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Helen Stewart

HR Director, Western & Southern Europe at Luxoft

Juggling Motherhood whilst Excelling your Career

Building a career whilst building a happy, functioning family is a two-fold challenge. There is a belief that we can have it all, so how do you actually build and manage the real life challenges. Helen will share her personal observations of building a career to global leadership.

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Maria Totova-Cholakova

Drupal Architect, Head of Academy & Head of Plovdiv Office at trio-group I.AM

Shaping the Future: Mentoring and Training Young Talents

Finding and keeping new employees nowadays is not an easy job. Things have gone quite differently during the last years. As we like to joke: candidates are no more applying for jobs, today the companies are fighting for new recruits.

What can make your enterprise stand out during these interesting times? How can you grow your ranks? Where can you find talents you can rely on in the long term? The short answer is: grow your own specialists.

In this session I am going to share with you my experience as a mentor while conducting workshops, courses and internship… read more

Jennifer Cox

Head of Communications Cyber Women Ireland & Security Engineering Manager & Tenable at CWI & Tenable

Mentoring to increase diversity

Mentoring is key to the success of any individual and their career. But, done right, mentoring can affect the diversity of future teams. Through shared experience, support and learning; mentoring is how to make those new or old to tech be the change makers for the future.

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Nancy Maher

Founder - Consultant - Coach at Kinkajou Limited

Bridging the Inspiration Gap: The Power of Sharing Our Stories

We all possess the superpower of inspiring others and by intentionally using this superpower, we can positively impact the careers of those around us. The key to closing the inspiration gap is recognizing that our stories matter. We can inspire others to be what they cannot see, creating a ripple effect of inspiration and positive change. Join me in exploring the potential of our inspirational superpower.

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Tami Mazel Shachar

CEO at Incredibuild

Enhance Company Diversity and Inclusion Practices Because It’s The Right Thing To Do

High visibility female leadership can go a very long way towards reducing and ultimately eliminating growth barriers so many women face today. It seems simple but it is easier said than done. Through company-wide educational programming and policies, tech leaders can make a systemic difference. But it must go further than that.
Unfortunately, not only are female underrepresented as CEOs in tech, but a lack of gender diversity in most roles still plagues the industry.
Young women need to see technology as not just a viable path, but as an attractive one. By introducing girls… read more

Anemari Fiser

Career Coach in tech | Tech Lead trainer

How to land your first job in tech

Tech is the place to be these days.

Getting tech skills these days has become more accessible than ever: lots of self-learning online tools, bootcamp, workshops, mentors, communities are all great options to develop skills that before you could only get from a degree.

So now that you have the skills, you are probably looking for that first tech role.

Looking for a job is a full-time job and the old way of looking for jobs is dead.

So let’s talk about what exactly will help you land that job these days.

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Hannah Cawthorne

GM, Sales and Partnership at GainX

From Corporate Giants to Tech Start-up: Navigating the Highs and Lows of Two Very Different Worlds

Experience and learnings from working for two of the worlds large software companies and then deciding to join a scale – up. Hannah will take you through the highs and lows of large corporate life through to “the whatever next” living in a rapidly growing tech start up. Hannah has navigated through corporate world of IBM and Microsoft through to learning new skills and accelerating personal development by deciding to take on a new brand new challenge!

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Rasha Shalabi

Lecturer - Information Systems & Technology at kuwait technical college (ktech)

Game-based-Learning and Gamification in the classroom

Have you ever struggled to get your students interested in your classroom? To get them engaged and pay attention to your lesson?
Today's learners are very different from older generations; not only are they tech savvy but they also have short spans of attention if something isn’t interesting to them.
Games are not only for fun, they can be educational and they enrich players' cognitive skills.
Gamification and Game-Based-Learning, can be very effective to increase motivation and engagement of learners in the classroom.
Changing the traditional way of… read more

Gergana Ivanova

Product Owner at Milestone Systems Bulgaria

The Big Dive from Tech Trainer to Product Owner

The story of a technical trainer, who traveled the world, coaching engineers and empowering them to be better professionals, while collecting valuable product feedback from different user roles and cultures from Madrid to Singapore, from Oslo to Hong Kong. The environment, people culture, leaders and friends she met at Milestone inspired her to open to the opportunity to change her career.
That made her study hard, cooperate with people who were more than willing to share their experiences and help her grow. As a result, she was juggling two positions at once while transitioning to… read more

