The New Age of Productivity - How to Harness Your Energy And Take Back Your Time

Lena Thompson
Founder and Keynote Speaker
Automatic Summary

Increasing Your Productivity: The Art of Managing Energy, Emotions, and Decisions

Greetings everyone, it's a pleasure sharing insights on how to increase your productivity by optimally managing your energy, emotions, and decision-making. Whether you're joining me from India, Poland, Venezuela, or anywhere else in this diverse world, this feature is packed with tips to boost you towards extraordinary productivity.

Initiating the Journey towards Overhauling your Productivity

Reflecting on a particular project experience where I survived on energy-sapping food while working towards a deadline, I realized an important lesson. Extraordinary productivity is less about time management and more about knowing how to optimize our energy, take control over our emotions, and confidently make decisions.

The fascinating link between time and energy is that while time is finite, energy can be expanded and renewed when correctly harnessed. This realization further reinforced the need to focus on reenergizing ourselves, taking control of our emotions, and making trust-inducing decisions.

Understanding Energy Optimization

Energy is our highest currency, and life without it is unimaginable. Each of us has a unique energetic DNA that influences how we optimize energy across different life aspects. When we align our work and lifestyle with this energy blueprint, we can achieve more in less time, feel more energized, more productive, and enjoy a more fulfilling everyday life.

Understand Energetic Blueprints: A Peek into Human Design System

The intriguing field of Human Design System guides us on how to use energy, set and achieve goals, and make decisions. This system shows us the mechanics of how we operate and identify where our potentials lie.

There are five different energy types as demonstrated in our chat rooms; Manifestos, Generators, Projectors, and Reflectors. Each energy type has unique skills and strengths and remains productive and energized differently.

Master Your Emotions

Every emotion we express has its roots in a belief influenced by our thoughts. If we are to change our feelings or reactions to situations, we must understand and replace the thoughts behind those sentiments. Achieving self-mastery over emotions involves a three-step process; noticing and acknowledging your emotion, feeling the emotion, and reframing the thoughts that induced the emotion.

Confident Decision-Making

Rational minds often lead us to analyze and overthink situations, sometimes ignoring our intuition. However, when trusted, intuition can help make better decisions faster in complex situations. The benefits of using intuition in the workplace and everyday life range from inspiring creativity and innovation to making faster decisions and increasing productivity.

Becoming Intuitive

We're all intuitively wired, but some unlearning is required to perceive intuition. Changing your environment, slowing down, and understanding your human design authority are ways to tap into your intuition. It's about trusting that inner voice and reframing your thought process to align with your intuition.

Formulating New Age Productivity

The new formula for productivity involves a balanced approach towards managing energy, emotions, and decision-making. Improving one component without neglecting the other will lead to increased productivity, focus, clarity, and overall better life outcomes.

Ending on the sage words by Lao Tzu, "A journey of 1000 miles begins with a single step." I invite you to start viewing challenges as opportunities to learn and grow, to harness self-awareness as the foundation of productivity. This commitment to change will not only boost your productivity and save time but also grant you clarity and confidence to pursue dreams passionately.

If this has piqued your interest, or you'd like to connect further, please don't hesitate to reach out!

Video Transcription

Hello, everyone. Uh welcome, welcome, welcome. I'm so glad you're joining me here this morning or afternoon. Um, wherever you are in the world, let me know in a chat where you guys are coming from and um we're gonna start in a minute.I've been given strict instructions to stick on time. So it's 1111. Really good number. And I feel like um it's time for us to get started. I see more people joining in. So I'm just gonna give it another 10 seconds or so. And you're welcome to turn your cameras on if you, if you want to, it would be lovely to see your faces from Colorado. What time is it in Colorado? And Toronto? Oh my gosh. I'm like, really honored guys. It's like midnight now, maybe like five in the morning. India, Poland Venezuela. Beautiful, beautiful Spain Mexico. I always wanted to go to Mexico 4 a.m. Oh, my goodness. That's incredible. Thank you. Hi City UK. Yeah, whoever is in UK. I hope you guys had a lovely long week in Russia. This is where I'm from. So good to see you. Uh Romania. Awesome. OK, guys, let's get started. Very excited to be here with you. So, you know, once I was working on this, on this project towards a deadline and we were working 24 7 and in between when I have a couple of minutes, I will go home. Luckily I just slipped up the road.

I have a quick shower, put some fresh clothes on and go back to the office. And for days I lived off pizza, coffee, peanut butter, a lot of peanut butter. So not that kind of food that gives you fuel for your brain. But somehow I just like, wasn't tired. I felt like I kept going on and on and on. And um when the project finished or when we went live, I had a couple of days to recover and my manager asked me to document my code. I was a software developer back then and that one simple task, I took everything, everything out of me, something that should have taken me maybe a day to do stretched into weeks. And I don't actually think I ever finished it. Has anyone ever experienced phenomena like that before?

