Women, Wealth and Well-Being by Pamela Sams
Video Transcription
Well, welcome. My name is Pamela Sams. I am a behavioral financial advisor.A lot of times people say what the heck is that it's really a financial advisor who has uh traditionally um the uh we I do traditional financial planning match with the neuroscience of how people make their financial decisions. So that's what the neuroscience match with traditional financial planning, uh makes up their behavioral financial advisor designation. So today, we're really going to be going over some of the things that women, it's called women wealth and well being. Uh again, my name is Pamela Sams.
I'm with Jackson Sams Wealth Strategies. It is a financial planning and wealth management firm out of uh Herndon, Virginia. Um So that's where I'm broadcasting from today for you. Um So today's agenda, I really want to go over. It's really to uh my purpose and my objective here today is really to uh impart knowledge, of course, knowledge is power and it really give you some actionable steps in order to really build a solid foundation uh for wealth. Uh money still continues to be the number one stressor worldwide for men and especially women. Um So we have a uh a little bit of a difficult relationship sometimes with money as, as women. Um So we're gonna go over some of those things today. So we're gonna talk a little bit about some of the data uh as it relates to women in the world today. And then really also what does wealth mean to you? It means a lot of different things to different people. Uh And of course, um a little bit about investing. I know a lot of people are looking at what's going on with the stock market. Um But we're looking about uh talk a little bit about investing beyond those, those scary headlines. And of course, giving you really some actionable steps after you leave here to really build a solid financial foundation. So a lot of this may be uh us based. So those people globally just related to the things that you may have in place in your particular country.
So women in the world today, I mean, if we were to think 10 years, 20 years ago for ourselves and also our Children, what did that look like? What did the world look like? 10 or 20 years ago? But also what is uh what is it, life is gonna look like for women, 20 years into the future, for ourselves, for our Children, for our grandchildren. So, you know, we have made great strides as, as women, but we still have a little bit of a ways to go, uh, as well. So we really need to kind of figure out where are we in the world, where do we want to be? And then of course, how are we going to get there? So, here we are, I mean, women are power is growing. Uh, 57% of women, uh, have a, uh, are degree earners. So, in college, most of the women, uh, most of the, uh, enrollees are women more than men. That has that trajectory has definitely changed over the last 100 years where it was vice versa. But 57% of recent degree earners are women. Uh 49% of the athletes in the 2021 Olympics were actually women. So we're making strides there in sports as well last year. And actually during the last two years because of the pandemic, women have started businesses two times the rate of men.
So, you know, we see there's a situation where we may or may not be um satisfied in the workplace and then we're starting businesses as well two times faster than men. And also in the US, 27% of the 100 and 17th Congress were actually women. And then we have 22% 0.5% of uh fortune 500 roles are women. And then we have women owned businesses, 20 12.3% million in the US as well. So our power is growing, we're there. And of course, along with education also comes increasing in assets. So women are controlling more than uh wealth more than ever. Uh We have the breadwinners, we're breadwinners a majority of the time and the majority of our homes and we are set to inherit over the next two decades. 30 trillion that is trillion with A T uh and ingen generational wealth in the US. But also globally, we're adding on about five th uh five trillion per year over the next several years. So that is projected to be out somewhere about 91 sorry, 93 trillion uh globally in the next few years. So with those uh you know, I guess if you are are a Marvel fan or Spiderman fans with that comes great responsibility. So with inheriting a lot of wealth and also having uh generational wealth, we do need to as women learn how to um operate with our money because at some point in our lives, the statistic says 80 to 90% of women will be um solely the decision makers for the own finances, either single by choice, uh divorced and or widowed.
And that's the majority of the clientele that I deal with are single women, single by choice, divorced and widowed. So really learning how to deal with your wealth as you move along your your journey. But despite the growing power that we have, despite the assets that we're going to accumulate over the next several decades, there are still some number cha uh some challenges that we have as women in this world and that's just the way it is. So we're still earning less than men. We earn 84% 8084 cents per dollar that a man earns. Hopefully, you know, around the world globally, there has been a call for equal pay. I know here in the US, uh that has been a main topic uh really getting equal pay for equal work. Um More than 22.3 million women have left the workplace in 2020. That could be the stat that I mentioned before to start your own businesses, but also just not wanting to have the flexibility or it was downsized. It was stated that 2020 with the global pandemic is that it has set women back about 20 years economically. So we're leaving the workplaces, we're leaving the workforce. We're really trying to figure out where do we need to go financially from there. 69% of women uh are concerned are considered or sorry, do not consider themselves as investors.
