How the dream of becoming tech director in data analytics came true

Automatic Summary

How I Became a Leader in Data Analytics: A Personal Journey

Every leader has a story that charts their unique path to success. In this blog, I'll be narrating my journey to becoming a prominent figure in the Data Analytics domain. It depicts an intriguing blend of science, technology, and human co-operation.

The Initial Spark

As a child, technology had always fascinated me, but I wasn't aware of how integral it would become in my life. However, as I grew older, my interest pivoted towards Artificial Intelligence (AI). I found it an intriguing field where I could blend my love for technology with my emerging skills in leadership.

The Pursuit of a Dream

In the face of naysayers and detractors, I pursued my dream of studying AI, ultimately securing a place at the esteemed University of Edinburgh. At this challenging juncture in my life, I received words of wisdom from my mother which served as fuel for my ambition. She expressed how proud she felt, living her dream vicariously through me.

Ups and Downs: The Journey of Growth

Like any journey, mine was replete with a blend of challenges, victories, doubts, and triumphs. Despite starting my career as a backend developer, circumstances led me to realize the importance of leadership in a team. I discovered I had a passion for helping others grow, and relished in the opportunity to apply for a team lead position.

In the Throes of Leadership

Embracing the mantle of leadership, I found my stride by building essential traits such as kindness, empathy, and developing strong feedback skills. The positive reception shown by my team validated my efforts, and together, we became a formidable force.

An Unexpected Turn of Events

An unforeseen offer to apply as a technical director took me by surprise. Initially perplexed, I mustered the courage to take on this intimidating challenge, bringing me to an exciting new field that was far-removed from AI. To my amazement, they had offered me the position of Director of Data Analytics.

Stepping into an Unexpected Role

The dream to impact lives with artificial intelligence had taken an unexpected turn in leadership. As a Technical Director, I was able to aid others in their growth while leveraging my background in AI, albeit from a different perspective – that of leadership.

The Struggles and Triumphs of Leadership

My tenure as the Technical Director was punctuated with ups and downs. However, with the support of family, friends, and the unwavering belief in my abilities, I evolved into a more effective leader. I learned to listen, to value the experiences of others, and perhaps most importantly, to face failure with courage and determination.

A Two-Year Update: Seeds of Inspiration

Two years into this journey, I discovered more about myself-- my capacity to teach, mentor, and even inspire. I found myself playing a role once reserved for mentors I admired, something I never presumed I would occupy.

  • You become a leader when people trust you and follow you
  • As leaders, we aim to inspire belief in personal potential
  • Embracing new opportunities, even amidst fear, can lead to life-altering change

From my experience, leadership isn't always about fearlessness. It's about being brave, putting in tireless efforts, and passionately pursuing your dream. I hope my journey may serve as inspiration for you to challenge the status quo, to push beyond your limits, and to find your place in the leadership bracket.

Video Transcription

So welcome, everyone. I'm gonna tell you about this story of the dream of I how I became think of directors in a in data analytics.I want to tell you something a little bit about me. When I was little, I was really into technology. I had a lot of fun and rate time. At that time, I didn't know I was gonna This technology was gonna become part of my life. As I grew, I became really interested in artificial intelligence. I discovered a new field in which I could have fun. That was really amazing. And also the main thing is if I started artificial intelligence, I could avoid treating with with people. I never knew that my life was gonna led me to leadership. So I decided to study a master degree in artificial intelligence.

I remember many people told me my dream was really impossible to achieve, but at the same time, others believed in me. So I decide to listen to the the people who believed in me. And for those who didn't think that I could make it, I proved them wrong. And I got accepted at the University of Edible. Edimbergh. So the year started, and my parents took me to Edinburgh. I remember on the on the day my mom was going back to Mexico, She told me something that really changed my life. Did you know I wanted to study artificial intelligence, but I was never brave enough to do so. I'm really proud that you are making it. I feel like I'm leaving my dream with you. So that was my friend's inspirations, the moment that changed my life.

So I studied artificial intelligence, and it was actually full of ups and downs. And, actually, it has been like that until today. It's been one of the biggest challenge in my life. But as I started my adventure, I was really nervous about it, but I got better with time and I made it. I finished my degree. And then something happened. Now what? So I start to get into the real work. Starting as an easy visa contributor, but actually know that's back not not as AI developer, actually as back end developer. And after a few companies and after a few years in 2020, I joined CFO. When I joined this team, I realized that we didn't have a leader.

