Session: Create a Community - that sticks, builds, consumes - and products worth building around
Great products imply great communities forming. What if you start the other way around? What if you create a community first, and then something worth building a community around?
Google, Apple, Microsoft, Unity, and fast-growing startups are making use of communities to build better, meaningful and unique products. Building a community around mundane and noise, no matter how hard you try, might be sisyphus work. What makes communities stick, build, disrupt, break the norm - together? Learn how to build, engage and use a community for building products or reinterpreting products in the space of open source AI products and/or products that survive hard times.
Takeaways: building steps, real examples, community at work practice.
In-Focus: Open source AI products; products that survive hard times.
Product builder with a mission to help shape our tomorrow through a multidisciplinary use of deep tech technologies at scale. Advocating for accelerating the understanding and use of AI through applied use-cases. AI Product Strategist, Bucharest AI CoFounder, Applied AI Pod podcast host.