Where you work hard on something? Maybe you don't even sleep, you like go on and on. You feel so energized, so motivated. And then one thing, one small thing you're like, I couldn't be asked to do that, right? So knowing what I know now about productivity, it is very obvious that the slump in my energy was not because I was working hard. But rather due to the fact that the task was just not in alignment with my strength with my interest or my purpose. And over the years, and especially since starting my two businesses juggling full time job and kids with few energy burnouts in between, I finally cracked the code of productivity when I realized that extraordinary productivity is not actually about time management and it's not about how much we can accomplish, but rather it is about knowing how to optimize our energy, how to take control over our emotions and also confidently make decisions.

Think about it. Time is a finite resource. While energy, when you know how to use it correctly, it can be, it can be expanded and it can be renewed. And when we have energy, we feel better about ourselves, we better feel about others and we better feel about life. And then of course, we need energy to make decisions. So therefore, instead of managing time, you really have to start focusing on reenergizing ourselves and the workforce taking control for our emotions rather than blaming something or somebody out there for making us feel the way we don't want to feel and make decisions that we trust.

So let's dive deeper into each of these three elements to understand how each of them help us to increase productivity and also save time. Now I always start with energy because energy is our highest currency with that energy there is just no life. And what we need to understand is that we're not just unique on our physical biological chemical, whichever other layers there are, but also on energetic level. And each and every single one of us comes into this life with our own energetic blueprint. Our energetic DNA that tells us how energetically we are wired to optimize our energy in all aspects of our lives. So when we start working and living with um in alignment with this energetic reprint, we can accomplish so much more in less time, we can also feel more energized, more productive and just become more fulfilled in every day's life. Now, what helps us understand this energetic blueprints is a system of human design. And basically, it's like imagine having a custom tailored system that shows you how you innately exert energy, how you set and achieve your goals, how you make decisions. Well, human design is such system and it shows us because it shows us the mechanics of how we operate and where our potentials lie. And if anyone on this call is familiar with human design, please let me know on a chat.

I will try and check, check it later. And if you know your human design site, I would love to, I would love to know for those of you who are not familiar with human design. I am sure you've heard of profiling tools like Myer Briggs Strength Finder. Well, human design builds on that and it introduces one key element to it, our energy and as such, it has the potential to transform how we work and how we live our lives. Now, the most basic and fundamental piece of human design is the energy type. It can also be known, it's also known as the career type. And here in this little chat room of ours, we have a mix of five different types, same as in your office environment, in your home environments. And every type they bring their own set of skills and their own set of strengths to the table. And the way they remain productive and energized is different for each type. So let's have a look at these five types. Firstly, are manifestos, manifestos are people with this tremendous energy to start things and normally they don't just start one thing, but they start many things at once. However often they don't have the energy to finish with the start and therefore for them to stay productive, it is crucial to inform other people of their actions. Something that by the way doesn't come natural to them because they just move way too fast.

But it's informing, that's the key to the productivity because it's gonna be the other people who will help manifestos to finish what they start and free them up to go and do something else without this little piece, they can often be seen as people who start, but just don't finish things.

The next two types are generators, generators. As you can see, they make majority of population in this world. And they are the only two types who cultivate, who create that energy within themselves. They don't need other people around them to feel energized. And the way they get energized is when they do things, they are like the doers, the builders, the workers of the world and the more excited and passionate they feel about what they do, the more energy they have. When there is no excitement, there is no energy. And one of the crucial pieces between all differences between those two types is this generator's productivity is um is really enhanced when the focus on one thing only while manifesting generators, they are uniquely designed to multitask and actually focusing on one thing can impact their productivity quite negatively.

So the really, as long as there's excitement and passion, there, they can go and do as many things as they like. The next step is a projector. Projectors are not here to do things, they're not here to initiate. They just don't have that energy really for them. It is especially it's really important for them to rest throughout the day. So they work in like small bursts of energy whenever there is energy, the work. So pausing go out for a walk, like just really chilling out throughout the day is crucial for their productivity. Now, one of the gifts is to see and unlock potentials within others. And often it's the potentials that other people don't even see within themselves, which is why it makes them great leaders, guides and C coaches and last, but not least are reflectors, reflectors. As you can see, they are very rare and they're here to reflect to us the whole of our society. They're literally like our mirrors. They show us how well things are going or not so well. And for them to thrive, for them to stay productive and energized. They need to be in a supportive and nurturing environment with the people who they like and trust. So how does your energy type then impact your productivity? Well, first of all, when we know how to manage our energy, we focus a lot better. And when we focus, we actually get stuff done, it improves team dynamics. You know, when we uh when we on the way of our needs, when we disregard them, we actually go against our true nature.