Uh If we know we, if we know how to invest, we're a little bit more comfortable. But for the most part, most women do not see themselves as uh investors. And then 65% of women say their finances is their top stressor. As I mentioned before, stress tends to be the number one stressor worldwide for men and women. And then 41% of women haven't started saving for retirement. So we still have quite a bit though. We've made some strides uh both educational wise and um our power uh in the world and our leadership roles. But we also still have some challenges that we do need to deal with. So what do women really want? You know, whenever I think about this particular slide, it, it puts me back to that uh that movie long time ago. I don't know if you guys know it. Uh The Mel Gibson, what women want and he was able to uh do some freak accident, able to read the thoughts of women. Uh But this is kind of where we, what I look at or where we look at is what do women really want? We want to be financially secure every time that I speak with my clients or speak to a potential client, I ask them, you know, what do you really want? It's freedom, it's security.
Uh It's um you know, stress be stress free thoughts about uh what I wanna do with my money. Um So we wanna be financially secure. We wanna be debt free uh both short term and long term, you know, as long as we're straddled with debt that continues to also put us in a stressful situation. So we want to make sure debt is taken care of and there with debt free, feel confident around money. Um As I mentioned before, relations, our our toward relationship with money sometimes tends to stress us out. We want to make sure we feel confident with money uh as we go along in our, in our journey, and we want to be knowledgeable about investing. Statistically, women are better investors than men. We just need to be more confident when we're investing. When we do invest, we tend to be uh to do better than men. So we want to be knowledgeable about investing and of course, we want to um invest to fulfill, fulfill goals. Um There's a lot of things that we want to achieve as women. We want to educate our kids, we want to uh you know, retire, of course, at some point in our lives, we may want um you know, second homes, we may want certain goals, we want to invest to fulfill those particular goals um as well.
So that's what really what women really want. And of course, you know, this is gonna be as interactive as possible. So, you know, just throw some things in the chat on what, you know, maybe some things that you want or some things that you think about uh as it relates to money and I'll take a look at those in a little bit. So what does wealth mean to you? And this is kind of one of those interactive things, you know, just put those in the chat. Um but wealth means different things to different people, as I mentioned before, you know, I ask uh clients or potential clients this question all the time, what does it really mean to have or accumulate wealth? Uh And the first thing is usually freedom that comes out or it's travel or it's uh making sure that my kids are gonna be taken care of or I'm not gonna be a burden to my kids in the future. So, you know, just throw some things in the chat on what you think we means to you and I'm gonna progress on, but just really, just put that in there, uh, and start thinking about what does that really mean to you as well.
So how do you want to spend, um, and save and share your wealth? You know, a lot of times people, as I said before, you save, of course, for retirement, maybe sending your kids to college, maybe, uh, you know, a new home, whatever the case may be in terms of your goals. Um, and then, you know, how do you want to spend your money? Uh, do you want to travel? Uh, are there certain interests, are there hobbies that you want to, uh, partake of that you haven't, uh, done. So, uh, travel is always one of those things that pop up all the time and especially if we've been pent up for the last 2.5 years with the pandemic. Uh, I'm sure a lot of people are doing a lot more traveling this summer as well. And of course, we want to share uh if we think about Maslow's hierarchy of needs, you know, we have our, our physical, you know, food shelter, all of those things. But as we go up in that hierarchy, uh we want to, we want to share. It's one of those self actualization is that, you know, we want to take care of our families, we want to give to charity, we wanna give back.