Svava Bjarnadóttir

Tech Lead at Picnic

Getting More Women Into Tech Leadership Roles at Picnic (And Beyond)

Picnic, as a former Netherlands-only start-up and current international scale-up, has seen immense growth in the last years, and now has over 200 developers. In that time, the way Picnic has promoted people into leadership positions has been mostly ad-hoc, on a team-by-team basis with a minimally structured process. In the middle of 2021, despite a gender balance within the tech team overall being at the industry average, the share of women in tech leadership positions was a lot lower. In this talk, Svava will share the actions Picnic has taken to increase the share of women in leadership… read more

Laura Edwards

Head of Diversity & Inclusion and Employer Branding at Back Market

Back Market

Meet BackMarket's team, come find out about the circular economy

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Gülay Birand

Head of Design, Platform at Miro

Diverse Teams Make Inclusive Products

Our backgrounds, perspectives and personal experiences greatly inform how we shape products. Building diverse product teams is the foundation to ensuring we don't unintentionally exclude a portion of our user base, yet most tech products are still built by a very narrow representation of our global population. This session will cover how a multi-pronged approach to creating diverse teams, developing inclusive practices in company culture and in the product development process can result in experiences that support more of our users, most of the time."

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Aphiwe Dlamini

Executive Director

Why Fintech Desperately Needs Female Leaders

Aphiwe will share information about the lack of female founders in fintech, and why addressing this challenge can drive economic growth through enhanced innovation, with the greatest opportunity for real impact being in fintech.

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Sümeyye Bitomsky

Team Lead Engineering at Hygraph

Beyond Technical Expertise: The Power of EQ and People Skills in Building Strong Software Teams

I will explore the often-overlooked but critical role of emotional intelligence (EQ) and people skills in building successful software teams. While technical expertise is essential in software development, it is not sufficient for creating high-performing teams. I will present how a lack of people skills and EQ can lead to conflicts, misunderstandings, and low team morale.

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Galina Voloshyna

Senior Director Platform Services Data & Analytics Europe at The Coca-Cola Company

Can we do AI? or Bringing Advanced Analytics into Large Organizations

While a lot of large organizations claim to be “running AI”, the truth is that outside eRetailers and digital-native companies AI remains a rarity. According to multiple surveys, the situation with AI adoption in the enterprise world did not move much since 2020. What are the barriers to adoption and how can we change it for our organizations?

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Jasmin Schmidt-Stiebitz

Head of Data Product Steering (Personalized interactions)

The personalization of travel: Connecting human and digital experience through data and machine learning

In this session I will introduce you to some examples how we apply customer scorings in digital and human interactions at Lufthansa Group, to empower staff and ensure relevance of all interactions along the whole customer journey.

As one of the biggest airline companies, we interact with customers on digital, physical and human touchpoints. With a growing portfolio of products that provide various options to choose from, customers deserve relevant information tailored to their personal needs. While providing recommendations based on machine-learning models is well-established… read more

Nono Bokete

Head of Data & Strategy | Transformation Leader at Data Sentinels

Leveraging Technology for Organizational Transformation

In this informative and engaging talk, Nono Bokete explores how organizations can leverage technology to achieve successful and sustainable transformation. With a focus on implementing digital tools and platforms, automating manual tasks using AI and RPA, and utilizing data analytics to make informed decisions, Nono provides practical strategies for optimizing efficiency, improving collaboration, and unlocking new opportunities for growth. She also addresses the importance of effective data management and governance in ensuring security and information sharing across the organization.… read more


People & Culture Lead at Hygraph

How we achieve work life balance with a remote-first culture in Hygraph

I will talk about how work-life balance and working remotely go hand-in-hand and the current practices we have in Hygraph.

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Maria-Paz Zorzano

Scientist, Civil Servant at National Institute of Aerospace Technology

Lessons learned from Mars and Moon Exploration: diversity, inclusion and gender balance

The number of female students enrolled STEM have been decreasing in the last twenty years, while the number of women resigning from technological job positions remains unacceptably high. New multi-factor approaches are being suggested to fight this trend, such as promoting interaction with professional women working in STEM environments and increasing the visibility of female role models. The NASA Mars Science Laboratory rover mission operation, with its flat and rotating working structure, is a practical case where some of these factors are already in place. Given the popularity of space… read more

Lavina Ramkissoon

Advisor at African Union

Humanizing Artificial Intelligence: Balancing Ethics, Values, and Technology Advancements

I will dwlve into the human side of balancing ethics, values and technologies together with technological advancements in the space

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