And that's when we start comparing ourselves to others, which in my opinion is probably the most self destructive habit we can have because it creates jealousy, competitiveness, resentment, judgments. But when we know what we need to thrive, when we understand how people are around us designed to operate and what they need. Instead of competing, comparing, we start collaborating and collaborative teams are just way more productive and engaged. And of course, it then helps us to accomplish goals because when we manage our energy, we can recalibrate work priorities and then set goals that feel exciting and that actually work. And when we focus, when we work together as a team, when we know what we need to accomplish our goals, we save ourselves a ton of time, emotions. So our emotions affect our actions and impact our behavior. And what we need to understand is behind every emotion. There is a belief, belief is just the collections of thoughts that we thought of multiple times. And therefore it is our thoughts that determine how we feel and what we experience. So if we don't like what we're experiencing, if you don't like how we're feeling or how certain people make us feel, it's got nothing to do with the external circumstances, but rather what we think of them. In other words, it's the meaning that we give to the circumstances.

And unless you become aware of um of these unconscious beliefs and bring them to light, bring them to the surface that will continue to impact our feelings, our actions and behaviors. But when we identify them, when we become aware of them, then we can start taking conscious steps towards changing our thinking, which in return will change how we react, how we behave and how we act. So the question is how do we should then become aware of this unconscious belief? Something they actually not even aware of and how can we master our emotions? And finally stop being slaves, your thoughts. So before I actually walk you through this three step process, I want to tell you in my personal opinion that when it comes to changing our thinking, changing how we act and behave and react, positive thinking does not work. And I actually feel that it does more harm than good because it makes us go against against how we really truly feel and deny our feelings and deny our thinking. So instead of positive thinking, we have to start noticing and becoming present to what's coming up, right? So for example, you feeling anger, acknowledge it. I'm feeling anger and what is the thought behind the emotion? Perhaps it's nobody respects me. The second step is you've gotta feel it. We have to feel to heal it. The thing is we are so addicted to feeling good.

But really, it's the time now that we just get addicted to feeling because usually when we don't like what you feel, our first tendency is to run away from it, to suppress it, to deny it, to numb it, you know, reach for a glass of wine. I will do that sometimes uh find a friend, whatever that is right? But by doing that, we don't get to the, we don't get to the root cause to the cause of the issue and then the same thing will trigger us over and over and over again. So instead we've got to feel it we've got to let this emotion come up because all emotion is, is energy and emotion. And if you don't let it to come up, if you don't allow yourself to feel it, you're gonna suppress it and a suppressed energy not only negatively impacts your mood, but it also negatively impacts your health, your physical health. And then the last step, you've got to reframe this because remember behind every emotion, there is a belief, there is a thought. So this thought is maybe nobody respects me. Like an example I've used, if you're feeling anger, then you can start learning, you can start using rather these three phrases which are super powerful. I am learning. I'm learning to choose myself. I'm becoming more confident.

I'm in a process of loving myself, even if nobody else does, who cares about them, right? And this is this, this is the reframing you wanna practice on a regular basis because you've got to really start being present to emotions. You've gotta start dissecting them rather than running away from them. And over time, you will see if you practice the process, the situations that triggered you in the past that made you feel angry, resentful, judgmental, pissed off with the world that will have no control over you anymore.

And you feel so freaking free, it feels amazing. And the way you know, you've mastered your emotions is when the circumstances haven't changed. But the way you respond has number three, decisions. So when it comes to making decisions, we usually rely on our past experiences, data and feedback and while there's nothing wrong with it, it's, it's all good. But our rational minds can often lead us to overanalyze and overthink situations and ignore that little voice within us that, you know, sometimes goes, maybe don't go right to be so good at ignoring that voice. I mean, has anyone ever been in a situation where maybe you didn't have all the data and feedback, but somehow you knew, you knew what had to be done and you made this decision even though maybe it was uncomfortable, it, you know, stretched your boundaries, pushed you out of your limits or maybe the other way around.

But she decided and you went through it and it was the best decision you've ever made. Let me know if that ever happened to you or on the contrary where you got the feedback from someone and you were like, not feeling it, but she still did what they told you because you didn't never disrespect them. You didn't want to upset them for whatever reason. And then you could have kicked yourself. You're like, I knew I shouldn't have done that. So in both cases, it was your intuition talking to you and ignoring, it can really be costly, especially when it comes to making decisions around people, evaluating job opportunities, moving house, whatever, you know, but even in the everyday situation, I mean, at my work, at my job, if I'm stuck with the problem, it's my intuition is my, is my compass because when we learn how to listen and how to trust it and stop relying purely on a cognitive decision making process, we will make better decisions and complex situations a lot faster.

