Session: The Yin and the Yang of managing complex technical projects
Nadia Clifford is a seasoned technology delivery leader. She has worked on highly complex projects - from a biotech science system to a crypto platform to the largest IoT network on public transit. As a result, Nadia knows firsthand the pitfalls of traditional linear thinking of fitting high complexity into the neat boxes of project milestones or even Agile sprints.
In this talk, she reveals the secrets of approaching complexity in technology (and beyond) using the ancient philosophy of the Yin and the Yang, balancing Structure and Flow. Find out how this new old mindset can help you see complexity and risk management in a completely new light.
Nadia Clifford has over 25 years of hands-on experience delivering complex technology initiatives and has been at the forefront of digital business transformations across a diverse range of industry leaders in retail, media, financial services, and technology. She not only propels delivery forward through more efficient processes, but she does it while encouraging positive collaboration and harnessing group intelligence. Nadia is especially adept at building empowered self-organizing teams, creating visibility into internal processes, fostering clear communication channels, and transforming silos into connected structures.
Nadia’s recent endeavors include completing MIT’s digital transformation program and building out Program Management from the ground up for a highly innovative IoT Engineering organization.