So a lot of that deals with building up wealth is also being able to provide for family and maybe charities or giving back uh as well. So what are some of the things that you have? I said, because I see some things there and I'll take a look at those in a, in a second. So I'm sure most people have probably um seen this before, you know, there are smart goals or set goals uh that are smart, which are specific measurable, achievable uh relevant and also time bound. So when you start doing your financial planning or any of the goals that you put uh before yourself, make sure they are smart goals. Uh they have to be specific, you know, what time frame I want to retire in 2024 um measurable. Of course, the same thing in two years I want to retire, is it achievable? You know, based on what you currently have in the pot for retirement is retiring in 2024 achievable for you. And then of course, is it relevant? That means, you know, why do you want to retire in two years? Make it relevant to you? I wanna retire because I wanna travel, I wanna spend more time with my grandkids. I wanna spend more time, uh, you know, giving back to, to charity, things like that.
And of course time bound, which would be that timeline. I want to retire in two years, five years, six years, whatever the case may be. But really just make sure that um they are uh smart goals when you put together your financial plan. So investing beyond the headlines, you know, we get all of this, uh this news that comes at us, we see the, the red on the, on our statements and we see, you know, Armageddon happening uh on these financial news networks that things are just in such dire straits. But we really want to look beyond what's going on with the headlines. We've been here before. I mean, statistically, we've had recessions, we've had inflation, we've had high gas prices, we've had taxes, we've been here before the mar markets are going to rack the way it's going to react based on that. So it's not Armageddon or anything like that. So we wanna make sure behaviorally that's where that behavioral piece comes in is that we stay consistent with our investment strategy. Despite what's going on now, I'm not gonna say that, you know, if you see a lot going on and you're short, your time horizon is short for retirement, maybe you do need to be doing something a little bit differently.
But if you have a longer time horizon within, let's say a 10 to 20 year period, you may have several S ebbs and flows or volatility in the market. It doesn't mean that you need to, you know, jump out every time this happens. If you have AAA longer time horizon and stay invested, you'll have a little bit of more consistent ride despite some of the ebbs and flows that happens. Now, what does risk really mean to you? So when you're doing investing or your investment portfolio, you wanna make sure you're not taking on more risk than you have to, you know, think about, you know, if you're more conservative or if you're a moderate investor or you're um moderate aggressive or more aggressive, that's going to depend on that.
Your portfolio will actually depend on where your risk tolerance is based on the volatility that will occur in your portfolio. So if you're more on the risky side of the fence, then you may have a little bit more volatility than if you're more conservative uh which you're not taking on too much risk. So you're not gonna see too many uh too much ebbs and flows and volatility in the market. Uh I'm sorry in your portfolio. Um So you want to see what risk really means to you. I wanna make sure that you're able to weather the storm, that you're able to sleep at night. And actually, that's my motto for, for my firm is uh to sleep well at night, it's called Swan, basically nectar sleep well at night, I want to make sure clients are able to sleep well at night based on where they are with risk and where their portfolios are. So this is kind of a typical investment portfolio determines the investment appropriate for you. Like I said, anywhere from conservative all the way to aggressive, you have a stock and bond cash mix for the most part.
Um it is just really just kind of turns around depending on the level of risk. So if you can see and you're a conservative uh portfolio, you're gonna have a little bit more. Uh I'm sorry, you're gonna have less stock and you're gonna have more bonds and more uh cash position. So there's more safety in those particular investments versus the aggressive part where you look uh if you can see on the chart, um mostly stocks, a little bit of cash and a little bit of bonds that's going to be a little bit more aggressive. So in a market environment that we're experiencing now, globally, you know, the US, but also globally, you may tend to see a little bit more volatility in your portfolio based on that. So that's why I'm saying, depending on where you are on the scale and what your risk tolerance is will determine what your portfolio mix with look like. You also maybe want to consider aligning your values and your investments. You know, when I do investment portfolios for, for my clients is that I do ask them uh I do a values assessment that's part of the behavior of financial advice um method as well is really what do you value, what is important to you in your life and then really matching money to it because that's really what all the financial planning is, is life planning with money match to it.
So what are your values and then aligning those uh values to your particular investments? So do you want to be invested? And boy, I have a lot of clients, what investing in what we call ESG which are basically environmentally socially conscious types of investing. Do you want to invest in things that are against the environment or smoking or you know, cannabis or whatever? So look at what your values are and then look at your investment structure because for the most part, it should be in alignment with what you, what you value um in order to really make sure you're doing the right thing, uh being more socially conscious with, with your investments.
