Session: Come for the Software, Stay for the Community. What makes the Drupal Community so special?
"Come for the Software, Stay for the Community" has been a slogan used about the Drupal Community for many years. So what makes it so special? What is it that we do in Drupal that means thousands of people have decided to make it their home over the last 19 years?
Rachel will talk about those things we have learned to do well, the places we have tripped up along the way and the things that we plan to do in the future to ensure that we always live up to our values and principles.
Rachel Lawson is the Community Liaison at the Drupal Association, spending her time providing an ear to the Drupal community whilst pushing forward initiatives to support the community such as the Event Organisers Working Group and her latest initiative; a total refresh of the Drupal Getting Involved Guide. Rachel has had the opportunity to experience the needs of many different sectors; including Education, Defence, Finance and Pharmaceutical Marketing. She is most often spotted these days travelling to events on her motorbike…