Diversity is being invited to the party - Inclusion is being asked to dance

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Embrace Digital Diversity: The Key to Enhancing User Experiences

Hello there! My name's Saskia and I specialize in assisting individuals and organizations harness their full digital potential. In the vast digital landscape, one size certainly doesn't fit all and dozens of factors need consideration to ensure successful online experiences. Today, let's take a deep dive into the world of digitalization and diversity, examining how, as an essential tool, it can enhance our interactions and capabilities.

Understanding the Digital Landscape

Modern life has us wrapped up nicely in digital convenience. We glide through our days with our smartphones clutched in one hand, coffee in the other. Whether it's a quick email to our colleague via Asana, order dinner while we're still on the road, or rely on Netflix for entertainment, digital convenience is a constant. Digitalization has seamlessly integrated itself into our routines, continually striving for improvement and ease. Nevertheless, alongside this ease often comes confusion.

Digitalization as a Tool

Digitalization is a tool that mirrors our desires and capabilities. It achieves colossal success in areas that enable us to connect with people, businesses, and services better than ever before. Think Facebook and LinkedIn, just two of many platforms encouraging instantaneous interaction. However, digitalization isn't just about the technology; it's about people. To be more specific, customers and employees. Thus, logic dictates that humans must take the center stage in our digital strategy.

The Importance of Diversity in Digitalization

When creating or adopting digital products, it's paramount to factor in diverse human perspectives. Why is this relevant? The more diverse and inclusive decision-making groups are, the less likely we are to create products that assume 'one size fits all.' Diversity involves many dimensions, including age, sexual orientation, mental and physical health, cultural backgrounds, and more.

Embracing Our Diversity

Understanding who we are and acknowledging our unique traits and preferences are vital. Doing so allows us to identify our needs and gain confidence in demanding digital tools that accommodate these needs rather than adjusting ourselves to these tools' limitations. Companies can mirror this change by fostering diverse and inclusive work environments.

Driving Change at Company Level

  • Implement skill-based hiring practices rather than sticking to specific job titles.
  • Consider your customer group as diverse and aim to satisfy their unique needs.
  • Make your decision-making teams diverse and inclusive.
  • Solicit and act on feedback from employees with diverse skills.

Though this may seem like an uphill task, various studies back the benefits of diverse and inclusive workplaces, including higher financial outcomes.

Adopting Technology the Right Way

While the adoption of advanced technologies, such as Blockchain, may seem like the way forward, it's crucial to pause and consider their practical implications. Primarily, we need to identify the problem we aim to solve and establish whether new technology is needed for resolution. Often, less complex solutions may provide a better fit.


In this rapidly evolving digital world, we must keep the doors open to diversity and inclusion, welcoming all to participate in the digital evolution. Let's celebrate our unique traits and needs and dance together in this exciting digital party. After all, diverse perspectives will only enrich our digital experiences.

Video Transcription

So about myself. My name is Saskia. I help people develop their full digital potential. On the one hand, I do that through supporting companies with many different fields that are out there in the landscape.And I also help individuals by supporting them finding their own definition and way of a quick note, I talk, I have a time frame of now 15 minutes. Um This is going to be tough learning and information, but that you will not take questions during the talk about as they occur. And after presentation, I will say in the room. But um so I experienced some minor internet troubles today. If you cannot read everything that is on the slides, don't worry, they just to say so you will not miss anything. If you just listen to me, we'll also provide the slides online for you today. It's the totalization that makes the walk around and we enjoy it, don't we? We have the coffee on one hand in the morning, the smartphone in the other. We don't really miss the times where we had our commute Neighbors newspaper in the MA I do. So then we're at work. We're sending a colleague in Azana. We're writing a quick email to our lunch aid. Are we still on way more comfortable than running through the whole office? Right on the way home.

Can anybody grab noodles from the supermarket or we order our dinner deliver route while we're still on the road. We are streaming cable TV has actually really become boring. So, how would be thy Netflix? Right. And now I want to ask you, how many times were you screaming internally wanting to interrupt me and saying like, ah actually reading the name payroll and payroll task and Sana, where exactly was that button? That makes it so easy lunch, invite via mail. Can a person finally have a confirmed invite with time and day? And the dinner order is a very, very narrow time window and then half hour. Yeah, and then Netflix position overload too many things to watch, too less time to do. So can't compute decision. How did we get there after all? What promise that the digitalization is here to make our lives easy? We have to understand that digitalization is merely a tool. It enhances what we as people can and want to. It is a sub immensely but it is a tool nevertheless. And where digitalization really strikes and pleases the masses. So to say is what make us connect with other people. Obvious examples for that Facebook and linkedin. Less obvious examples of connections are for example, and that also means that digitalization is about the people.