So megatrend, take mega trends into account and like I said, we've been here before in terms of the things that we have experienced over, you know, the last uh you know, century or so. Uh we had techni technological breakthroughs. We've had demographic changes, we've had uh rural, I'm sorry, rapid urbanization and we've had um climate change uh and scarcity and we've had global wealth, emerging, global wealth. So look at the trends that are going on into account when you're investing as well. Um You know, in the US, we have a large bo baby boomer population that's going through the economic system. What do uh boomers need as they go along, their aging population? Are there things that uh are trending that could be uh good investments for you as you see certain sectors go through the economic landscape. Um So take those into account as you start investing, health care is really big here in the US. Um As like I said, as aging population boomers go through the system. Um So health care, um you know, things like that um socially consciously investing as I mentioned before. So a lot of people are becoming more aware, staying away from it, looking at clean energy, looking at uh things like that, especially, you know, here uh globally, I'm sure as well.
Um The the the gas prices are, you know, out of control, do we move to more uh of clean energy versus um natural gas? Those sort of things, look at the trends and that could also be able to um to help you with your investment structure. So don't sit on the sidelines, as I mentioned before. Uh a lot of times we, we get scared, especially as women, like I've mentioned before in the previous slide is that we feel uncomfortable when it comes to our investing. So sometimes we don't know the right things to do. So we just kind of get out. So we don't want to sit on the sidelines um as well. Uh Because as you can see on the chart erosion of your buying power right now in the US, we have um uh a bit of inflation. So if you're sitting there with your cash, that's basically not keeping up with inflation. Eventually, the erosion of your buying power would um there will be erosion of your buying power. So you need to make sure that you don't sit on the sidelines too long as well. And I always attribute, you know, getting in and out of the market or trying to time the market as a kind of double dutch.
If anybody remembers that particular uh jump rope game uh back in the day, is that when are you, when are you gonna get back in? How do you know when to get back in uh into the market? That's why if you sit on the sideline too long, you may miss some opportunities um that are embedded in there. So this is like I said, waiting for the right time. To invest could leave you behind. So if you can see here on the chart, those people who waited and those people who um was consistent in their investment strategy, the difference between those two numbers. So waiting for the right time to invest can also uh leave you a little bit behind the curve. You just need to make sure you are confident with your investment strategy either, you know, reading books, working with an advisor, just really just learning, getting that knowledge as I mentioned before, um to know what you need to do in these particular instances. So it's the time in the market versus timing in the market as I explained before. So you could see if you stayed invested versus if you had missed the 25 days that are in um that missed the good 25 days in the market, the difference between 616,000 versus 100 and 34,000 is a big difference.
So if you miss those top performing days could hurt your returns overall. Like I said, they'd be really just being knowledgeable and staying consistent is where it comes from and investing beyond those headlines. And then really just trust diversification uh is to really even you, I know it's even ha it's really hard to trust the diversification because there's uh those behavioral things that people do is that I I'm gonna lose money. I don't want to diversification, you know, may not be the way and I didn't make as much as I thought I was gonna make, just really trust the diversification process as you can see here on the chart, uh, the differences between staying consistent, staying diversified and then really taking advantage of those pains.
So how do you build your f uh foundation for, uh wealth and well being, um, really just kind of get organized as your first step. So I'm gonna go over several steps and I know we have probably about seven or eight minutes. So I'll try to get through this as quickly as possible, but really just get or organized, get your investment statements together, your bank statements, your retirement account statements, all of these things together and then really look at it, this is kind of your financial report card.
How are you doing in each of these areas? What are my investments look like? Do I have the state and trust documents? What are my tax? What is my tax situation look like? This is where you start really gathering all of those things together. So you can look at a holistic part of what you look like financially. This is where you also step two define your goals. What do you want? What do you want to achieve um short term, midterm and long term? So there's gonna be some tradeoffs as well and you know, what do I need to do versus what do I want to do? So, when I do exercises with my clients, there's kind of a I do A T chart. What do you need? What do you actually want? Um And then really picking out what type of resources need to be applied to each of those particular areas. So you may need to pay off 10,000 of credit card debt. But you want to take that trip this year. Where do you, where do you fall in, in the scale of things? Maybe you don't pay the whole 10,000, maybe you save some to take the trip and you do eight. So you just take a look at that. What do you want to do with your midterm goals? Uh refinance your mortgage, invest in your 529 and then of longer term.
