Sustainable Energy 101– A beginner’s guide to the technologies helping to save the planet

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The Fight to Save our Planet: A Deep Dive into Sustainability

Climate change, sustainability, carbon neutrality, greenhouse gases, these are terms we frequently hear these days. Given our planet's present threats and challenges, more discussions revolve around sustainability and living sustainably. Through this talk, we delve into various aspects of sustainability, from data and data center impacts, including the thought process that needs to go into adapting an existing business or household to a 'greener' alternative, to, the effect of electric transport, highlighting various challenges and solutions at both the industrial and personal level.

The Race Against Time

With the present state of our planet under serious threat due to carbon emissions, nations, businesses, and individuals find themselves in a race against time to save the planet. The objective is to achieve 'net zero' targets where the number of carbon emissions released into the atmosphere is offset by carbon credits or savings elsewhere by the year 2050.

These targets originate from the Paris Accord's aim to curb the impact of climate change by ensuring there is no more than 2% increase in carbon emissions. This, however, does not imply that by 2050, if all net zero targets are met, all issues and challenges will be eradicated. Nonetheless, it would stabilize the position and provide a platform to improve.

The Role of Renewable Energies

Considering the swiftly increasing demand for energy, actions that can provide immediate impact are needed while transitioning to new technologies, like hydrogen and other renewable energies. These alternatives have to be efficient enough to save the environment within a reasonable timeframe.

However, employing renewable energy means overcoming various hurdles. For instance, using solar panels to supplement energy might run into problems such as inadequate roof space for installation, safety concerns with high-voltage cables, or complications selling excess energy back to the grid. These factors make it important to ensure sustainability goals are practical and the return on investment warrants the switch.

The Effort Towards Sustainability

Moving towards sustainability and achieving 'net zero' targets are tasks that everyone, from individuals, investors, researchers, to governments, needs to play a part in. Certain industries have already started making strides in this direction. For instance, in Norway, the introduction of battery-operated car ferries could result in a reduction of up to 300,000 tons of CO2 emissions annually once 70-80 electric ferries are operational.

In essence, sustainability needs to be a culture embedded within individuals and businesses. By understanding and appreciating the importance of each seeming drop in the sustainability bucket, we continually make the transition towards greener and more efficient ways of living. Remarkable ideas and innovative technologies are beginning to surface as society collaboratively functions towards reaching these targets.


To tackle the challenges effectively, society must bring sustainability awareness to a personal level. A change in perspective is required so that people do not consider adopting greener practices as a tedious obligation, but a personal war to win against climate change. Remember, every small action towards living sustainably can contribute to the bigger picture – a viable Earth for the future.

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