It's about the customers, your employees having said that. Isn't it logical that humans have to stand in the center of all digitalization strategy concern. Not mostly we're only looking for a small part of humankind decision on how we use digitalization because the world we live in is what it is. These heads are mostly male, have a university degree and when you are mostly what on one side, CEO S and hats have the final say of which digital products are produced. Think of my jobs, Tim Cook. I could go on with the list forever. All white, all male and had at least is really, really high class. On the other side, you have the CEO S of the companies who decide to use the technique, the same category and now think of ourselves and how you make decisions. Think of your favorite app. Why do you love it? So makes it your life easier, easily, understandable and accessible for you. Now think of your partner. Do they like the app as well? It's prerequisites to use an app. Do they maybe even refuse to use the app because they can't see the use for them how it works.

What the more homogenous decision making groups are, the more products we have that are designed after the motto one by one size must fit all because there's nobody that makes them of the obstacles and not just that because they seem to assume they know the same as we do and actively leave out something crucial information to not bother the others with unnecessary information.

The higher we make these groups, the more people we leave out, these people will never use their products, they never use it to their full potential. How many nicely gamified things are UX designing clits. The app will just not meet their needs. Can we account they work for everybody and actually there are some levels we can work towards a better, let's say with ourselves that be the change we want to see in the world, right? Diversity contests of so many layers, color, most visible ones are only two dimensions of what diversity means. We can talk of so many things we can of age, sexuality, we think our physical health, our mental health uh where we come from, all the influences culture, all of these different light layers about diversity. So to know what we need to know how weak the best we need to know who we are. What we use technological things to have digital tools supports us in when we need to understand we, right? So if we know what we need, we gain the confidence to ask what we want so that digitalization doesn't just have empower ourselves by adjusting the tool to our needs, not the other way around and get more relaxed with the use of it and some meet the digital needs of others.

If we know how these things work and how we interact with it, dealing with the temporary unpleasantness becomes not just about us individually. The biggest part lies in companies, the ones who create technology and the ones who use it as if many different. But we only see diversity in narrow categories. A lot of times companies are aware how it looks if we don't. So they hire a woman, set her at the board table and then never hire anyone. We already have support that diversity concept campaign. But then I like, see here we're interested in our input. Never create a position in the company. How do you know that openly identify as trans? How many persons representing a company? Do you know who have authors highest paid female CEO in the complete United States in the year 2014? And she spent the first half of a year as a man on Saturday Night life at the beginning of May. We know that Elon Musk has actually as suppose, yes, we need for doing in our product. We cannot run towards every direction all at the same time. That is impossible, time wise. And it's not really resolved. What kind of message do we send with this? Putting a woman in the board, makes a company look, think again, a university is the reality already. We all have different in our way or another.

And the topic has gained quite a bit of attention lately, matter how much are you willing to act on what your customers tell you about their needs and customers now are more and to meet their needs with that. You also need to be aware in today's time, everything you do or don't do that when you're trying to fit everybody in a nicely organized tidy box and you're not willing to react on the messy lives of your customer willingly or not saying you're not important enough to me to care about your needs.

My comfort as a company stands over your need, do you really want to groom that image summarize the driver of digital technologies? Are we as human beings? And our need to create a human connection with each other, homogeneous and design, create products for homogenous customer groups.

And the statement we give out of averse customer group with that is equally homogenous. Well, we also found a key on an individual level. We can embrace our own diverse trades. We can get to know us better our capabilities, our unique trade companies. On the other hand, has to ask, ask themselves, what's the decent to do for those companies? I have good news because it's relatively easy to implement a working and some team make it about the skills, make your company accessible without job title, dear customer group as diverse.

There are not many needs you give with their own needs and their own wants. Find this out given that your customers will be more loyal than ever before and make the teams of decision makers diverse and inclusive, include the people that do not say that the same, let the parameters of your product be designed by diverse product teams. This can indeed save you a lot of pain in the development and protect you actually from a major pr design. Not about acting on diversity will not always be easy. So easy in the past is that you had people who thought alike, their way to come to decision was alike. Diverse team do way harder in these teams than it has ever been before. The new solution brings more hurdles. At the same time, these teams are with a better makes the company more success and studies from several consulting firms back these findings, the degree with the general degree of diversity in a society. But all countries were looked at can present higher financial outcome for the companies process and inclusive working environment. And let me stress this inclusion being the key word here.

If you just hire kind diverse skills or act on what they need, they will not feel valued and they will leave again in addition to everything else that's going wrong, pension rate for everybody. If individual or company, we need to focus very much on, we need to stop focusing so much on that. We see a cool thing and ask ourselves what problem can we solve with this? Perhaps you ask yourself why you want to solve that problem. Is it even let you two examples about it with freelancers who come to me and say I need a website and I ask them why they need the website. They mostly answer yes. Keep it requires. If linkedin works perfectly well for you to present your in companies, the most common turn to this is that this technology, this new fancy technology can boost your profit. Take Blockchain. Everybody hears how Blockchain can cure your company data. I want to use Blockchain.

But do you even know what it is? What it does to yourself? Is there really a good use case in your to ask that good use case or are you just very, very excited about the technology? Hype? The question you should be asking yourself are what do they expect from you? How can you solve that problem? What can you help, what can help you do that? And the most likely, however, it's something far less complex that helps you serve most of it's already out there. We've already opened the gates to the party. Marginalized groups have fought hard to keep these doors open. We want to participate in the digital world and then let's all dance together.