So there's gonna be some tradeoffs with your needs and wants, but I encourage you to do the exercise uh on the needs uh in the wants column, you know, look at your budget, what are you spending money on? What do you actually need and what do you want? And what do you, what are the wants in your budget? You know, for example, for me, my husband is an avid sports fan. He loves his direct TV. Um NFL Sunday ticket which is uh cross the arm and the leg sometimes. Uh but though you really need it. No, it's a one. So if that's something that I mean, and I let him, you know, put that on the needs column for him. We just accommodate on where we need to shift in order to put uh to do that particular one. So do that exercise with your, with yourself on what do you need and what do you want in your budget? Know your numbers, you know, knowledge is power as I mentioned before, know your numbers. So cash flow assets and liability equals your net worth. What are your income? What are your expenses? What does it take to run your household? What do you have coming in? What do you have going out? Um Knowing these on a consistent basis, puts you ahead of the game when it comes to your financial plan. So what do you have in terms of assets? What do you owe people? And then of course, on the other side, what do you bring in for your income? I know, you know, one of uh this particular day we're talking about career advancement.
So what do you have an income? Do I get a promotion? Can I bring in more income? Um And then from the expense size, can I lower my expenses? Do I need to have everything in there? That's why the budget is really important to see what your expense structure looks like. Can you do some um some shifting around again, the needs and wants uh when you start to look at, if it's, if you're, if you're a little bit thin, when it comes to the income and expenses. Where can you cut uh where can you eliminate and reduce or how can you make more money to bring in to accommodate that? So knowing your numbers is key as well and then really get invested in a portfolio, know yourself, know what your goals are, what your needs or if you do need help, of course, seek help. Uh when you do uh when you're doing your investing, uh knowing what your options are start now, if you haven't, if you're still in the sidelines, uh this may be a good time to buy.
I always tell people that uh with market volatility, the stock market is the only place in the world where things go on sale and people run away. So it could be a good, good buying opportunity if you know the right things to do and then of course stay and invest it. It may be some unique plans that you have as it relates to um to your um your financial plan. So parenting and caregiving investing for your health. So security here in the US Medicare, here in the US, divorce or loss, you know, there are certain things that you could go through as you're developing your plan and then of course, making sure you have um an estate plan, which is how are you going to transition to that? So I know we have a few more minutes. So I'm gonna go through some of the things that I think you do need to, I know there's a lot going on here, but here are kind of your next steps uh with that. Uh I do this presentation all the time. So if you leave your information in the chat and you want kind of the, the full overview, I know I had a shorter period of time to go through a lot today.
Uh But you know, if you want to be on my mailing list, I can send our invitations when I do this presentation again. But the next steps are actionable steps that you do want to take after this presentation is really if you do need to talk to a financial professional, um you know, it's not a plug for, for myself. Uh but it's really if you need to go and get some help, seek some help and of course, assemble your team of experts, a financial advisor, uh an insurance expert, an attorney, all of the people in your, on your team uh to really make you financially well. And of course, take action, define your goals, know your numbers, get invested, get organized and know your unique um life path as you put together your financial plan. So that's what I have. I'm gonna have about a minute. So I'm going to stop sharing and I'm gonna take a look at the chat to see if there's some things that I can answer really quick for you guys. OK. Uh OK. It doesn't look like that but you know, drop your number in or I'm sorry, your contact information or your linkedin in the chat and then I can follow up with you if you have specific questions for me.
Um I am on uh all of the social media, so at Jackson Sam's Wealth and I'll go ahead and put that in the chat. So you'll have access to that if you wanna follow me on social media, uh on Facebook and on uh uh on Instagram and on Twitter. It's Jackson Sams, WS. Uh I believe on my profile card. It'll have all of my contact information if you want to follow up. And then my website is Jacksons sans.com Wealth of resources and uh information on different topics that we cover today a little bit more in depth um as well. So I do appreciate your time. Thanks for stopping into my session and hopefully I'll be able to connect uh again with the net networking session with you guys and also on uh social media. So have a great event, the rest of the event and then I'll follow up with you guys again soon. Thank you very much.