Women in Sales: Battling Adversity and Crushing Stereotypes by Tonima Khan

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Why Tech Sales Needs More Women: Shattering Stereotypes and Seizing Opportunities

Thrilled to be with you all virtually at this magnificent conference. We gather here, in the esteemed company of intelligent and talented women from around the world, to discuss important issues and share inspiring journeys. Our presence in this realm is paved by trailblazers like Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Meg Whitman, Sheryl Sandberg and many others. My talk today focuses on the role of women in tech sales, a promising and fulfilling career path often overlooked, and the urgent need for more diversity in this sphere.

A Personal Introduction and Journey into Tech Sales

My name is Toni Ma Khan, a native of the Bay Area, engrossed in technology and connecting with people. For the past 12 years, I've been selling enterprise software to Fortune 100 companies in Silicon Valley, like HP, Oracle, eBay, and Facebook. Having grown with the Silicon Valley, my love for technology and people has landed me into tech sales.

As a child, I envisioned a typical salesperson to be a white, outgoing male, likely a sports enthusiast—a stereotype reinforced by the lack of diversity in sales roles and media portrayal in the 90s and 2000s. Coming from a South-Asian immigrant family of technologists and engineers, it seemed my only options were similar roles. Yet today, I'm a part of tech sales, where talented women and supportive men create an environment of diversity and encouragement to grow.

The Struggles and Achievements of Women in Tech Sales

Despite numerous advances, the path for women in tech is paved with continual struggles. From battling impostor syndrome, fighting for equal pay, parental leave, flexible work schedules to promoting a diverse workforce—the fight is exhausting but integral for the growth of the industry. The representation of women in tech sales is disappointingly sparse, mirroring the trend of low numbers of women in tech in general. Hence, it is crucial to call more women into tech via enlightening conversations and platforms like these.

Creating a Space for Women in Tech Sales

Becoming a successful sales representative, especially in tech sales, is not about fitting into the conventional image of a salesperson. Rather, it's about leaning into and embracing your strengths. Women are known through various studies to excel in tech sales due to some inherent traits.

  • Natural communicators: Women's abilities to communicate effectively and persuasively bring an edge to tech sales. A successful relationship with customers depends on comprehensive communication.
  • Problem solvers: With an inherent knack for problem-solving, women often excel in developing unique solutions tailored to the customers' needs.
  • Empathy: Being able to understand and share the feelings of customers makes women remarkable in building strong, meaningful connections.

These strengths combined with the ability to adapt to digital and virtual settings to handle sales remotely, gives women an upper hand in this tech-forward, digitally savvy world.

Pushing Beyond Stereotypes and Assumptions

Breaking and challenging stereotypes create a more inclusive and encouraging workplace for women and people of color, fostering a rewarding career in tech sales. The industry needs to lean into diverse recruitment, encourage more gender-neutral job descriptions, include more women in the recruitment process, and build mentorship platforms to retain and nurture talent. By promoting more women into sales and leadership roles, we can build not only a diverse culture but an inclusive company, which is good for business overall.

Final Thoughts

In the ever-evolving world of tech, the need for talent is insatiable. As the industry adapts to the hybrid work format and flexible work options, attracting and retaining diverse, talented individuals in sales become critical. By doing so, we can pave the way for a more equitable and inclusive future for the next generation.

It's been a pleasure sharing my thoughts with you all. Feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn. I'd love to continue our conversation there. Thank you for your time, and I hope you enjoy the rest of the conference!

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