Working Through Covid-19 Survival Tips: How to Network Online
    Online Networking During Covid-19


    Online networking has always played an important role in expanding your tech circle of contacts, but with the current Covid-19 situation, online networking has become vital. In fact, it’s pretty much the only networking available right now! So, if you haven’t already mastered the art of online networking, here are three simple tips on how to maximize this time at home.

    Harness the Power of Online Platforms

    Having a LinkedIn profile is online networking 101, but if you really want to grow your tech career, then you really should be delving a little deeper and you need to be visible. 

    • Stay active on the platform.
    • Share articles or even write some of your own. 
    • Like other people’s posts and comment on them, ask for their opinions. 
    • Join LinkedIn professional groups. WomenTech Network has its own for example. 

    By engaging in this way, you’ll begin to widen your tech circle and get to know some interesting people and industry peers and also be known for your passion, skills, and knowledge. 

    Of course, when we say “online platforms”, we’re not just talking about social media. There are a plethora of pro-tech websites and forums, from the general to the micro-niche, that you can be reaching out to.  

    Sign up for Online Webinars, Conferences, and Events

    Just because mass gatherings and shaking hands are denied to us right now, doesn't mean conferences and events have stopped… they’ve just gone online! For example, at Women Tech Network, we’ve adapted and consolidated our on-site events into one epic online event. 

    The Women Tech Global Conference 2020 took place online on June 10-12 connected 100.000 women, minorities, and their allies in tech through an interactive platform featuring keynotes, engaging panels, technical workshops, and a tech job fair with face-to-face networking sessions. That was just the beginning. More conferences and fireside chats are to come in the next weeks and months. 

    A little online searching and you’ll be sure to come across many organizations offering online training, meetups, and webinars as a way to keep tech talent and businesses engaged, and to stay connected during times of such major disruption. 

    Don’t Forget to Connect with your Coworkers

    You may know your coworkers pretty well, you may even have the same role or skill set, but they may know people who don’t. Remember the theory of “6 degrees of separation”? Each coworker can connect you to their network of past colleagues, supervisors, and friends and each person could be a new lead to new opportunities. You can, of course, return the favor for them!

    Online is a Tool: Use it!

    While virtual life can’t replace our love for a human to human interaction, it is an extremely useful tool in the current circumstances. To make the most out of this tool, treat your online connections in the same way you would when you reach out in person. Build and nurture the relationships you make online and watch your tech network grow! 

    Nurture online connections by joining the WomenTech Network.