Session: Dissolving the glass ceiling: The path to the c-suite
Dissolving the glass ceiling requires grit, stamina, empathy and a warm network of allies of all genders. Advancing to the c-suite in a large, mature corporations, the private market, new ventures leverages many of the same practical and tactical leadership skills. This a talk, conversation and presentation including high-level overview, hands-on examples with technical recommendations (Optional Q&A). This information is relevant for existing c-suite, executives, vp, director or driven early-career professionals. Leaders should leave with both professional development goals and insights for their career or companies.
Jennifer serves as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) or as strategy and finance executive leadership, particularly when transaction(s) are key or a new venture does not yet fit into existing enterprise structures including talent integration, repositioning and outplacement, particularly in complex environments. She possesses 20+ years of experience in leadership; disciplines have included strategy, product development and management, fundraising, entity formation, boards and new ventures with a successful record of overseeing multiple product and program builds at the business owner level.