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![]() Sarah HsuCloud Platform Engineer at Goldman Sachs |
What can a software engineer do about climate change?The COVID-19 pandemic has not just reminded us of the importance of tackling climate change but also its urgency. In this talk, Sarah will share her journey as a Green Software Engineer, emphasising that every bit of help is meaningful, and individuals can have a real impact. She will also cover the basics of Green Software Engineering before sharing examples of applying the principles, providing a call to action for like-minded engineers.Did you like this session? Share to vote. |
![]() Katharina MuellerFounder & CEO at Sensit |
Why combine tech with mindfulness?Our mind is the foundation for anything we achieve, are and can be. The last year has been particularly difficult and many of us struggle mentally. Despite the tech focus, this talk will help building the required mindset for career growth and personal development, mental well-being, and perception of our environment.With input from psychologists, counsellors, test users and mental health advocates, this talk includes the journey towards building a mindfulness-app. It'll cover all the obstacles, set-backs, findings, and small wins, both from a business and personal… read more |
![]() Nicole TschierskeCoach |
Attracting New Opportunities: How Women in STEM Become Recognised Experts and Generate Momentum in Their CareersHave you ever wondered why your colleague got picked to lead the new project even though you had your eyes on that opportunity and are much more qualified for the job? Have you been passed over for a promotion (yet again), even though you’ve continuously delivered outstanding results? You start to wonder if work performance even matters at all when it comes to progressing in your career.The answer is: It does, but not as much as you’d like it to. In his book, “Empowering Yourself: The Organizational Game Revealed” Harvey Coleman states that performance contributes only 10% to… read more |
![]() Andjela DjukanovicSenior Advisor, Technology at KPMG |
Breaking barriers and the power of mentoringWho am I and what is my brand? This is a question we should ask ourselves. Having not come from a technical background, I was apprehensive to apply initially. However, my experience has shown you can succeed and break barriers with patience and perseverance. How do we overcome that stereotype that tech is a man's profession? Women represent only 17% of the technology workforce, despite representing 47% of the UK workforce. Targeted interventions such as mentoring and getting your profile out there are required to bring about change. There's always someone else coming up behind you… read more |
![]() Adela Mehic-DzanicHead of CSP Segment at MAVOCO AG |
"1000 Women"In my talk, I will take you on a journey and tell my story of impacting 1000 women in the tech industry in 2020. I will share be sharing my 10-year vision and how creating meaningful and purposeful missions creates a long-lasting impact and opens the doors to new career opportunities, partnerships and it is a change-accelerator that we urgently need.It is about pursuing the just cause as Simon Sinek describes in his book "The Infinite Game" and it is about playing the infinite game and making the world a better place. One mission at a time. After… read more |
![]() Zoe KuyandaFounder at Girl Coders Zambia |
Why Should Every Girl Learn to Code?The world has become digitalized, Technology is taking full force in the marketplace and the future of tech professionals seems to be brighter than ever. In view of this, women continue to remain under-represented among Tech jobs. If a girl child is acquainted with coding skills, they are able to become powerful creators and find their place in the world of Tech.The presentation will cover: Why many young girls and women may fear to code. How to make coding more accessible and appealing to them. The benefits of learning to code. How coding can be used to… read more |
![]() Sofia LyatevaEmployer Brand & Communications Expert / Community Builder at Devexperts / GDG Sofia & Women Techmakers Sofia |
Hacking Burnouts & Reaching Peak PerformanceIn this talk, I will try to provide you with some useful tips how to hack burnouts and reach a continuous state of wellbeing. Take what you need but be consistent about it and you will see progress soon enough. Your peak performance lies at the heart of it.Did you like this session? Share to vote. |
![]() Nimmy NemlinIT Product Owner at BMW Group |
Deconstruct the Fear of Failure & RejectionHave you ever been so afraid of failing at something that it stopped you from doing things that needs to be done? Or have you felt so discouraged with something or rejected that you don't want to try it out again? Here I am sharing with you about some tips which I applied to get myself out from self-sabotaging.Did you like this session? Share to vote. |
![]() Ronke BabajideSenior Solution Engineer NSX at VMware |
"The Only One in the Room"Being a woman in a STEM field and then working in IT for over 20 years, I was often the only woman in the room.Living in Austria, most of the time I was not just the only woman but often also the only person of color in the room. By telling my story and talking about the inner and outer obstacles I faced, I would like to illustrate why „being the only one in the room” can be hard sometimes, is sometimes funny but really isn’t as scary as many women may think. And I would like to talk about the fact that being different can be your advantage. Diversity is a driver of… read more |
![]() Alisa EresinaCoach, Entrepreneur, Business Mentor |
Female Cycle Superpower – Build Your Business, Career and Life With the Power of Your Cycle‣ strong decision-making, peak performance and guiding intuition with the power of your cycleDid you know? The female cycle is a powerful tool to thrive in your life, career and business. Think of it as your natural built-in coaching system! Each cycle offers you key messages for you to grow. All you have to do is to connect with that potential. Did you like this session? Share to vote. |
![]() Jasna PejovicFlourish co-founder & CEO of DigitalBee at DigitalBee |
