Women in Tech Sofia 2022 Review


    Milestone Systems in Bulgaria hosted the local networking event of WomenTech Network. This is the first time the company is sponsoring the event and apart from being the host, had two speakers during the global conference - Myuzhden Mehmedova- Zhozhgova, HR Manager, shared more about the company culture, what stands behind People First and gave good examples on supporting and developing employees. Gergana Ivanova, Product Owner, told her story of career shift from technical trainer, to being the product owner of feature teams, sharing valuable advice on career and development plan, while stressing the importance of creating and maintaining a strong network.

    The live event took place in the afternoon in the office of Milestone in Garitage Park where guests were welcomed with gifts prepared by the host, had coffee and chat before the speaking sessions started.

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    Desislava Tabakova, Site manager in Milestone Bulgaria, gave a warm welcome and presented the first speaker- Christian Morana, Senior Manager, Presales & Tech Excellence, who shared more about Milestone, it’s product XProtect and gave examples on how video management technology can be and is used beyond security- for animal perseverance, smart cities, optimization of businesses and everyday life.

    The speaking sessions continued with representatives from GlobalFoundries, after which the hosts held a demo in their Concept Center - a place which is unique for the region and showcases the abilities the software has - possible thanks to the mini lego city installed in the center.  The guests were impressed by the demo and had an interesting discussion with Biser Deshkov, Presales Engineer in Milestone.

    The afternoon continued with wine tasting, the guests enjoyed a performance by a saxophone player and had the opportunity to network and share experiences.
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