How Much of the Gender Gap in Tech is a Myth?
    Women in tech global conference 2024 gender gap

    Engage with three influential leaders who are not only reshaping the tech leadership landscape but also championing diversity and paving the way for future generations at the Women in Tech Global Conference 2024. 

    When: April 23-25, 2024 

    Where: Women in Tech Global Conference 2024 

    Dive into the critical themes of leadership, resilience, diversity, and inclusion at the Women in Tech Global Conference 2024.

    Archana Jain, Group Chief Technology Officer at Zurich Insurance Group, will highlight the significance of continual learning for both personal and professional advancement in today's dynamic times.  

    Judy Dinn, EVP & CIO at TD US Bank, America's Most Convenient Bank, will provide actionable strategies for creating an inclusive work environment, building a diverse team, and effectively navigating less inclusive spaces.  

    Nickoria Johnson, Global Chief Diversity Officer and Partner at Credera will outline what bias entails, its manifestations in the workplace, and practical steps that both organizations and individuals can take to create a more equitable environment for women in tech.

    Key Takeaways: 

    • Grasp the essential role of continuous learning for career and personal growth, especially in the tech sector, and receive a practical guide to making lifelong learning a reality. 

    • Learn how to cultivate an inclusive workplace culture and assemble a diverse team, with real examples of success and strategies for overcoming challenges in inclusivity. 

    • Gain insights into the nature of bias within the tech industry, understand its effects on women, and discover actionable approaches for achieving equality in the workplace. 

    Call To Action:  

    Attendees & Companies: 