So let's have a quick look, what are the benefits of intuition at workplace, not even at workplace, but just in every day's life. So intuition helps us to recognize the best path and then creativity happens when we follow it. And of course, intuition, I mean, um creativity inspires innovation that increases productivity, excitement and energy. It helps us to make decisions faster. And the reason for that is it's not a linear process. Your intuition is like as it bypasses your logical mind and accesses your subconscious mind and your subconscious mind stores all of the data that you've seen. You witness. Your experience, you've heard since the time you were born, all of that information is already within you.

And also subconscious mind processes data 27,000 times faster than a logical mind does. Imagine how much more information you can access. If you just learn how to pause and listen and then it acts as a cautionary voice. I am almost 100% sure that every single one of us has sometimes been, you know, when we like spend hours, days, weeks, years, however long doing something chasing an opportunity and let go. That was a waste of time, right? So when we know how to listen to intuition, when we know how to trust it again, we save ourselves tons of time. So this is the question I get asked a lot. How do I become intuitive? So what I've got to say is we are all intuitive. There's nothing to learn but unlearning is required. So I always recommend change your environment. You've got to create an environment that supports this intuitive thinking. So you know, let's say you're working, you're speaking to your colleagues, you're stuck with the project.

You've got all the data, you've got information, but you still don't know what to do. Next. Break, break the pattern, you've gotta break the pattern, you've gotta step away from the environment, step away from the laptop, leave the boardroom, whatever, go do something that breaks the pattern and takes you away from being so focused on the problem, maybe go for a walk, maybe go, I don't know, go to do yoga, go to push ups something like that.

But this is when you, when you take your mind off the problem, this is when you become more receptive for the information to come through. And that's how you receive your big a high breakthrough moments, slowing down, slowing down. You know, when I tell people to slow down, they like, think I'm crazy. They're like, I don't even have time to have lunch, but slowing down guys is an action step because it tells your thinking mind where to look next and also create a space for you to listen to that little voice that you may often ignore. And I also wanna touch on human design authority. So we briefly spoke about how human design helps us to manage our energy. In addition to that human design offers us our inner authority, how we are genetically wired to make decisions using our intuition. Because typically when talking about intuition, people say trust your gut. But actually no, because even though yes, intuition is the language of the body, it doesn't always come from the God. For some, it's like more of an instinct for others. It's a like a pain in a heart for some people, they need to express themselves because by speaking out, they find clarity, they will know what to do next.

In addition to that, some of us are designed like energetically, we've got this energetic blueprint that enables us to make decisions instantly. It's our body like pull towards something or pull away from something. And you know, it's like when you learn how to trust and to listen and and literally tune into your body, you will know, you will know the next right step to take immediately. But for over 50% about 53% of population, they have what we call design emotional authority, meaning that there is no clarity in a now. And when they, those people presented with the truest decision, their body goes through a chemical process. They like literally ride an emotional wave and making decisions at the height of the emotional wave is not gonna be the best decision. So when you understand how you are wired to experience your intuition will help you decisions, it will help you to make the decisions that you trust and really confidently stay by them. And the way you know, whether you're making decisions based on your intuition versus based on your minds is that your intuition will always tell you what to do, but will never give you a reason while your mind will tell you what to do and then it will give you thousands of reasons as to why you should or shouldn't do something.

So here's the new, here's the formula for the new age of productivity. It's our energy, it's our emotions and it's our decisions. And these three components guys are interchangeable. Meaning that if you neglect one, there will be a misbalance because we need energy for everything in our life and our emotions impact our energy and our decisions, impact everything. You make a great decision. So you feel good about yourself. You've got energy, you make a crap decision, you beat up, beat yourself up, you think you're not worthy, you don't feel good, you've got no energy, right? So when you start in addressing all of these three elements, I've shared with you today, you will become more productive instead of just being busy, more focused and all set clearer on your life goals. And the thing is, you know, we live in times when we've got access to more information that our minds can like just absorb. But understanding this isn't enough, we really need to start applying it to our lives because only through this application, it can become true knowledge and it is only through knowledge that we can transform our lives. And I'm gonna leave you with the last final words by lazy.

She says a journey of 1000 miles begins with a single step. So I would just like to invite you from today on to start seeing every challenge is an opportunity to learn and grow from every person you interact with, especially people you don't like that, push your buttons is an opportunity to understand yourself better because self-awareness is the foundation of productivity.

And when we change the directions of our thoughts, not only we will increase our productivity and save ourselves time, but also we will gain clarity of purpose and confidently follow in a direction of our dreams and goals. So that's all I have for you right now. I think um I'm at my time limits. If you have enjoyed it or haven't enjoyed, it doesn't really matter. And you want to connect with me, please reach out. Um Don't look at my Instagram. This is actually wrong, but my Linkin is right and my email is right. So do reach out. I would love to connect with you if you haven't connected yet. Um You're most welcome. You're most welcome and enjoy the rest of your day. Thank you so much.