Who am I? Discovering Identity and Building Resilience

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Building Resilience: The Intersection of Identity and Adaptability

Hi everyone, I'm Ash Gould, a Scrum master working with an automation integration team. Today, I will share with you some insights in the resilience, its core components and how embracing adaptability can leverage your performance at work in a more rounded and efficient manner.

Why Resilience?

It is no secret that the last year or so has been both turbulent and unpredictable due to the impact of Coronavirus. This begs the pressing question: how do we stay strong in the face of adversity?

Our emotional intelligence and social skills will not only serve our own mental health but will empower us to become better leaders and help those around us strengthen their resilience too. The focus is on developing resilience beyond the traditional sense that entails regular sleep, eating well, and exercising.

Components of resilience

Health is just one part of resilience. Other key aspects have been identified, which include:

  • Vision
  • Collaboration
  • Reasoning
  • Tenacity
  • Composure

Each of these plays a crucial role in developing resilience, but it's a strong understanding of self that enables all six. This informed holistic approach is what will help us become resilient enough to thrive in new environments.

The Importance of Self-Understanding

Understanding yourself and your identity is crucial for resilience.(Aristotle said, "knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom"). The stories we tell ourselves shape how we perceive ourselves and influence how we react to challenges. To truly develop resilience, we must undertake a journey of introspection and self-discovery. This requires acceptance and courage to challenge our narratives, and to allow ourselves to change and evolve over time.

The Authenticity Paradox

Throughout our lives, we often struggle with being authentic, especially in a professional context where we feel the need to adapt to desirable roles and behaviours. The contradiction between our personal authentic selves and our adaptive professional persona is what is referred to as the "authenticity paradox".

Leaders particularly can benefit from a flexible version of authenticity that allows adaptation. This way, they remain resilient to challenges because it encourages growth and moving beyond our comfort zones.

Understanding your Natural and Adaptive Styles

To begin this journey into authenticity and improved resilience, take the time to reflect on your natural and adaptive styles. Understanding these will provide valuable insights into how we can live and work authentically.

Final Thoughts

Resilience is not an inherent skill but something we can learn and develop over time. It requires us to courageously look inward, understand, and embrace our many identities. By doing so, we prepare ourselves for a future filled with change, challenges and the promise of growth.

Remember, you are the author of your own story and have the ability to change its narrative — make it one of resilience and adaptive authenticity. Know yourself, grow yourself, and shine in the workplace.

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