Let's increase your emotional intelligenceScientific researches have shown that emotional intelligence directly affects employability, salary level, happiness and satisfaction.The World Economic Forum predicts that by 2030, workers will be required to possess emotional intelligence skills 26% more than today. UNICEF identifies emotional intelligence competencies as key competences of the 21st century. Emotional intelligence, unlike cognitive, can be developed through one’s lifetime. Learn how you can develop emotional intelligence and use this session to boost your self-esteem with two practical… read more |
![]() Chilekwa BandaDigital Financial Services Practitioner |
Fintech: what's in it for me?Fintech is not just a buzzword. For many,both the Organizations and the Consumer, the question often asked is "how does this make my life easier"! So many Organisations have been impacted by the merging of financial services and technology- the so called digital era, but can we really tackle the question "what's in it for me?" We find out here!Did you like this session? Share to vote. |
![]() Katrin SturmFounder & CEO at The Best Possible You |
Communicating & Negotiating without feeling like an ImposterDo you want to speak up with confidence, be heard and influence others?Do you want to negotiate your salary, go for that promotion or sell your idea and intentions? In this high energy masterclass we conquer any feeling of self-doubt together and talk through insights and techniques in order to achieve the above as a woman in tech. Katrin Sturm, Founder & CEO of The Best Possible You, will be sharing a number of practical tips and tricks on how women in tech can use their communication effectively to get what they want. You… read more |
![]() Victoria OrtigosaSenior Manager - Core Voice Strategic Initiatives at BT |
Can women have it all?Short presentation .What does having it all mean? Do we feel there is a checklist that as women we must achieve? Are we made to feel guilty for making choices? How do we measure this? Have we ever thought that Having It All could be really simple? How can we motivate ourselves to feeling that we have achieved everything and that we have it all? What can we do to making it happen? Will include the following:- - Personal experiences about juggling the guilt of being a mother and having a career and personal hobbies… read more |
![]() Zana PekmezHead of Customer Intelligence Analytics / Retail Customer Engagement IT Tribe Lead at Raiffeisen Bank International |
Assembling Customer 360 in Cloud to Achieve Customer CentricityCustomer data has a vast monetization potential through customer centricity and personalized services. Cloud technology and analytics tools are great enablers for enterprises to leverage on these technologies to decrease the effort and costs required for data collection, processing and consumption.The presentation focuses on hands-on example of Customer Analytical Record for fast and specific analytics and reflects how technologies and agile delivery approach enabled a large Banking Group to centralize customer data in cloud from its 13 different operating market network. … read more |
![]() Jenya SargsyanSoftware Engineering Manager at Synopsys Inc. |
Breaking Into Tech: 3 Tips for Women to Succeed in TechWhy Tech is one of the most promising career paths for women? What are specific tips to succeed? How your “Yes, if” mindset can help you to change impossible to possible?This session will provide insights on a specific framework to manage work-life balance, prioritize the work and build a successful career for women in tech. Did you like this session? Share to vote. |
![]() Michelle GyimahGender & ethnicity pay gaps consultant, Negotiation Coach, Keynote speaker at Equality Pays |
How to negotiate away your personal gender pay gapThe current gender pay gap is going to take over 100 years to close at its current rate (and this was before the pandemic hit). A combination of opaque pay systems, pay secrecy in the workplace, lower numbers of women negotiating for better career benefits and higher pushback rates for women who do, will keep the gender pay gap thriving for many years to come. The pandemic has highlighted just how fragile gender equality is as well as how much of our career options have been decided by our employers and not by us. This talk will equip attendees with the skills to negotiate for more in their… read more |
![]() Ingrid ToppelbergChief Product Officer at Cybint |
Cybersecurity as a future-proof career for womenWith over 4M unfilled positions worldwide, cybersecurity is one of the most lucrative in-demand careers today. With competitive compensation and high demand, this career path has seen a steady rise in popularity, and yet women comprise less than 20% of the cybersecurity workforce.Due to the dynamic nature of evolving threats in the security industry, more diversity is essential to successfully protecting individuals and organizations from cyberattacks. Since traditional forms of education are often out of touch and not a realistic option for many women, accelerated learning… read more |
![]() Claire ThornewillSenior Web Performance Consultant at Netcentric GmbH |
Know your worthI have grown up with the privilege that my parents both worked hard, full-time and with two kids, long before the days of home office. Neither of my parents went to University when they were young and so they did everything in their power to give me the best start in life and stability.Stability to Gen X means find a job and stay there forever, or at least until you retire. I have changed5 jobs times in 5 years I know what you must be thinking, commitment issues. Quite the opposite - I am committed to myself, my learning and my wellbeing. What I… read more |
![]() Uzoma AgbaBusiness Strategist at Technovation |
We are Digital: The Future is NowBusinesses have to innovate or go extinct by using technology as their core functions so that they can disrupt the norms and challenge the status quo. Because Digital transformation evolves around employees, products, channels, operations, customers and competitors, it changes corporate strategy, business processes, marketing capabilities, roles and skills. For lead generation and customer acquisition, Businesses should infuse neuro marketing which is the new science of customer decisions because buyers purchase products based on emotions i.e. connection to the brand. When businesses apply… read more |