.

Despite the significant evolution in the role of technology over the past 10 to 20 years, a prevalent mentality in many businesses still echoes "you are just an IT person, you don't understand business, just deliver what I asked for". This mindset indicates a lack of understanding and appreciation for technology, which underpins the need for an effective product transformation process.

Understanding the Types of Transformation

Product transformation becomes even more significant when companies struggle to adapt quickly to the growing technological influences around them. It’s important to discuss the different aspects of transformation first, mainly digital transformation and product transformation.

Digital transformation is about using digital technology to simplify and speed up business operations. In contrast, product transformation involves a mindset and cultural change. It requires a company to put the customer and the product at the center of its organization and decision-making processes, and necessitates understanding the customer journey and continuously gathering feedback.

How to start Product Transformation

Launching this process requires the correct transformation model. Based on my career observations, there are three ways to implement product transformation.

  • Create a designated innovation unit within the company.
  • Engage external consultants to guide the transformation.
  • Hire digital natives for critical positions like CTO, CPO, Innovation Officer etc.

Each of these methods comes with its own set of risks and benefits. Find what works best for your company and take preventative actions to avoid drawbacks.

Keys to Success for Product Transformation

Leadership, training, and collaboration are vital components to ensuring a successful transformation. Overcoming resistance within the company means promoting a culture of trust and collaboration, requires constant transparency and two-way communication.

Establishing new sustainable processes and mechanisms for auditing performance is also necessary for long-term adaptation to this transformation. Metrics such as business outcomes, data-informed approaches, and customer-centered initiatives should guide your decision-making and prioritize how resources are allocated.

What to Avoid

Equally critical is understanding what not to do. Here are a few points you should bear in mind:

  1. Avoid the adversarial attitude of 'us vs them'.
  2. Do not expect immediate results. Transformation is a long game.
  3. Don't underinvest in metrics.
  4. Avoid duplicating functions within the organization.
  5. Most importantly, never give up no matter how challenging it seems.

In summary, successful product transformation calls for the right culture, mindset, and methodology. It's a journey that requires continuity and patience for it to be fully realized.

Thank you for reading. I'm always open to further discussions on this topic. Feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn for a continued dialogue on this, or any other tech-related, topics.

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