Women in Tech Dallas 2022 Review
    Credera hosted and invited over 50 women technologists and enthusiasts to Credera’s headquarters in Addison, Texas to close out the WomenTech Global 2022 Conference - to bring together local women to encourage their journey in the tech industry and develop their networks.

    After a welcoming word and thanks to the sponsors from WomenTech and Credera for hosting this event, we heard from the panel discussion that was moderated by Johna Rutz (Cloud Architect at Credera). Nickoria Johnson (Partner and Chief Diversity Officer at Credera) and Rachel Slayter (Software Engineering Architect at Credera) took part in the panel - Setting and Navigating Boundaries in a Male-Dominated Industry.

    Finally, all attendees received small thank you gifts and most importantly enjoyed networking with one another over beverages and light hors d’oeuvres. Many attendees shared how glad they were to attend the event, learn from the panelists, and the ability to build a community with others in the field.
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