And I realized how important is to have a leader when you are in a team. So you have someone to follow to and someone that makes you feel to be better. And that's when I realized but I wanted to help others to grow and become their leader. So I discovered a new passion. I was really happy to work on it and work with people You remember that I said that I studied artificial intelligence, so I could avoid working with people, but I really discovered that my passion was helping others. So something I I never imagined, but I was actually really good at it, and people believed in me. So a new opportunity came. And I got the offer to apply for a team lead. I'm really wasn't sure about it, but I decided to be brave and try it.

And I remember I went to the interview. And at the very end, they asked me, what should I be the next team lead? And without even thinking, I'd said, I am already doing it. I didn't recognize myself, actually, when I reply this, But now that I think about it, I believe that the trust that people gave me helped me to become better, and I entrust myself. So I started as a leader. As I said before, I found my passion, something I really believed in, and I really worked hard for it. I developed kindness, empathy, and feedback skills, which I believe are really important to be a leader. The team really believed in me And I started also to be leaving me and be leaving the team so we grew stronger together. And then something unexpected happened.

Somebody outside of the teams. So my potential, and I got an offer to apply as a technical director, but I was like, wait. What? Why me? How? When? I remember she telling me, just try. You don't have anything to lose. So I did I applied, actually. I show myself that I was braver than I imagined. I also realized by preparing for the interview, that being a leader cannot only be in learning books. I was really used to learn everything on the books, but I realized that you have to listen to others and learn from their experience. So during the adventure of preparing the interview, I really learned a lot. I went to the interview. I actually was had my presentation full of 30. But I was really happy and proud that I when I finished it, I was like, I really learned a lot, and she was right.

I didn't have anything to lose. And one time, they called me to give me feedback, and I was like, how nice of them to give me feedback to say no. But, actually, I was surprised. They did want me to be a technical director, but, actually, it was in a I was applying for a totally different feel that it wasn't related data artificial intelligence. So when they told me that they wanted me to be the director of data analytics and they were willing to give me the opportunity. I was like, what? Is this a prank? Am I dreaming? And without even thinking, I said yes. The dream of impacting people live with artificial intelligence, maybe it could be achieved on the leadership track Well, well, I discovered how amazing it feels to help others to grow and also to actually work in artificial intelligence in a different, like, firm leadership.

Anyway, I began coming as the technical director. Yes. But the pad wasn't easy. I had a lot of ups and downs, but something really important to me is that I had my safety net. Actually, my safety net has names and last names in it. I kinda start with my mom, my sister, my dad, my friends, my family, and I can list a lot of people that I'm gonna consume all the time if I do it. Anyway, they help me to be better and to maintain my well-being. So I started to learn a lot. So I was saying before, there it wasn't everything. So I had to listen to other and learn from their experience, and I became a great leader.

Also, one of my disadvantages when I'm doing something is I'm really afraid of failure but I learned how to embrace failure and continue. So after 2 years, how is it going? I discovered that I can share my knowledge and mentor orders. I actually, when I was applying as a technical director, I was looking for some inspiration out there, but I never realized that I was gonna become 1. I actually didn't like to speak in public, so I never imagined. I I was gonna be here sharing my experience with all of you. So I'm actually the the example of don't try to do it perfectly. So go for it. And I'm really proud of myself. And through this experience, I let a lot of I learned a lot of stuff. You become a leader when people follow you and trust you.

That's how I initially became a leader. And this is something that I always tell the people that were that are working with me. We, as a leaders, we are really the analytics and optimists We really overestimate what you are capable of until we inspire you to believe the same. And then we have the joy of seeing others to achieve more than they thought they were capable of. And as I was saying before, having a safety net is really important in the process. So I became the leader I always wanted to have. And as I was saying before, be an inspiration out there. Don't be afraid to fall on taking new opportunities because at least for me, it changed my life. I never imagined I was gonna be in this leadership path, and now I'm here. So it it doesn't mean that I was fearless.

I was brave, and I worked really hard for something that I was passionate about. So I hope my experience can inspire you to be better and to become part of the leadership track. So thank you.