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The Art of Tooting Your Own Horn: Promoting Your Work

Good morning, afternoon, or evening! Wherever you might be joining us from, today we'll delve into the crucial topic of self-promotion and taking credit for your remarkable output. My name is Mata Sui, a seasoned senior engineering manager at Workday and founder of South Asians group at the same company. From my two decades of industry experience, I've gathered important insights on the significance of self-promotion early in my career. Today, I want to share with you how you can toot your horn the right way, in a manner that resonates with your authenticity and propels your career growth.

Note: The term 'tooting your own horn' refers to the act of talking about or drawing attention to one's own accomplishments.

Why Toot Your Own Horn at All?

Picture this: you plant a seed in the soil, abandon it without watering it or exposing it to sunlight. What do you think would happen? Obviously, without nourishment, the seed would fail to germinate, denying anyone a glimpse of potential life that was once there. Now, transpose this analogy to your career: hard work is the seed, and self-promotion the water and sunlight. Therefore, without actively voicing your accomplishments, your career growth might stagnate.

Tackling Self-Promotion Misconceptions

Upon mentioning 'tooting your own horn', some individuals may picture a boastful, self-absorbed individual. However, that is a misguided representation. The art of self-promotion is all about owning your work, expressing pride in your achievements, and sharing your output with others rather than bragging about it. It's about advocating for yourself considering if you don’t boost your accomplishments, it’s unlikely anyone else will. To frame it positively, let’s replace ‘tooting’ with ‘self-promotion’.

The Role of Self-Promotion in Your Career

Data evidences that effective self-promotion can lead to higher chances of hiring, fairer compensation, exposure to critical projects, and overall career advancement. If you nourish your career with self-promotion just as you would a seed, you're certain to reap bountiful rewards.

How to Self-Promote Effectively - Actionable Tips

  1. Mindset: Overcome the notion of self-promotion as bragging. Instead, reframe it as self-advocacy and a tool for enlightening others about your work and contributions.
  2. An Accomplishment Log: Maintain a log of your accomplishments - projects completed, notable achievements, and how you transcended challenges. Revisiting your log periodically will serve as an “instant confidence booster”.
  3. Speak Up: Never shy from articulating your wins, achievements, and contributions to your colleagues, bosses, or during meetings. Consider it educating others rather than bragging.
  4. Be your Own Friend: We often downplay our accomplishments while effortlessly promoting a friend's. So be kinder, imagine you're advocating for your friend’s work instead of your viewpoint, and confidently voice your contributions.
  5. Mentoring: Self-promotion may not come naturally to many, but practicing it with mentors and those you trust makes it easier. Leverage these connections to prepare for important meetings and learn to broadcast your accomplishments comfortably.


Even if initially awkward, with time and practice, effective self-promotion becomes second nature. So, give your hard work the publicity it deserves and watch your career blossom. Let's not leave our career seeds to wither away, but instead nourish them with the much-needed sunlight and water of self-promotion.

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